Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1239 mhlw 2 ] (1239-1)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kry soie swlwih ] (1239-1)keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai karay so-ay saalaahi. Why praise the created being? Praise the One who created all. nwnk eykI bwhrw dUjw dwqw nwih ] (1239-1)naanak aykee baahraa doojaa daataa naahi. O Nanak, there is no other Giver, except the One Lord. krqw so swlwhIAY ijin kIqw Awkwru ] (1239-2)kartaa so salaahee-ai jin keetaa aakaar. Praise the Creator Lord, who created the creation. dwqw so swlwhIAY ij sBsY dy AwDwru ] (1239-2)daataa so salaahee-ai je sabhsai day aaDhaar. Praise the Great Giver, who gives sustenence to all. nwnk Awip sdIv hY pUrw ijsu BMfwru ] (1239-3)naanak aap sadeev hai pooraa jis bhandaar. O Nanak, the treasure of the Eternal Lord is over-flowing. vfw kir swlwhIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]2] (1239-3)vadaa kar salaahee-ai ant na paaraavaar. ||2|| Praise and honor the One, who has no end or limitation. ||2|| pauVI ] (1239-4)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY syivAY suKu pweI ] (1239-4)har kaa naam niDhaan hai sayvi-ai sukh paa-ee. The Name of the Lord is a treasure. Serving it, peace is obtained. nwmu inrMjnu aucrW piq isau Gir jWeI ] (1239-4)naam niranjan uchraaN pat si-o ghar jaaN-ee. I chant the Name of the Immaculate Lord, so that I may go home with honor. gurmuiK bwxI nwmu hY nwmu irdY vsweI ] (1239-5)gurmukh banee naam hai naam ridai vasaa-ee. The Word of the Gurmukh is the Naam; I enshrine the Naam within my heart. miq pMKyrU vis hoie siqgurU iDAweˆØI ] (1239-5)mat pankhayroo vas ho-ay satguroo Dhi-aa-eeN. The bird of the intellect comes under one's control, by meditating on the True Guru. nwnk Awip dieAwlu hoie nwmy ilv lweI ]4] (1239-5)naanak aap da-i-aal ho-ay naamay liv laa-ee. ||4|| O Nanak, if the Lord becomes merciful, the mortal lovingly tunes in to the Naam. ||4|| slok mhlw 2 ] (1239-6)salok mehlaa 2. Shalok, Second Mehl: iqsu isau kYsw bolxw ij Awpy jwxY jwxu ] (1239-6)tis si-o kaisaa bolnaa je aapay jaanai jaan. How can we speak of Him? Only He knows Himself. cIrI jw kI nw iPrY swihbu so prvwxu ] (1239-7)cheeree jaa kee naa firai saahib so parvaan. His decree cannot be challenged; He is our Supreme Lord and Master. cIrI ijs kI clxw mIr mlk slwr ] (1239-7)cheeree jis kee chalnaa meer malak salaar. By His Decree, even kings, nobles and commanders must step down. jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw sweI BlI kwr ] (1239-7)jo tis bhaavai naankaa saa-ee bhalee kaar. Whatever is pleasing to His Will, O Nanak, is a good deed. ijn@w cIrI clxw hiQ iqn@w ikCu nwih ] (1239-8)jinHaa cheeree chalnaa hath tinHaa kichh naahi. By His Decree, we walk; nothing rests in our hands. swihb kw Purmwxu hoie auTI krlY pwih ] (1239-8)saahib kaa furmaan ho-ay uthee karlai paahi. When the Order comes from our Lord and Master, all must rise up and take to the road. jyhw cIrI iliKAw qyhw hukmu kmwih ] (1239-9)jayhaa cheeree likhi-aa tayhaa hukam kamaahi. As His Decree is issued, so is His Command obeyed. Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwih ]1] (1239-9)ghalay aavahi naankaa saday uthee jaahi. ||1|| Those who are sent, come, O Nanak; when they are called back, they depart and go. ||1|| mhlw 2 ] (1239-10)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: isPiq ijnw kau bKsIAY syeI poqydwr ] (1239-10)sifat jinaa ka-o bakhsee-ai say-ee potaydaar. Those whom the Lord blesses with His Praises, are the true keepers of the treasure. kuMjI ijn kau idqIAw iqn@w imly BMfwr ] (1239-10)kunjee jin ka-o ditee-aa tinHaa milay bhandaar. Those who are blessed with the key - they alone receive the treasure. jh BMfwrI hU gux inklih qy kIAih prvwxu ] (1239-11)jah bhandaaree hoo gun niklahi tay kee-ah parvaan. That treasure, from which virtue wells up - that treasure is approved. ndir iqn@w kau nwnkw nwmu ijn@w nIswxu ]2] (1239-11)nadar tinHaa ka-o naankaa naam jinHaa neesaan. ||2|| Those who are blessed by His Glance of Grace, O Nanak, bear the Insignia of the Naam. ||2|| pauVI ] (1239-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: nwmu inrMjnu inrmlw suixAY suKu hoeI ] (1239-12)naam niranjan nirmalaa suni-ai sukh ho-ee. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is immaculate and pure; hearing it, peace is obtained. suix suix mMin vsweIAY bUJY jnu koeI ] (1239-12)sun sun man vasaa-ee-ai boojhai jan ko-ee. Listening and hearing, It is enshrined in the mind; how rare is that humble being who realizes it. bhidAw auTidAw n ivsrY swcw scu soeI ] (1239-13)bahdi-aa uth-di-aa na visrai saachaa sach so-ee. Sitting down and standing up, I shall never forget Him, the Truest of the true. Bgqw kau nwm ADwru hY nwmy suKu hoeI ] (1239-13)bhagtaa ka-o naam aDhaar hai naamay sukh ho-ee. His devotees have the Support of His Name; in His Name, they find peace. nwnk min qin riv rihAw gurmuiK hir soeI ]5] (1239-13)naanak man tan rav rahi-aa gurmukh har so-ee. ||5|| O Nanak, He permeates and pervades mind and body; He is the Lord, the Guru's Word. ||5|| slok mhlw 1 ] (1239-14)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: nwnk qulIAih qol jy jIau ipCY pweIAY ] (1239-14)naanak tulee-ah tol jay jee-o pichhai paa-ee-ai. O Nanak, the weight is weighed out, when the soul is placed on the scale. ieksu n pujih bol jy pUry pUrw kir imlY ] (1239-15)ikas na pujeh bol jay pooray pooraa kar milai. Nothing is equal to speaking of the One, who perfectly unites us with the Perfect Lord. vfw AwKxu Bwrw qolu ] (1239-15)vadaa aakhan bhaaraa tol. To call Him glorious and great carries such a heavy weight. hor haulI mqI hauly bol ] (1239-15)hor ha-ulee matee ha-ulay bol. Other intellectualisms are lightweight; other words are lightweight as well. DrqI pwxI prbq Bwru ] (1239-16)Dhartee paanee parbat bhaar. The weight of the earth, water and mountains ikau kMfY qolY suinAwru ] (1239-16)ki-o kandai tolai suni-aar. - how can the goldsmith weigh it on the scale? qolw mwsw rqk pwie ] (1239-16)tolaa maasaa ratak paa-ay. What weights can balance the scale? nwnk puiCAw dyie pujwie ] (1239-16)naanak puchhi-aa day-ay pujaa-ay. O Nanak, when questioned, the answer is given. mUrK AMiDAw AMDI Dwqu ] (1239-17)moorakh anDhi-aa anDhee Dhaat. The blind fool is running around, leading the blind. kih kih khxu khwiein Awpu ]1] (1239-17)kahi kahi kahan kahaa-in aap. ||1|| The more they say, the more they expose themselves. ||1|| mhlw 1 ] (1239-17)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: AwKix AauKw sunix AauKw AwiK n jwpI AwiK ] (1239-18)aakhan a-ukhaa sunan a-ukhaa aakh na jaapee aakh. It is difficult to chant it; it is difficult to listen to it. It cannot be chanted with the mouth. ieik AwiK AwKih sbdu BwKih ArD aurD idnu rwiq ] (1239-18)ik aakh aakhahi sabad bhaakhahi araDh uraDh din raat. Some speak with their mouths and chant the Word of the Shabad - the low and the high, day and night. jy ikhu hoie q ikhu idsY jwpY rUpu n jwiq ] (1239-19)jay kihu ho-ay ta kihu disai jaapai roop na jaat. If He were something, then He would be visible. His form and state cannot be seen. siB kwrx krqw kry Gt AauGt Gt Qwip ] (1239-19)sabh kaaran kartaa karay ghat a-ughat ghat thaap. The Creator Lord does all deeds; He is established in the hearts of the high and the low. |
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