pwp ibkwr mnUr siB ldy bhu BwrI ] (1248-1)
paap bikaar manoor sabh laday baho bhaaree.
Their sin and corruption are like rusty slag; they carry such a heavy load.
mwrgu ibKmu frwvxw ikau qrIAY qwrI ] (1248-1)
maarag bikham daraavanaa ki-o taree-ai taaree.
The path is treacherous and terrifying; how can they cross over to the other side?
nwnk guir rwKy sy aubry hir nwim auDwrI ]27] (1248-2)
naanak gur raakhay say ubray har naam uDhaaree. ||27||
O Nanak, those whom the Guru protects are saved. They are saved in the Name of the Lord. ||27||
slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
ivxu siqgur syvy suKu nhI mir jMmih vwro vwr ] (1248-2)
vin satgur sayvay sukh nahee mar jameh vaaro vaar.
Without serving the True Guru, no one finds peace; mortals die and are reborn, over and over again.
moh TgaulI pweIAnu bhu dUjY Bwie ivkwr ] (1248-3)
moh thag-ulee paa-ee-an baho doojai bhaa-ay vikaar.
They have been given the drug of emotional attachment; in love with duality, they are totally corrupt.
ieik gur prswdI aubry iqsu jn kau krih siB nmskwr ] (1248-3)
ik gur parsaadee ubray tis jan ka-o karahi sabh namaskaar.
Some are saved, by Guru's Grace. Everyone humbly bows before such humble beings.
nwnk Anidnu nwmu iDAwie qU AMqir ijqu pwvih moK duAwr ]1] (1248-4)
naanak an-din naam Dhi-aa-ay too antar jit paavahi mokh du-aar. ||1||
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, deep within yourself, day and night. You shall find the Door of Salvation. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (1248-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
mwieAw moih ivswirAw scu mrxw hir nwmu ] (1248-5)
maa-i-aa mohi visaari-aa sach marnaa har naam.
Emotionally attached to Maya, the mortal forgets truth, death and the Name of the Lord.
DMDw kriqAw jnmu gieAw AMdir duKu shwmu ] (1248-5)
DhanDhaa karti-aa janam ga-i-aa andar dukh sahaam.
Engaged in worldly affairs, his life wastes away; deep within himself, he suffers in pain.
nwnk siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw ijn@ pUrib iliKAw krwmu ]2] (1248-6)
naanak satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa jinH poorab likhi-aa karaam. ||2||
O Nanak, those who have the karma of such pre-ordained destiny, serve the True Guru and find peace. ||2||
pauVI ] (1248-6)
lyKw pVIAY hir nwmu iPir lyKu n hoeI ] (1248-6)
laykhaa parhee-ai har naam fir laykh na ho-ee.
Read the account of the Name of the Lord, and you shall never again be called to account.
puiC n skY koie hir dir sd FoeI ] (1248-7)
puchh na sakai ko-ay har dar sad dho-ee.
No one will question you, and you will always be safe in the Court of the Lord.
jmkwlu imlY dy Byt syvku inq hoeI ] (1248-7)
jamkaal milai day bhayt sayvak nit ho-ee.
The Messenger of Death will meet you, and be your constant servant.
pUry gur qy mhlu pwieAw piq prgtu loeI ] (1248-8)
pooray gur tay mahal paa-i-aa pat pargat lo-ee.
Through the Perfect Guru, you shall find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. You shall be famous throughout the world.
nwnk Anhd DunI dir vjdy imilAw hir soeI ]28] (1248-8)
naanak anhad Dhunee dar vajday mili-aa har so-ee. ||28||
O Nanak, the unstruck celestial melody vibrates at your door; come and merge with the Lord. ||28||
slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
gur kw kihAw jy kry suKI hU suKu swru ] (1248-9)
gur kaa kahi-aa jay karay sukhee hoo sukh saar.
Whoever follows the Guru's Teachings, attains the most sublime peace of all peace.
gur kI krxI Bau ktIAY nwnk pwvih pwru ]1] (1248-9)
gur kee karnee bha-o katee-ai naanak paavahi paar. ||1||
Acting in accordance with the Guru, his fear is cut away; O Nanak, he is carried across. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (1248-10)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
scu purwxw nw QIAY nwmu n mYlw hoie ] (1248-10)
sach puraanaa naa thee-ai naam na mailaa ho-ay.
The True Lord does not grow old; His Naam is never dirtied.
gur kY BwxY jy clY bhuiV n Awvxu hoie ] (1248-10)
gur kai bhaanai jay chalai bahurh na aavan ho-ay.
Whoever walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, shall not be reborn again.
nwnk nwim ivswirAY Awvx jwxw doie ]2] (1248-11)
naanak naam visaari-ai aavan jaanaa do-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who forget the Naam, come and go in reincarnation. ||2||
pauVI ] (1248-11)
mMgq jnu jwcY dwnu hir dyhu suBwie ] (1248-11)
mangat jan jaachai daan har dayh subhaa-ay.
I am a beggar; I ask this blessing of You: O Lord, please embellish me with Your Love.
hir drsn kI ipAws hY drsin iqRpqwie ] (1248-12)
har darsan kee pi-aas hai darsan tariptaa-ai.
I am so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; His Darshan brings me satisfaction.
iKnu plu GVI n jIvaU ibnu dyKy mrW mwie ] (1248-12)
khin pal gharhee na jeev-oo bin daykhay maraaN maa-ay.
I cannot live for a moment, for even an instant, without seeing Him, O my mother.
siqguir nwil idKwilAw riv rihAw sB Qwie ] (1248-13)
satgur naal dikhaali-aa rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ay.
The Guru has shown me that the Lord is always with me; He is permeating and pervading all places.
suiqAw Awip auTwil dyie nwnk ilv lwie ]29] (1248-13)
suti-aa aap uthaal day-ay naanak liv laa-ay. ||29||
He Himself wakes the sleepers, O Nanak, and lovingly attunes them to Himself. ||29||
slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-14)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
mnmuK boil n jwxn@I Enw AMdir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] (1248-14)
manmukh bol na jaananHee onaa andar kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.
The self-willed manmukhs do not even know how to speak. They are filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism.
Qwau kuQwau n jwxnI sdw icqvih ibkwr ] (1248-15)
thaa-o kuthaa-o na jaannee sadaa chitvahi bikaar.
They do not know the difference between good and bad; they constantly think of corruption.
drgh lyKw mMgIAY EQY hoih kUiVAwr ] (1248-15)
dargeh laykhaa mangee-ai othai hohi koorhi-aar.
In the Lord's Court, they are called to account, and they are judged to be false.
Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awip kry bIcwru ] (1248-16)
aapay sarisat upaa-ee-an aap karay beechaar.
He Himself creates the Universe. He Himself contemplates it.
nwnk iks no AwKIAY sBu vrqY Awip sicAwru ]1] (1248-16)
naanak kis no aakhee-ai sabh vartai aap sachiaar. ||1||
O Nanak, whom should we tell? The True Lord is permeating and pervading all. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (1248-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
hir gurmuiK iqn@I ArwiDAw ijn@ krim prwpiq hoie ] (1248-17)
har gurmukh tinHee araaDhi-aa jinH karam paraapat ho-ay.
The Gurmukhs worship and adore the Lord; they receive the good karma of their actions.
nwnk hau bilhwrI iqn@ kau ijn@ hir min visAw soie ]2] (1248-17)
naanak ha-o balihaaree tinH ka-o jinH har man vasi-aa so-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those whose minds are filled with the Lord. ||2||
pauVI ] (1248-18)
Aws kry sBu loku bhu jIvxu jwixAw ] (1248-18)
aas karay sabh lok baho jeevan jaani-aa.
All people cherish hope, that they will live long lives.
inq jIvx kau icqu gV@ mMfp svwirAw ] (1248-18)
nit jeevan ka-o chit garhH mandap savaari-aa.
They wish to live forever; they adorn and embellish their forts and mansions.
vlvMc kir aupwv mwieAw ihir AwixAw ] (1248-19)
valvanch kar upaav maa-i-aa hir aani-aa.
By various frauds and deceptions, they steal the wealth of others.
jmkwlu inhwly sws Awv GtY byqwilAw ] (1248-19)
jamkaal nihaalay saas aav ghatai baytaali-aa.
But the Messenger of Death keeps his gaze on their breath, and the life of those goblins decreases day by day.