Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


bydu vpwrI igAwnu rwis krmI plY hoie ] (1244-1)
bayd vapaaree gi-aan raas karmee palai ho-ay.
The Vedas are only merchants; spiritual wisdom is the capital; by His Grace, it is received.

nwnk rwsI bwhrw lid n cilAw koie ]2] (1244-1)
naanak raasee baahraa lad na chali-aa ko-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, without capital, no one has ever departed with profit. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-2)

inMmu ibrKu bhu sMcIAY AMimRq rsu pwieAw ] (1244-2)
nimm birakh baho sanchee-ai amrit ras paa-i-aa.
You can water a bitter neem tree with ambrosial nectar.

ibsIAru mMiqR ivswhIAY bhu dUDu pIAwieAw ] (1244-2)
bisee-ar mantar visaahee-ai baho dooDh pee-aa-i-aa.
You can feed a venomous snake lots of milk.

mnmuKu AiBMnu n iBjeI pQru nwvwieAw ] (1244-3)
manmukh abhinn na bhij-ee pathar navaa-i-aa.
The self-willed manmukh is resistant; he cannot be softened. You might as well water a stone.

ibKu mih AMimRqu isMcIAY ibKu kw Plu pwieAw ] (1244-3)
bikh meh amrit sinchee-ai bikh kaa fal paa-i-aa.
Irrigating a poisonous plant with ambrosial nectar, only poisonous fruit is obtained.

nwnk sMgiq myil hir sB ibKu lih jwieAw ]16] (1244-4)
naanak sangat mayl har sabh bikh leh jaa-i-aa. ||16||
O Lord, please unite Nanak with the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, so that he may be rid of all poison. ||16||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1244-4)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

mrix n mUrqu puiCAw puCI iQiq n vwru ] (1244-4)
maran na moorat puchhi-aa puchhee thit na vaar.
Death does not ask the time; it does not ask the date or the day of the week.

iekn@I lidAw ieik lid cly iekn@I bDy Bwr ] (1244-5)
iknHee ladi-aa ik lad chalay iknHee baDhay bhaar.
Some have packed up, and some who have packed up have gone.

iekn@w hoeI swKqI iekn@w hoeI swr ] (1244-5)
iknHaa ho-ee saakh-tee iknHaa ho-ee saar.
Some are severely punished, and some are taken care of.

lskr sxY dmwimAw Cuty bMk duAwr ] (1244-6)
laskar sanai damaami-aa chhutay bank du-aar.
They must leave their armies and drums, and their beautiful mansions.

nwnk FyrI Cwru kI BI iPir hoeI Cwr ]1] (1244-6)
naanak dhayree chhaar kee bhee fir ho-ee chhaar. ||1||
O Nanak, the pile of dust is once again reduced to dust. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1244-7)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

nwnk FyrI Fih peI imtI sMdw kotu ] (1244-7)
naanak dhayree dheh pa-ee mitee sandaa kot.
O Nanak, the pile shall fall apart; the fortress of the body is made of dust.

BIqir coru bhwilAw Kotu vy jIAw Kotu ]2] (1244-7)
bheetar chor bahaali-aa khot vay jee-aa khot. ||2||
The thief has settled within you; O soul, your life is false. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-8)

ijn AMdir inMdw dustu hY nk vFy nk vFwieAw ] (1244-8)
jin andar nindaa dusat hai nak vadhay nak vaDhaa-i-aa.
Those who are filled with vicious slander, shall have their noses cut, and be shamed.

mhw krUp duKIey sdw kwly muh mwieAw ] (1244-8)
mahaa karoop dukhee-ay sadaa kaalay muh maa-i-aa.
They are totally ugly, and always in pain. Their faces are blackened by Maya.

Blky auiT inq pr drbu ihrih hir nwmu curwieAw ] (1244-9)
bhalkay uth nit par darab hireh har naam churaa-i-aa.
They rise early in the morning, to cheat and steal from others; they hide from the Lord's Name.

hir jIau iqn kI sMgiq mq krhu riK lyhu hir rwieAw ] (1244-9)
har jee-o tin kee sangat mat karahu rakh layho har raa-i-aa.
O Dear Lord, let me not even associate with them; save me from them, O my Sovereign Lord King.

nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvdy mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]17] (1244-10)
naanak pa-i-ai kirat kamaavday manmukh dukh paa-i-aa. ||17||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs act according to their past deeds, producing nothing but pain. ||17||

slok mÚ 4 ] (1244-10)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

sBu koeI hY Ksm kw Ksmhu sBu ko hoie ] (1244-11)
sabh ko-ee hai khasam kaa khasmahu sabh ko ho-ay.
Everyone belongs to our Lord and Master. Everyone came from Him.

hukmu pCwxY Ksm kw qw scu pwvY koie ] (1244-11)
hukam pachhaanai khasam kaa taa sach paavai ko-ay.
Only by realizing the Hukam of His Command, is Truth obtained.

gurmuiK Awpu pCwxIAY burw n dIsY koie ] (1244-11)
gurmukh aap pachhaanee-ai buraa na deesai ko-ay.
The Gurmukh realizes his own self; no one appears evil to him.

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY sihlw AwieAw soie ]1] (1244-12)
naanak gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sahilaa aa-i-aa so-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Fruitful is his coming into the world. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1244-13)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

sBnw dwqw Awip hY Awpy mylxhwru ] (1244-13)
sabhnaa daataa aap hai aapay maylanhaar.
He Himself is the Giver of all; He unites all with Himself.

nwnk sbid imly n ivCuVih ijnw syivAw hir dwqwru ]2] (1244-13)
naanak sabad milay na vichhurheh jinaa sayvi-aa har daataar. ||2||
O Nanak, they are united with the Word of the Shabad; serving the Lord, the Great Giver, they shall never be separated from Him again. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-14)

gurmuiK ihrdY sWiq hY nwau augiv AwieAw ] (1244-14)
gurmukh hirdai saaNt hai naa-o ugav aa-i-aa.
Peace and tranquility fill the heart of the Gurmukh; the Name wells up within them.

jp qp qIrQ sMjm kry myry pRB BwieAw ] (1244-14)
jap tap tirath sanjam karay mayray parabh bhaa-i-aa.
Chanting and meditation, penance and self-discipline, and bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage - the merits of these come by pleasing my God.

ihrdw suDu hir syvdy sohih gux gwieAw ] (1244-15)
hirdaa suDh har sayvday soheh gun gaa-i-aa.
So serve the Lord with a pure heart; singing His Glorious Praises, you shall be embellished and exalted.

myry hir jIau eyvY Bwvdw gurmuiK qrwieAw ] (1244-15)
mayray har jee-o ayvai bhaavdaa gurmukh taraa-i-aa.
My Dear Lord is pleased by this; he carries the Gurmukh across.

nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu hir dir sohwieAw ]18] (1244-16)
naanak gurmukh mayli-an har dar sohaa-i-aa. ||18||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is merged with the Lord; he is embellished in His Court. ||18||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1244-16)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

DnvMqw iev hI khY AvrI Dn kau jwau ] (1244-16)
Dhanvantaa iv hee kahai avree Dhan ka-o jaa-o.
Thus speaks the wealthy man: I should go and get more wealth.

nwnku inrDnu iqqu idin ijqu idin ivsrY nwau ]1] (1244-17)
naanak nirDhan tit din jit din visrai naa-o. ||1||
Nanak becomes poor on that day when he forgets the Lord's Name. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1244-17)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sUrju cVY ivjoig sBsY GtY Awrjw ] (1244-17)
sooraj charhai vijog sabhsai ghatai aarjaa.
The sun rises and sets, and the lives of all run out.

qnu mnu rqw Boig koeI hwrY ko ijxY ] (1244-18)
tan man rataa bhog ko-ee haarai ko jinai.
The mind and body experience pleasures; one loses, and another wins.

sBu ko BirAw PUik AwKix khix n QMm@IAY ] (1244-18)
sabh ko bhari-aa fook aakhan kahan na thamH-ee-ai.
Everyone is puffed up with pride; even after they are spoken to, they do not stop.

nwnk vyKY Awip PUk kFwey Fih pvY ]2] (1244-19)
naanak vaykhai aap fook kadhaa-ay dheh pavai. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself sees all; when He takes the air out of the balloon, the body falls. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-19)

sqsMgiq nwmu inDwnu hY ijQhu hir pwieAw ] (1244-19)
satsangat naam niDhaan hai jithahu har paa-i-aa.
The treasure of the Name is in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. There, the Lord is found.