Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gur prswdI Git cwnxw Awn@yru gvwieAw ] (1245-1)
gur parsaadee ghat chaannaa aanHayr gavaa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, the heart is illumined, and darkness is dispelled.

lohw pwris BytIAY kMcnu hoie AwieAw ] (1245-1)
lohaa paaras bhaytee-ai kanchan ho-ay aa-i-aa.
Iron is transformed into gold, when it touches the Philosopher's Stone.

nwnk siqguir imilAY nwau pweIAY imil nwmu iDAwieAw ] (1245-2)
naanak satgur mili-ai naa-o paa-ee-ai mil naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
O Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, the Name is obtained. Meeting Him, the mortal meditates on the Name.

ijn@ kY poqY puMnu hY iqn@I drsnu pwieAw ]19] (1245-2)
jinH kai potai punn hai tinHee darsan paa-i-aa. ||19||
Those who have virtue as their treasure, obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||19||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1245-3)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

iDRgu iqnw kw jIivAw ij iliK iliK vycih nwau ] (1245-3)
Dharig tinaa kaa jeevi-aa je likh likh vaycheh naa-o.
Cursed are the lives of those who read and write the Lord's Name to sell it.

KyqI ijn kI aujVY KlvwVy ikAw Qwau ] (1245-3)
khaytee jin kee ujrhai khalvaarhay ki-aa thaa-o.
Their crop is devastated - what harvest will they have?

scY srmY bwhry AgY lhih n dwid ] (1245-4)
sachai sarmai baahray agai laheh na daad.
Lacking truth and humility, they shall not be appreciated in the world hereafter.

Akil eyh n AwKIAY Akil gvweIAY bwid ] (1245-4)
akal ayh na aakhee-ai akal gavaa-ee-ai baad.
Wisdom which leads to arguments is not called wisdom.

AklI swihbu syvIAY AklI pweIAY mwnu ] (1245-5)
aklee saahib sayvee-ai aklee paa-ee-ai maan.
Wisdom leads us to serve our Lord and Master; through wisdom, honor is obtained.

AklI piV@ kY buJIAY AklI kIcY dwnu ] (1245-5)
aklee parhH kai bujhee-ai aklee keechai daan.
Wisdom does not come by reading textbooks; wisdom inspires us to give in charity.

nwnku AwKY rwhu eyhu hoir glW sYqwnu ]1] (1245-6)
naanak aakhai raahu ayhu hor galaaN saitaan. ||1||
Says Nanak, this is the Path; other things lead to Satan. ||1||

mÚ 2 ] (1245-6)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

jYsw krY khwvY qYsw AYsI bnI jrUriq ] (1245-6)
jaisaa karai kahaavai taisaa aisee banee jaroorat.
Mortals are known by their actions; this is the way it has to be.

hovih ilµ| iJM| nh hovih AYsI khIAY sUriq ] (1245-7)
hoveh liny jhiny nah hoveh aisee kahee-ai soorat.
They should show goodness, and not be deformed by their actions; this is how they are called beautiful.

jo Esu ieCy so Plu pwey qW nwnk khIAY mUriq ]2] (1245-7)
jo os ichhay so fal paa-ay taaN naanak kahee-ai moorat. ||2||
Whatever they desire, they shall receive; O Nanak, they become the very image of God. ||2||

pauVI ] (1245-8)

siqguru AMimRq ibrKu hY AMimRq ris PilAw ] (1245-8)
satgur amrit birakh hai amrit ras fali-aa.
The True Guru is the tree of ambrosia. it bears the fruit of sweet nectar.

ijsu prwpiq so lhY gur sbdI imilAw ] (1245-8)
jis paraapat so lahai gur sabdee mili-aa.
He alone receives it, who is so pre-destined, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

siqgur kY BwxY jo clY hir syqI rilAw ] (1245-9)
satgur kai bhaanai jo chalai har saytee rali-aa.
One who walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru, is blended with the Lord.

jmkwlu joih n skeI Git cwnxu bilAw ] (1245-9)
jamkaal johi na sak-ee ghat chaanan bali-aa.
The Messenger of Death cannot even see him; his heart is illumined with God's Light.

nwnk bKis imlwieAnu iPir griB n gilAw ]20] (1245-10)
naanak bakhas milaa-i-an fir garabh na gali-aa. ||20||
O Nanak, God forgives him, and blends him with Himself; he does not rot away in the womb of reincarnation ever again. ||20||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1245-10)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

scu vrqu sMqoKu qIrQu igAwnu iDAwnu iesnwnu ] (1245-10)
sach varat santokh tirath gi-aan Dhi-aan isnaan.
Those who have truth as their fast, contentment as their sacred shrine of pilgrimage, spiritual wisdom and meditation as their cleansing bath,

dieAw dyvqw iKmw jpmwlI qy mwxs prDwn ] (1245-11)
da-i-aa dayvtaa khimaa japmaalee tay maanas parDhaan.
kindness as their deity, and forgiveness as their chanting beads - they are the most excellent people.

jugiq DoqI suriq caukw iqlku krxI hoie ] (1245-11)
jugat Dhotee surat cha-ukaa tilak karnee ho-ay.
Those who take the Way as their loincloth, and intuitive awareness their ritualistically purified enclosure, with good deeds their ceremonial forehead mark,

Bwau Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw q koeI koie ]1] (1245-12)
bhaa-o bhojan naankaa virlaa ta ko-ee ko-ay. ||1||
and love their food - O Nanak, they are very rare. ||1||

mhlw 3 ] (1245-12)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

naumI nymu scu jy krY ] (1245-12)
na-umee naym sach jay karai.
On the ninth day of the month, make a vow to speak the Truth,

kwm k®oDu iqRsnw aucrY ] (1245-13)
kaam kroDh tarisnaa uchrai.
and your sexual desire, anger and desire shall be eaten up.

dsmI dsy duAwr jy TwkY eykwdsI eyku kir jwxY ] (1245-13)
dasmee dasay du-aar jay thaakai aykaadasee ayk kar jaanai.
On the tenth day, regulate your ten doors; on the eleventh day, know that the Lord is One.

duAwdsI pMc vsgiq kir rwKY qau nwnk mnu mwnY ] (1245-13)
du-aadasee panch vasgat kar raakhai ta-o naanak man maanai.
On the twelfth day, the five thieves are subdued, and then, O Nanak, the mind is pleased and appeased.

AYsw vrqu rhIjY pwfy hor bhuqu isK ikAw dIjY ]2] (1245-14)
aisaa varat raheejai paaday hor bahut sikh ki-aa deejai. ||2||
Observe such a fast as this, O Pandit, O religious scholar; of what use are all the other teachings? ||2||

pauVI ] (1245-15)

BUpiq rwjy rMg rwie sMcih ibKu mwieAw ] (1245-15)
bhoopat raajay rang raa-ay saNcheh bikh maa-i-aa.
Kings, rulers and monarchs enjoy pleasures and gather the poison of Maya.

kir kir hyqu vDwiedy pr drbu curwieAw ] (1245-15)
kar kar hayt vaDhaa-iday par darab churaa-i-aa.
In love with it, they collect more and more, stealing the wealth of others.

puqR klqR n ivshih bhu pRIiq lgwieAw ] (1245-16)
putar kaltar na vishahi baho pareet lagaa-i-aa.
They do not trust their own children or spouses; they are totally attached to the love of Maya.

vyKidAw hI mwieAw Duih geI pCuqih pCuqwieAw ] (1245-16)
vaykh-di-aa hee maa-i-aa Dhuhi ga-ee pachhuteh pachhutaa-i-aa.
But even as they look on, Maya cheats them, and they come to regret and repent.

jm dir bDy mwrIAih nwnk hir BwieAw ]21] (1245-17)
jam dar baDhay maaree-ah naanak har bhaa-i-aa. ||21||
Bound and gagged at Death's door, they are beaten and punished; O Nanak, it pleases the Will of the Lord. ||21||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1245-17)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

igAwn ivhUxw gwvY gIq ] (1245-17)
gi-aan vihoonaa gaavai geet.
The one who lacks spiritual wisdom sings religious songs.

BuKy mulW Gry msIiq ] (1245-17)
bhukhay mulaaN gharay maseet.
The hungry Mullah turns his home into a mosque.

mKtU hoie kY kMn pVwey ] (1245-18)
makhtoo ho-ay kai kann parhaa-ay.
The lazy unemployed has his ears pierced to look like a Yogi.

Pkru kry horu jwiq gvwey ] (1245-18)
fakar karay hor jaat gavaa-ay.
Someone else becomes a pan-handler, and loses his social status.

guru pIru sdwey mMgx jwie ] (1245-18)
gur peer sadaa-ay mangan jaa-ay.
One who calls himself a guru or a spiritual teacher, while he goes around begging

qw kY mUil n lgIAY pwie ] (1245-19)
taa kai mool na lagee-ai paa-ay.
- don't ever touch his feet.

Gwil Kwie ikCu hQhu dyie ] (1245-19)
ghaal khaa-ay kichh hathahu day-ay.
One who works for what he eats, and gives some of what he has

nwnk rwhu pCwxih syie ]1] (1245-19)
naanak raahu pachhaaneh say-ay. ||1||
- O Nanak, he knows the Path. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1246-1)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl: