Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1243 iliKAw hovY nwnkw krqw kry su hoie ]1] (1243-1)likhi-aa hovai naankaa kartaa karay so ho-ay. ||1|| Whatever is predestined, happens, O Nanak; whatever the Creator does, comes to pass. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (1243-1)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: rMnw hoeIAw boDIAw purs hoey seIAwd ] (1243-1)rannaa ho-ee-aa boDhee-aa puras ho-ay sa-ee-aad. Women have become advisors, and men have become hunters. sIlu sMjmu suc BMnI Kwxw Kwju Ahwju ] (1243-2)seel sanjam such bhannee khaanaa khaaj ahaaj. Humility, self-control and purity have run away; people eat the uneatable, forbidden food. srmu gieAw Gir AwpxY piq auiT clI nwil ] (1243-2)saram ga-i-aa ghar aapnai pat uth chalee naal. Modesty has left her home, and honor has gone away with her. nwnk scw eyku hY Aauru n scw Bwil ]2] (1243-2)naanak sachaa ayk hai a-or na sachaa bhaal. ||2|| O Nanak, there is only One True Lord; do not bother to search for any other as true. ||2|| pauVI ] (1243-3)pa-orhee. Pauree: bwhir Bsm lypn kry AMqir gubwrI ] (1243-3)baahar bhasam laypan karay antar gubaaree. You smear your outer body with ashes, but within, you are filled with darkness. iKMQw JolI bhu ByK kry durmiq AhMkwrI ] (1243-3)khinthaa jholee baho bhaykh karay durmat ahaNkaaree. You wear the patched coat and all the right clothes and robes, but you are still egotistical and proud. swihb sbdu n aUcrY mwieAw moh pswrI ] (1243-4)saahib sabad na oochrai maa-i-aa moh pasaaree. You do not chant the Shabad, the Word of Your Lord and Master; you are attached to the expanse of Maya. AMqir lwlcu Brmu hY BrmY gwvwrI ] (1243-4)antar laalach bharam hai bharmai gaavaaree. Within, you are filled with greed and doubt; you wander around like a fool. nwnk nwmu n cyqeI jUAY bwjI hwrI ]14] (1243-5)naanak naam na chayt-ee joo-ai baajee haaree. ||14|| Says Nanak, you never even think of the Naam; you have lost the game of life in the gamble. ||14|| slok mÚ 1 ] (1243-5)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: lK isau pRIiq hovY lK jIvxu ikAw KusIAw ikAw cwau ] (1243-5)lakh si-o pareet hovai lakh jeevan ki-aa khusee-aa ki-aa chaa-o. You may be in love with tens of thousands, and live for thousands of years; but what good are these pleasures and occupations? ivCuiVAw ivsu hoie ivCoVw eyk GVI mih jwie ] (1243-6)vichhurhi-aa vis ho-ay vichhorhaa ayk gharhee meh jaa-ay. And when you must separate from them, that separation is like poison, but they will be gone in an instant. jy sau virHAw imTw KwjY BI iPir kauVw Kwie ] (1243-6)jay sa-o varHi-aa mithaa khaajai bhee fir ka-urhaa khaa-ay. You may eat sweets for a hundred years, but eventually, you will have to eat the bitter as well. imTw KwDw iciq n AwvY kauVqxu Dwie jwie ] (1243-7)mithaa khaaDhaa chit na aavai ka-urh-tan Dhaa-ay jaa-ay. Then, you will not remember eating the sweets; bitterness will permeate you. imTw kauVw dovY rog ] (1243-7)mithaa ka-urhaa dovai rog. The sweet and the bitter are both diseases. nwnk AMiq ivguqy Bog ] (1243-8)naanak ant vigutay bhog. O Nanak, eating them, you will come to ruin in the end. JiK JiK JKxw JgVw JwK ] (1243-8)jhakh jhakh jhakh-naa jhagrhaa jhaakh. It is useless to worry and struggle to death. JiK JiK jwih JKih iqn@ pwis ]1] (1243-8)jhakh jhakh jaahi jhakheh tinH paas. ||1|| Entangled in worries and struggles, people exhaust themselves. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (1243-9)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: kwpVu kwTu rMgwieAw rWig ] (1243-9)kaaparh kaath rangaa-i-aa raaNg. They have fine clothes and furniture of various colors. Gr gc kIqy bwgy bwg ] (1243-9)ghar gach keetay baagay baag. Their houses are painted beautifully white. swd shj kir mnu KylwieAw ] (1243-9)saad sahj kar man khaylaa-i-aa. In pleasure and poise, they play their mind games. qY sh pwshu khxu khwieAw ] (1243-10)tai sah paashu kahan kahaa-i-aa. When they approach You, O Lord, they shall be spoken to. imTw kir kY kauVw KwieAw ] (1243-10)mithaa kar kai ka-urhaa khaa-i-aa. They think it is sweet, so they eat the bitter. iqin kauVY qin rogu jmwieAw ] (1243-10)tin ka-urhai tan rog jamaa-i-aa. The bitter disease grows in the body. jy iPir imTw pyVY pwie ] (1243-11)jay fir mithaa payrhai paa-ay. If, later on, they receive the sweet, qau kauVqxu cUkis mwie ] (1243-11)ta-o ka-urh-tan chookas maa-ay. then their bitterness shall be gone, O mother. nwnk gurmuiK pwvY soie ] (1243-11)naanak gurmukh paavai so-ay. O Nanak, the Gurmukh is blessed to receive ijs no pRwpiq iliKAw hoie ]2] (1243-12)jis no paraapat likhi-aa ho-ay. ||2|| what he is predestined to receive. ||2|| pauVI ] (1243-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: ijn kY ihrdY mYlu kptu hY bwhru DovwieAw ] (1243-12)jin kai hirdai mail kapat hai baahar Dhovaa-i-aa. Those whose hearts are filled with the filth of deception, may wash themselves on the outside. kUVu kptu kmwvdy kUVu prgtI AwieAw ] (1243-12)koorh kapat kamaavday koorh pargatee aa-i-aa. They practice falsehood and deception, and their falsehood is revealed. AMdir hoie su inklY nh CpY CpwieAw ] (1243-13)andar ho-ay so niklai nah chhapai chhapaa-i-aa. That which is within them, comes out; it cannot be concealed by concealment. kUVY lwlic ligAw iPir jUnI pwieAw ] (1243-13)koorhai laalach lagi-aa fir joonee paa-i-aa. Attached to falsehood and greed, the mortal is consigned to reincarnation over and over again. nwnk jo bIjY so Kwvxw krqY iliK pwieAw ]15] (1243-14)naanak jo beejai so khaavnaa kartai likh paa-i-aa. ||15|| O Nanak, whatever the mortal plants, he must eat. The Creator Lord has written our destiny. ||15|| slok mÚ 2 ] (1243-14)salok mehlaa 2. Shalok, Second Mehl: kQw khwxI bydˆØI AwxI pwpu puMnu bIcwru ] (1243-15)kathaa kahaanee baydeeN aanee paap punn beechaar. The Vedas bring forth stories and legends, and thoughts of vice and virtue. dy dy lYxw lY lY dyxw nrik surig Avqwr ] (1243-15)day day lainaa lai lai daynaa narak surag avtaar. What is given, they receive, and what is received, they give. They are reincarnated in heaven and hell. auqm miDm jwqIN ijnsI Brim BvY sMswru ] (1243-15)utam maDhim jaateeN jinsee bharam bhavai sansaar. High and low, social class and status - the world wanders lost in superstition. AMimRq bwxI qqu vKwxI igAwn iDAwn ivic AweI ] (1243-16)amrit banee tat vakhaanee gi-aan Dhi-aan vich aa-ee. The Ambrosial Word of Gurbani proclaims the essence of reality. Spiritual wisdom and meditation are contained within it. gurmuiK AwKI gurmuiK jwqI surqˆØI krim iDAweI ] (1243-17)gurmukh aakhee gurmukh jaatee surteeN karam Dhi-aa-ee. The Gurmukhs chant it, and the Gurmukhs realize it. Intuitively aware, they meditate on it. hukmu swij hukmY ivic rKY hukmY AMdir vyKY ] (1243-17)hukam saaj hukmai vich rakhai hukmai andar vaykhai. By the Hukam of His Command, He formed the Universe, and in His Hukam, He keeps it. By His Hukam, He keeps it under His Gaze. nwnk Aghu haumY qutY qW ko ilKIAY lyKY ]1] (1243-18)naanak agahu ha-umai tutai taaN ko likee-ai laykhai. ||1|| O Nanak, if the mortal shatters his ego before he departs, as it is pre-ordained, then he is approved. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (1243-18)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: bydu pukwry puMnu pwpu surg nrk kw bIau ] (1243-18)bayd pukaaray punn paap surag narak kaa bee-o. The Vedas proclaim that vice and virtue are the seeds of heaven and hell. jo bIjY so augvY KWdw jwxY jIau ] (1243-19)jo beejai so ugvai khaaNdaa jaanai jee-o. Whatever is planted, shall grow. The soul eats the fruits of its actions, and understands. igAwnu slwhy vfw kir sco scw nwau ] (1243-19)gi-aan salaahay vadaa kar sacho sachaa naa-o. Whoever praises spiritual wisdom as great, becomes truthful in the True Name. scu bIjY scu augvY drgh pweIAY Qwau ] (1243-19)sach beejai sach ugvai dargeh paa-ee-ai thaa-o. When Truth is planted, Truth grows. In the Court of the Lord, you shall find your place of honor. |
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