Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1246 mnhu ij AMDy kUp kihAw ibrdu n jwxn@I ] (1246-1)manhu je anDhay koop kahi-aa birad na jaananHee. Those mortals whose minds are like deep dark pits do not understand the purpose of life, even when it is explained to them. min AMDY aUNDY kvil idsin@ Kry krUp ] (1246-1)man anDhai ooNDhai kaval disniH kharay karoop. Their minds are blind, and their heart-lotuses are upside-down; they look totally ugly. ieik kih jwxih kihAw buJih qy nr suGV srUp ] (1246-2)ik kahi jaaneh kahi-aa bujheh tay nar sugharh saroop. Some know how to speak, and understand what they are told. They are wise and beautiful. ieknw nwd n byd n gIA rsu rs ks n jwxMiq ] (1246-2)iknaa naad na bayd na gee-a ras ras kas na jaanant. Some do not understand about the Sound-current of the Naad or the Vedas, music, virtue or vice. ieknw suiD n buiD n Akil sr AKr kw Byau n lhMiq ] (1246-3)iknaa suDh na buDh na akal sar akhar kaa bhay-o na laahant. Some are not blessed with understanding, intelligence, or sublime intellect; they do not grasp the mystery of God's Word. nwnk sy nr Asil Kr ij ibnu gux grbu krMiq ]2] (1246-3)naanak say nar asal khar je bin gun garab karant. ||2|| O Nanak, they are donkeys; they are very proud of themselves, but they have no virtues at all. ||2|| pauVI ] (1246-4)pa-orhee. Pauree: gurmuiK sB pivqu hY Dnu sMpY mwieAw ] (1246-4)gurmukh sabh pavit hai Dhan sampai maa-i-aa. To the Gurmukh, everything is sacred: wealth, property, Maya. hir AriQ jo Krcdy dyNdy suKu pwieAw ] (1246-4)har arath jo kharchaday dayNday sukh paa-i-aa. Those who spend the wealth of the Lord find peace through giving. jo hir nwmu iDAwiedy iqn qoit n AwieAw ] (1246-5)jo har naam Dhi-aa-iday tin tot na aa-i-aa. Those who meditate on the Lord's Name shall never be deprived. gurmuKW ndrI Awvdw mwieAw suit pwieAw ] (1246-5)gurmukhaaN nadree aavdaa maa-i-aa sut paa-i-aa. The Gurmukhs come to see the Lord, and leave behind the things of Maya. nwnk BgqW horu iciq n AwveI hir nwim smwieAw ]22] (1246-6)naanak bhagtaaN hor chit na aavee har naam samaa-i-aa. ||22|| O Nanak, the devotees do not think of anything else; they are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||22|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1246-6)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: siqguru syvin sy vfBwgI ] (1246-7)satgur sayvan say vadbhaagee. Those who serve the True Guru are very fortunate. scY sbid ijn@w eyk ilv lwgI ] (1246-7)sachai sabad jinHaa ayk liv laagee. They are lovingly attuned to the True Shabad, the Word of the One God. igrh kutMb mih shij smwDI ] (1246-7)girah kutamb meh sahj samaaDhee. In their own household and family, they are in natural Samaadhi. nwnk nwim rqy sy scy bYrwgI ]1] (1246-8)naanak naam ratay say sachay bairaagee. ||1|| O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam are truly detached from the world. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1246-8)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: gxqY syv n hoveI kIqw Qwie n pwie ] (1246-8)gantai sayv na hova-ee keetaa thaa-ay na paa-ay. Calculated service is not service at all, and what is done is not approved. sbdY swdu n AwieE sic n lgo Bwau ] (1246-8)sabdai saad na aa-i-o sach na lago bhaa-o. The flavor of the Shabad, the Word of God, is not tasted if the mortal is not in love with the True Lord God. siqguru ipAwrw n lgeI mnhiT AwvY jwie ] (1246-9)satgur pi-aaraa na lag-ee manhath aavai jaa-ay. The stubborn-minded person does not even like the True Guru; he comes and goes in reincarnation. jy iek ivK Agwhw Bry qW ds ivKW ipCwhw jwie ] (1246-9)jay ik vikh agaahaa bharay taaN das vikhaaN pichhaahaa jaa-ay. He takes one step forward, and ten steps back. siqgur kI syvw cwkrI jy clih siqgur Bwie ] (1246-10)satgur kee sayvaa chaakree jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay. The mortal works to serve the True Guru, if he walks in harmony with the True Guru's Will. Awpu gvwie siqgurU no imlY shjy rhY smwie ] (1246-10)aap gavaa-ay satguroo no milai sehjay rahai samaa-ay. He loses his self-conceit, and meets the True Guru; he remains intuitively absorbed in the Lord. nwnk iqn@w nwmu n vIsrY scy myil imlwie ]2] (1246-11)naanak tinHaa naam na veesrai sachay mayl milaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, they never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord; they are united in Union with the True Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1246-11)pa-orhee. Pauree: Kwn mlUk khwiedy ko rhxu n pweI ] (1246-12)khaan malook kahaa-iday ko rahan na paa-ee. They call themselves emperors and rulers, but none of them will be allowed to stay. gV@ mMdr gc gIrIAw ikCu swiQ n jweI ] (1246-12)garhH mandar gach geeree-aa kichh saath na jaa-ee. Their sturdy forts and mansions - none of them will go along with them. soien swKiq paux vyg iDRgu iDRgu cqurweI ] (1246-12)so-in saakhat pa-un vayg Dharig Dharig chaturaa-ee. Their gold and horses, fast as the wind, are cursed, and cursed are their clever tricks. CqIh AMimRq prkwr krih bhu mYlu vDweI ] (1246-13)chhateeh amrit parkaar karahi baho mail vaDhaa-ee. Eating the thirty-six delicacies, they become bloated with pollution. nwnk jo dyvY iqsih n jwxn@I mnmuiK duKu pweI ]23] (1246-13)naanak jo dayvai tiseh na jaananHee manmukh dukh paa-ee. ||23|| O Nanak, the self-willed manmukh does not know the One who gives, and so he suffers in pain. ||23|| slok mÚ 3 ] (1246-14)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: piV@ piV@ pMifq muonI Qky dysMqr Biv Qky ByKDwrI ] (1246-14)parhH parhH pandit monee thakay daysantar bhav thakay bhaykh-Dhaaree. The Pandits, the religious scholars and the silent sages read and recite until they get tired. They wander through foreign lands in their religious robes, until they are exhausted. dUjY Bwie nwau kdy n pwiein duKu lwgw Aiq BwrI ] (1246-15)doojai bhaa-ay naa-o kaday na paa-in dukh laagaa at bhaaree. In love with duality, they never receive the Name. Held in the grasp of pain, they suffer terribly. mUrK AMDy qRY gux syvih mwieAw kY ibauhwrI ] (1246-15)moorakh anDhay tarai gun sayveh maa-i-aa kai bi-uhaaree. The blind fools serve the three gunas, the three dispositions; they deal only with Maya. AMdir kptu audru Brx kY qweI pwT pVih gwvwrI ] (1246-16)andar kapat udar bharan kai taa-ee paath parheh gaavaaree. With deception in their hearts, the fools read sacred texts to fill their bellies. siqguru syvy so suKu pwey ijn haumY ivchu mwrI ] (1246-16)satgur sayvay so sukh paa-ay jin ha-umai vichahu maaree. One who serves the True Guru finds peace; he eradicates egotism from within. nwnk pVxw gunxw ieku nwau hY bUJY ko bIcwrI ]1] (1246-17)naanak parh-naa gunnaa ik naa-o hai boojhai ko beechaaree. ||1|| O Nanak, there is One Name to chant and dwell on; how rare are those who reflect on this and understand. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1246-17)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: nWgy Awvxw nWgy jwxw hir hukmu pwieAw ikAw kIjY ] (1246-17)naaNgay aavnaa naaNgay jaanaa har hukam paa-i-aa ki-aa keejai. Naked we come, and naked we go. This is by the Lord's Command; what else can we do? ijs kI vsqu soeI lY jwiegw rosu iksY isau kIjY ] (1246-18)jis kee vasat so-ee lai jaa-igaa ros kisai si-o keejai. The object belongs to Him; He shall take it away; with whom should one be angry. gurmuiK hovY su Bwxw mMny shjy hir rsu pIjY ] (1246-19)gurmukh hovai so bhaanaa mannay sehjay har ras peejai. One who becomes Gurmukh accepts God's Will; he intuitively drinks in the Lord's sublime essence. nwnk suKdwqw sdw slwihhu rsnw rwmu rvIjY ]2] (1246-19)naanak sukh-daata sadaa salaahihu rasnaa raam raveejai. ||2|| O Nanak, praise the Giver of peace forever; with your tongue, savor the Lord. ||2|| |
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