Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kuMgU cMnxu Pul cVwey ] (1241-1)
kungoo channan ful charhaa-ay.
You offer saffron, sandalwood and flowers.

pYrI pY pY bhuqu mnwey ] (1241-1)
pairee pai pai bahut manaa-ay.
Falling at their feet, you try so hard to appease them.

mwxUAw mMig mMig pYn@Y Kwie ] (1241-1)
maanoo-aa mang mang painHai khaa-ay.
Begging, begging from other people, you get things to wear and eat.

AMDI kMmI AMD sjwie ] (1241-2)
anDhee kammee anDh sajaa-ay.
For your blind deeds, you will be blindly punished.

BuiKAw dyie n mridAw rKY ] (1241-2)
bhukhi-aa day-ay na mardi-aa rakhai.
Your idol does not feed the hungry, or save the dying.

AMDw JgVw AMDI sQY ]1] (1241-2)
anDhaa jhagrhaa anDhee sathai. ||1||
The blind assembly argues in blindness. ||1||

mhlw 1 ] (1241-3)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sBy surqI jog siB sBy byd purwx ] (1241-3)
sabhay surtee jog sabh sabhay bayd puraan.
All intuitive understanding, all Yoga, all the Vedas and Puraanas.

sBy krxy qp siB sBy gIq igAwn ] (1241-3)
sabhay karnay tap sabh sabhay geet gi-aan.
All actions, all penances, all songs and spiritual wisdom.

sBy buDI suiD siB siB qIrQ siB Qwn ] (1241-3)
sabhay buDhee suDh sabh sabh tirath sabh thaan.
All intellect, all enlightenment, all sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

siB pwiqswhIAw Amr siB siB KusIAw siB Kwn ] (1241-4)
sabh paatisaahee-aa amar sabh sabh khusee-aa sabh khaan.
All kingdoms, all royal commands, all joys and all delicacies.

sBy mwxs dyv siB sBy jog iDAwn ] (1241-4)
sabhay maanas dayv sabh sabhay jog Dhi-aan.
All mankind, all divinites, all Yoga and meditation.

sBy purIAw KMf siB sBy jIA jhwn ] (1241-5)
sabhay puree-aa khand sabh sabhay jee-a jahaan.
All worlds, all celestial realms; all the beings of the universe.

hukim clwey AwpxY krmI vhY klwm ] (1241-5)
hukam chalaa-ay aapnai karmee vahai kalaam.
According to His Hukam, He commands them. His Pen writes out the account of their actions.

nwnk scw sic nwie scu sBw dIbwnu ]2] (1241-6)
naanak sachaa sach naa-ay sach sabhaa deebaan. ||2||
O Nanak, True is the Lord, and True is His Name. True is His Congregation and His Court. ||2||

pauVI ] (1241-6)

nwie mMinAY suKu aUpjY nwmy giq hoeI ] (1241-6)
naa-ay mani-ai sukh oopjai naamay gat ho-ee.
With faith in the Name, peace wells up; the Name brings emancipation.

nwie mMinAY piq pweIAY ihrdY hir soeI ] (1241-7)
naa-ay mani-ai pat paa-ee-ai hirdai har so-ee.
With faith in the Name, honor is obtained. The Lord is enshrined in the heart.

nwie mMinAY Bvjlu lµGIAY iPir ibGnu n hoeI ] (1241-7)
naa-ay mani-ai bhavjal langhee-ai fir bighan na ho-ee.
With faith in the Name, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, and no obstructions are ever again encountered.

nwie mMinAY pMQu prgtw nwmy sB loeI ] (1241-8)
naa-ay mani-ai panth pargataa naamay sabh lo-ee.
With faith in the Name, the Path is revealed; through the Name, one is totally enlightened.

nwnk siqguir imilAY nwau mMnIAY ijn dyvY soeI ]9] (1241-8)
naanak satgur mili-ai naa-o mannee-ai jin dayvai so-ee. ||9||
O Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, one comes to have faith in the Name; he alone has faith, who is blessed with it. ||9||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1241-9)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

purIAw KMfw isir kry iek pYir iDAwey ] (1241-9)
puree-aa khanda sir karay ik pair Dhi-aa-ay.
The mortal walks on his head through the worlds and realms; he meditates, balaced on one foot.

pauxu mwir min jpu kry isru muMfI qlY dyie ] (1241-9)
pa-un maar man jap karay sir mundee talai day-ay.
Controlling the wind of the breath, he meditates within his mind, tucking his chin down into his chest.

iksu aupir Ehu itk itkY iks no joru kryie ] (1241-10)
kis upar oh tik tikai kis no jor karay-i.
What does he lean on? Where does he get his power?

iks no khIAY nwnkw iks no krqw dyie ] (1241-10)
kis no kahee-ai naankaa kis no kartaa day-ay.
What can be said, O Nanak? Who is blessed by the Creator?

hukim rhwey AwpxY mUrKu Awpu gxyie ]1] (1241-11)
hukam rahaa-ay aapnai moorakh aap ganay-ay. ||1||
God keeps all under His Command, but the fool shows off himself. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1241-11)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

hY hY AwKW koit koit kotI hU koit koit ] (1241-11)
hai hai aakhaaN kot kot kotee hoo kot kot.
He is, He is - I say it millions upon millions, millions upon millions of times.

AwKUM AwKW sdw sdw khix n AwvY qoit ] (1241-12)
aakhooN aakhaaN sadaa sadaa kahan na aavai tot.
With my mouth I say it, forever and ever; there is no end to this speech.

nw hau QkW n TwkIAw eyvf rKih joiq ] (1241-12)
naa ha-o thakaaN na thaakee-aa ayvad rakheh jot.
I do not get tired, and I will not be stopped; this is how great my determination is.

nwnk cisAhu cuK ibMd aupir AwKxu dosu ]2] (1241-12)
naanak chasi-ahu chukh bind upar aakhan dos. ||2||
O Nanak, this is tiny and insignificant. To say that it is more, is wrong. ||2||

pauVI ] (1241-13)

nwie mMinAY kulu auDrY sBu kutMbu sbwieAw ] (1241-13)
naa-ay mani-ai kul uDhrai sabh kutamb sabaa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, all one's ancestors and family are saved.

nwie mMinAY sMgiq auDrY ijn irdY vswieAw ] (1241-14)
naa-ay mani-ai sangat uDhrai jin ridai vasaa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, one's associates are saved; enshrine it within your heart.

nwie mMinAY suix auDry ijn rsn rswieAw ] (1241-14)
naa-ay mani-ai sun uDhray jin rasan rasaa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, those who hear it are saved; let your tongue delight in it.

nwie mMinAY duK BuK geI ijn nwim icqu lwieAw ] (1241-15)
naa-ay mani-ai dukh bhukh ga-ee jin naam chit laa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, pain and hunger are dispelled; let your consciousness be attached to the Name.

nwnk nwmu iqnI swlwihAw ijn gurU imlwieAw ]10] (1241-15)
naanak naam tinee salaahi-aa jin guroo milaa-i-aa. ||10||
O Nanak, they alone Praise the Name, who meet with the Guru. ||10||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1241-16)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

sBy rwqI siB idh siB iQqI siB vwr ] (1241-16)
sabhay raatee sabh dih sabh thitee sabh vaar.
All nights, all days, all dates, all days of the week;

sBy ruqI mwh siB siB DrqˆØI siB Bwr ] (1241-16)
sabhay rutee maah sabh sabh DharteeN sabh bhaar.
All seasons, all months, all the earth and everything on it.

sBy pwxI paux siB siB AgnI pwqwl ] (1241-17)
sabhay paanee pa-un sabh sabh agnee paataal.
All waters, all winds, all fires and underworlds.

sBy purIAw KMf siB siB loA loA Awkwr ] (1241-17)
sabhay puree-aa khand sabh sabh lo-a lo-a aakaar.
All solar systems and galaxies, all worlds, people and forms.

hukmu n jwpI kyqVw kih n skIjY kwr ] (1241-18)
hukam na jaapee kayt-rhaa kahi na sakeejai kaar.
No one knows how great the Hukam of His Command is; no one can describe His actions.

AwKih Qkih AwiK AwiK kir isPqˆØI vIcwr ] (1241-18)
aakhahi thakeh aakh aakh kar sifteeN veechaar.
Mortals may utter, chant, recite and contemplate His Praises until they grow weary.

iqRxu n pwieE bpuVI nwnku khY gvwr ]1] (1241-19)
tarin na paa-i-o bapurhee naanak kahai gavaar. ||1||
The poor fools, O Nanak, cannot find even a tiny bit of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1241-19)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

AKˆØI prxY jy iPrW dyKW sBu Awkwru ] (1241-19)
akheeN parnai jay firaaN daykhaaN sabh aakaar.
If I were to walk around with my eyes wide open, gazing at all the created forms;

puCw igAwnI pMifqW puCw byd bIcwr ] (1241-19)
puchhaa gi-aanee pandhitaaN puchhaa bayd beechaar.
I could ask the spiritual teachers and religious scholars, and those who contemplate the Vedas;