Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pauVI ] (1247-1)

giV@ kwieAw sIgwr bhu BWiq bxweI ] (1247-1)
garheh kaa-i-aa seegaar baho bhaaNt banaa-ee.
The fortress of the body has been decorated and adorned in so many ways.

rMg prMg kqIiPAw pihrih Dr mweI ] (1247-1)
rang parang kateefi-aa pahirahi Dhar maa-ee.
The wealthy wear beautiful silk robes of various colors.

lwl supyd dulIicAw bhu sBw bxweI ] (1247-2)
laal supayd duleechi-aa baho sabhaa banaa-ee.
They hold elegant and beautiful courts, on red and white carpets.

duKu Kwxw duKu Bogxw grbY grbweI ] (1247-2)
dukh khaanaa dukh bhognaa garbai garbaa-ee.
But they eat in pain, and in pain they seek pleasure; they are very proud of their pride.

nwnk nwmu n cyiqE AMiq ley CfweI ]24] (1247-2)
naanak naam na chayti-o ant la-ay chhadaa-ee. ||24||
O Nanak, the mortal does not even think of the Name, which shall deliver him in the end. ||24||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1247-3)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

shjy suiK suqI sbid smwie ] (1247-3)
sehjay sukh sutee sabad samaa-ay.
She sleeps in intuitive peace and poise, absorbed in the Word of the Shabad.

Awpy pRiB myil leI gil lwie ] (1247-3)
aapay parabh mayl la-ee gal laa-ay.
God hugs her close in His Embrace, and merges her into Himself.

duibDw cUkI shij suBwie ] (1247-4)
dubiDhaa chookee sahj subhaa-ay.
Duality is eradicated with intuitive ease.

AMqir nwmu visAw min Awie ] (1247-4)
antar naam vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The Naam comes to abide in her mind.

sy kMiT lwey ij BMin GVwie ] (1247-4)
say kanth laa-ay je bhann gharhaa-ay.
He hugs close in His Embrace those who shatter and reform their beings.

nwnk jo Duir imly sy huix Awix imlwie ]1] (1247-5)
naanak jo Dhur milay say hun aan milaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, those who are predestined to meet Him, come and meet Him now. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1247-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw ikAw jpu jwpih hoir ] (1247-5)
jinHee naam visaari-aa ki-aa jap jaapeh hor.
Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord - so what if they chant other chants?

ibstw AMdir kIt sy muTy DMDY coir ] (1247-6)
bistaa andar keet say muthay DhanDhai chor.
They are maggots in manure, plundered by the thief of worldly entanglements.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY JUTy lwlc hoir ]2] (1247-6)
naanak naam na veesrai jhoothay laalach hor. ||2||
O Nanak, never forget the Naam; greed for anything else is false. ||2||

pauVI ] (1247-7)

nwmu slwhin nwmu mMin AsiQru jig soeI ] (1247-7)
naam salaahan naam man asthir jag so-ee.
Those who praise the Naam, and believe in the Naam, are eternally stable in this world.

ihrdY hir hir icqvY dUjw nhI koeI ] (1247-7)
hirdai har har chitvai doojaa nahee ko-ee.
Within their hearts, they dwell on the Lord, and nothing else at all.

roim roim hir aucrY iKnu iKnu hir soeI ] (1247-8)
rom rom har uchrai khin khin har so-ee.
With each and every hair, they chant the Lord's Name, each and every instant, the Lord.

gurmuiK jnmu skwrQw inrmlu mlu KoeI ] (1247-8)
gurmukh janam sakaarthaa nirmal mal kho-ee.
The birth of the Gurmukh is fruitful and certified; pure and unstained, his filth is washed away.

nwnk jIvdw purKu iDAwieAw Amrw pdu hoeI ]25] (1247-8)
naanak jeevdaa purakh Dhi-aa-i-aa amraa pad ho-ee. ||25||
O Nanak, meditating on the Lord of eternal life, the status of immortality is obtained. ||25||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (1247-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw bhu krm kmwvih hoir ] (1247-9)
jinee naam visaari-aa baho karam kamaaveh hor.
Those who forget the Naam and do other things,

nwnk jm puir bDy mwrIAih ijau sMn@I aupir cor ]1] (1247-10)
naanak jam pur baDhay maaree-ah ji-o sanHee upar chor. ||1||
O Nanak, will be bound and gagged and beaten in the City of Death, like the thief caught red-handed. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (1247-10)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

Driq suhwvVI Awkwsu suhMdw jpMidAw hir nwau ] (1247-10)
Dharat suhaavarhee aakaas suhandaa japandi-aa har naa-o.
The earth is beauteous, and the sky is lovely, chanting the Name of the Lord.

nwnk nwm ivhUixAw iqn@ qn Kwvih kwau ]2] (1247-11)
naanak naam vihooni-aa tinH tan khaaveh kaa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, those who lack the Naam - their carcasses are eaten by the crows. ||2||

pauVI ] (1247-11)

nwmu slwhin Bwau kir inj mhlI vwsw ] (1247-12)
naam salaahan bhaa-o kar nij mahlee vaasaa.
Those who lovingly praise the Naam, and dwell in the mansion of the self deep within,

Eie bwhuiV join n AwvnI iPir hoih n ibnwsw ] (1247-12)
o-ay baahurh jon na aavnee fir hohi na binaasaa.
do not enter into reincarnation ever again; they shall never be destroyed.

hir syqI rMig riv rhy sB sws igrwsw ] (1247-13)
har saytee rang rav rahay sabh saas giraasaa.
They remain immersed and absorbed in the love of the Lord, with every breath and morsel of food.

hir kw rMgu kdy n auqrY gurmuiK prgwsw ] (1247-13)
har kaa rang kaday na utrai gurmukh pargaasaa.
The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; the Gurmukhs are enlightened.

Eie ikrpw kir kY myilAnu nwnk hir pwsw ]26] (1247-13)
o-ay kirpaa kar kai mayli-an naanak har paasaa. ||26||
Granting His Grace, He unites them with Himself; O Nanak, the Lord keeps them by His side. ||26||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1247-14)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ijcru iehu mnu lhrI ivic hY haumY bhuqu AhMkwru ] (1247-14)
jichar ih man lahree vich hai ha-umai bahut ahaNkaar.
As long as his mind is disturbed by waves, he is caught in ego and egotistical pride.

sbdY swdu n AwveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (1247-15)
sabdai saad na aavee naam na lagai pi-aar.
He does not find the taste of the Shabad, and he does not embrace love for the Name.

syvw Qwie n pveI iqs kI Kip Kip hoie KuAwru ] (1247-15)
sayvaa thaa-ay na pav-ee tis kee khap khap ho-ay khu-aar.
His service is not accepted; worrying and worrying, he wastes away in misery.

nwnk syvku soeI AwKIAY jo isru Dry auqwir ] (1247-16)
naanak sayvak so-ee aakhee-ai jo sir Dharay utaar.
O Nanak, he alone is called a selfless servant, who cuts off his head, and offers it to the Lord.

siqgur kw Bwxw mMin ley sbdu rKY aur Dwir ]1] (1247-16)
satgur kaa bhaanaa man la-ay sabad rakhai ur Dhaar. ||1||
He accepts the Will of the True Guru, and enshrines the Shabad within his heart. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1247-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

so jpu qpu syvw cwkrI jo KsmY BwvY ] (1247-17)
so jap tap sayvaa chaakree jo khasmai bhaavai.
That is chanting and meditation, work and selfless service, which is pleasing to our Lord and Master.

Awpy bKsy myil ley Awpqu gvwvY ] (1247-17)
aapay bakhsay mayl la-ay aapat gavaavai.
The Lord Himself forgives, and takes away self-conceit, and unites the mortals with Himself.

imilAw kdy n vICuVY joqI joiq imlwvY ] (1247-18)
mili-aa kaday na veechhurhai jotee jot milaavai.
United with the Lord, the mortal is never separated again; his light merges into the Light.

nwnk gur prswdI so buJsI ijsu Awip buJwvY ]2] (1247-18)
naanak gur parsaadee so bujhsee jis aap bujhaavai. ||2||
O Nanak, by Guru's Grace, the mortal understands, when the Lord allows him to understand. ||2||

pauVI ] (1247-19)

sBu ko lyKy ivic hY mnmuKu AhMkwrI ] (1247-19)
sabh ko laykhay vich hai manmukh ahaNkaaree.
All are held accountable, even the egotistical self-willed manmukhs.

hir nwmu kdy n cyqeI jmkwlu isir mwrI ] (1247-19)
har naam kaday na chayt-ee jamkaal sir maaree.
They never even think of the Name of the Lord; the Messenger of Death shall hit them on their heads.