Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1240 AwKix AauKw nwnkw AwiK n jwpY AwiK ]2] (1240-1)aakhan a-ukhaa naankaa aakh na jaapai aakh. ||2|| It is so difficult to chant it, O Nanak; it cannot be chanted with the mouth. ||2|| pauVI ] (1240-1)pa-orhee. Pauree: nwie suixAY mnu rhsIAY nwmy sWiq AweI ] (1240-1)naa-ay suni-ai man rehsee-ai naamay saaNt aa-ee. Hearing the Name, the mind is delighted. The Name brings peace and tranquility. nwie suixAY mnu iqRpqIAY sB duK gvweI ] (1240-2)naa-ay suni-ai man taripat-ee-ai sabh dukh gavaa-ee. Hearing the Name, the mind is satisfied, and all pains are taken away. nwie suixAY nwau aUpjY nwmy vifAweI ] (1240-2)naa-ay suni-ai naa-o oopjai naamay vadi-aa-ee. Hearing the Name, one becomes famous; the Name brings glorious greatness. nwmy hI sB jwiq piq nwmy giq pweI ] (1240-3)naamay hee sabh jaat pat naamay gat paa-ee. The Name brings all honor and status; through the Name, salvation is obtained. gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY nwnk ilv lweI ]6] (1240-3)gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai naanak liv laa-ee. ||6|| The Gurmukh meditates on the Name; Nanak is lovingly attuned to the Name. ||6|| slok mhlw 1 ] (1240-4)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: jUiT n rwgˆØI jUiT n vydˆØI ] (1240-4)jooth na raageeN jooth na vaydeeN. Impurity does not come from music; impurity does not come from the Vedas. jUiT n cMd sUrj kI BydI ] (1240-4)jooth na chand sooraj kee bhaydee. Impurity does not come from the phases of the sun and the moon. jUiT n AMnI jUiT n nweI ] (1240-4)jooth na annee jooth na naa-ee. Impurity does not come from food; impurity does not come from ritual cleansing baths. jUiT n mIhu virHAY sB QweI ] (1240-5)jooth na meehu varHi-ai sabh thaa-ee. Impurity does not come from the rain, which falls everywhere. jUiT n DrqI jUiT n pwxI ] (1240-5)jooth na Dhartee jooth na paanee. Impurity does not come from the earth; impurity does not come from the water. jUiT n pauxY mwih smwxI ] (1240-5)jooth na pa-unai maahi samaanee. Impurity does not come from the air which is diffused everywhere. nwnk inguirAw guxu nwhI koie ] (1240-6)naanak niguri-aa gun naahee ko-ay. O Nanak, the one who has no Guru, has no redeeming virtues at all. muih PyirAY muhu jUTw hoie ]1] (1240-6)muhi fayri-ai muhu joothaa ho-ay. ||1|| Impurity comes from turning one's face away from God. ||1|| mhlw 1 ] (1240-6)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwnk culIAw sucIAw jy Bir jwxY koie ] (1240-6)naanak chulee-aa suchee-aa jay bhar jaanai ko-ay. O Nanak, the mouth is truly cleansed by ritual cleansing, if you really know how to do it. surqy culI igAwn kI jogI kw jqu hoie ] (1240-7)surtay chulee gi-aan kee jogee kaa jat ho-ay. For the intuitively aware, cleansing is spiritual wisdom. For the Yogi, it is self-control. bRhmx culI sMqoK kI igrhI kw squ dwnu ] (1240-7)barahman chulee santokh kee girhee kaa sat daan. For the Brahmin, cleansing is contentment; for the householder, it is truth and charity. rwjy culI inAwv kI piVAw scu iDAwnu ] (1240-8)raajay chulee ni-aav kee parhi-aa sach Dhi-aan. For the king, cleansing is justice; for the scholar, it is true meditation. pwxI icqu n DopeI muiK pIqY iqK jwie ] (1240-8)paanee chit na Dhop-ee mukh peetai tikh jaa-ay. The consciousness is not washed with water; you drink it to quench your thirst. pwxI ipqw jgq kw iPir pwxI sBu Kwie ]2] (1240-9)paanee pitaa jagat kaa fir paanee sabh khaa-ay. ||2|| Water is the father of the world; in the end, water destroys it all. ||2|| pauVI ] (1240-9)pa-orhee. Pauree: nwie suixAY sB isiD hY iriD ipCY AwvY ] (1240-9)naa-ay suni-ai sabh siDh hai riDh pichhai aavai. Hearing the Name, all supernatural spiritual powers are obtained, and wealth follows along. nwie suixAY nau iniD imlY mn icMidAw pwvY ] (1240-10)naa-ay suni-ai na-o niDh milai man chindi-aa paavai. Hearing the Name, the nine treasures are received, and the mind's desires are obtained. nwie suixAY sMqoKu hoie kvlw crn iDAwvY ] (1240-10)naa-ay suni-ai santokh ho-ay kavlaa charan Dhi-aavai. Hearing the Name, contentment comes, and Maya meditates at one's feet. nwie suixAY shju aUpjY shjy suKu pwvY ] (1240-11)naa-ay suni-ai sahj oopjai sehjay sukh paavai. Hearing the Name, intuitive peace and poise wells up. gurmqI nwau pweIAY nwnk gux gwvY ]7] (1240-11)gurmatee naa-o paa-ee-ai naanak gun gaavai. ||7|| Through the Guru's Teachings, the Name is obtained; O Nanak, sing His Glorious Praises. ||7|| slok mhlw 1 ] (1240-12)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: duK ivic jMmxu duiK mrxu duiK vrqxu sMswir ] (1240-12)dukh vich jaman dukh maran dukh vartan sansaar. In pain, we are born; in pain, we die. In pain, we deal with the world. duKu duKu AgY AwKIAY piV@ piV@ krih pukwr ] (1240-12)dukh dukh agai aakhee-ai parhH parhH karahi pukaar. Hereafter, there is said to be pain, only pain; the more the mortals read, the more they cry out. duK kIAw pMfw Kul@IAw suKu n inkilE koie ] (1240-13)dukh kee-aa pandaa khulHee-aa sukh na nikli-o ko-ay. The packages of pain are untied, but peace does not emerge. duK ivic jIau jlwieAw duKIAw cilAw roie ] (1240-13)dukh vich jee-o jalaa-i-aa dukhee-aa chali-aa ro-ay. In pain, the soul burns; in pain, it departs weeping and wailing. nwnk isPqI riqAw mnu qnu hirAw hoie ] (1240-14)naanak siftee rati-aa man tan hari-aa ho-ay. O Nanak, imbued with the Lord's Praise, the mind and body blossom forth, rejuvenated. duK kIAw AgI mwrIAih BI duKu dwrU hoie ]1] (1240-14)dukh kee-aa agee maaree-ah bhee dukh daaroo ho-ay. ||1|| In the fire of pain, the mortals die; but pain is also the cure. ||1|| mhlw 1 ] (1240-15)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwnk dunIAw Bsu rMgu BsU hU Bsu Kyh ] (1240-15)naanak dunee-aa bhas rang bhasoo hoo bhas khayh. O Nanak, worldly pleasures are nothing more than dust. They are the dust of the dust of ashes. Bso Bsu kmwvxI BI Bsu BrIAY dyh ] (1240-15)bhaso bhas kamaavnee bhee bhas bharee-ai dayh. The mortal earns only the dust of the dust; his body is covered with dust. jw jIau ivchu kFIAY BsU BirAw jwie ] (1240-16)jaa jee-o vichahu kadhee-ai bhasoo bhari-aa jaa-ay. When the soul is taken out of the body, it too is covered with dust. AgY lyKY mMigAY hor dsUxI pwie ]2] (1240-16)agai laykhai mangi-ai hor dasoonee paa-ay. ||2|| And when one's account is called for in the world hereafter, he receives only ten times more dust. ||2|| pauVI ] (1240-17)pa-orhee. Pauree: nwie suixAY suic sMjmo jmu nyiV n AwvY ] (1240-17)naa-ay suni-ai such sanjamo jam nayrh na aavai. Hearing the Name, one is blessed with purity and self-control, and the Messenger of Death will not draw near. nwie suixAY Git cwnxw Awn@yru gvwvY ] (1240-17)naa-ay suni-ai ghat chaannaa aanHayr gavaavai. Hearing the Name, the heart is illumined, and darkness is dispelled. nwie suixAY Awpu buJIAY lwhw nwau pwvY ] (1240-18)naa-ay suni-ai aap bujhee-ai laahaa naa-o paavai. Hearing the Name, one comes to understand his own self, and the profit of the Name is obtained. nwie suixAY pwp ktIAih inrml scu pwvY ] (1240-18)naa-ay suni-ai paap katee-ah nirmal sach paavai. Hearing the Name, sins are eradicated, and one meets the Immaculate True Lord. nwnk nwie suixAY muK aujly nwau gurmuiK iDAwvY ]8] (1240-18)naanak naa-ay suni-ai mukh ujlay naa-o gurmukh Dhi-aavai. ||8|| O Nanak, hearing the Name, one's face becomes radiant. As Gurmukh, meditate on the Name. ||8|| slok mhlw 1 ] (1240-19)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: Gir nwrwiexu sBw nwil ] (1240-19)ghar naaraa-in sabhaa naal. In your home, is the Lord God, along with all your other gods. pUj kry rKY nwvwil ] (1241-1)pooj karay rakhai naavaal. You wash your stone gods and worship them. |
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