Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1145 duKu suKu hmrw iqs hI pwsw ] (1145-1)dukh sukh hamraa tis hee paasaa. I place my pain and pleasure before Him. rwiK lIno sBu jn kw pVdw ] (1145-1)raakh leeno sabh jan kaa parh-daa. He covers the faults of His humble servant. nwnku iqs kI ausqiq krdw ]4]19]32] (1145-1)naanak tis kee ustat kardaa. ||4||19||32|| Nanak sings His Praises. ||4||19||32|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1145-2)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: rovnhwrI roju bnwieAw ] (1145-2)rovanhaaree roj banaa-i-aa. The whiner whines every day. bln brqn kau snbMDu iciq AwieAw ] (1145-2)balan bartan ka-o san-banDh chit aa-i-aa. His attachment to his household and entanglements cloud his mind. bUiJ bYrwgu kry jy koie ] (1145-3)boojh bairaag karay jay ko-ay. If someone becomes detached through understanding, jnm mrx iPir sogu n hoie ]1] (1145-3)janam maran fir sog na ho-ay. ||1|| he will not have to suffer in birth and death again. ||1|| ibiKAw kw sBu DMDu pswru ] (1145-3)bikhi-aa kaa sabh DhanDh pasaar. All of his conflicts are extensions of his corruption. ivrlY kIno nwm ADwru ]1] rhwau ] (1145-4)virlai keeno naam aDhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. How rare is that person who takes the Naam as his Support. ||1||Pause|| iqRibiD mwieAw rhI ibAwip ] (1145-4)taribaDh maa-i-aa rahee bi-aap. The three-phased Maya infects all. jo lptwno iqsu dUK sMqwp ] (1145-4)jo laptaano tis dookh santaap. Whoever clings to it suffers pain and sorrow. suKu nwhI ibnu nwm iDAwey ] (1145-5)sukh naahee bin naam Dhi-aa-ay. There is no peace without meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. nwm inDwnu bfBwgI pwey ]2] (1145-5)naam niDhaan badbhaagee paa-ay. ||2|| By great good fortune, the treasure of the Naam is received. ||2|| sÍWgI isau jo mnu rIJwvY ] (1145-5)savaaNgee si-o jo man reejhaavai. One who loves the actor in his mind, sÍwig auqwirAY iPir pCuqwvY ] (1145-6)savaag utaari-ai fir pachhutaavai. later regrets it when the actor takes off his costume. myG kI CwieAw jYsy brqnhwr ] (1145-6)maygh kee chhaa-i-aa jaisay bartanhaar. The shade from a cloud is transitory, qYso prpMcu moh ibkwr ]3] (1145-6)taiso parpanch moh bikaar. ||3|| like the worldly paraphernalia of attachment and corruption. ||3|| eyk vsqu jy pwvY koie ] (1145-7)ayk vasat jay paavai ko-ay. If someone is blessed with the singular substance, pUrn kwju qwhI kw hoie ] (1145-7)pooran kaaj taahee kaa ho-ay. then all of his tasks are accomplished to perfection. gur pRswid ijin pwieAw nwmu ] (1145-7)gur parsaad jin paa-i-aa naam. One who obtains the Naam, by Guru's Grace nwnk AwieAw so prvwnu ]4]20]33] (1145-8)naanak aa-i-aa so parvaan. ||4||20||33|| - O Nanak, his coming into the world is certified and approved. ||4||20||33|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1145-8)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: sMq kI inMdw jonI Bvnw ] (1145-8)sant kee nindaa jonee bhavnaa. Slandering the Saints, the mortal wanders in reincarnation. sMq kI inMdw rogI krnw ] (1145-8)sant kee nindaa rogee karnaa. Slandering the Saints, he is diseased. sMq kI inMdw dUK shwm ] (1145-9)sant kee nindaa dookh sahaam. Slandering the Saints, he suffers in pain. fwnu dYq inMdk kau jwm ]1] (1145-9)daan dait nindak ka-o jaam. ||1|| The slanderer is punished by the Messenger of Death. ||1|| sMqsMig krih jo bwdu ] (1145-9)satsang karahi jo baad. Those who argue and fight with the Saints iqn inMdk nwhI ikCu swdu ]1] rhwau ] (1145-10)tin nindak naahee kichh saad. ||1|| rahaa-o. - those slanderers find no happiness at all. ||1||Pause|| Bgq kI inMdw kMDu CydwvY ] (1145-10)bhagat kee nindaa kanDh chhaydaavai. Slandering the devotees, the wall of the mortal's body is shattered. Bgq kI inMdw nrku BuMcwvY ] (1145-10)bhagat kee nindaa narak bhunchaavai. Slandering the devotees, he suffers in hell. Bgq kI inMdw grB mih glY ] (1145-11)bhagat kee nindaa garabh meh galai. Slandering the devotees, he rots in the womb. Bgq kI inMdw rwj qy tlY ]2] (1145-11)bhagat kee nindaa raaj tay talai. ||2|| Slandering the devotees, he loses his realm and power. ||2|| inMdk kI giq kqhU nwih ] (1145-11)nindak kee gat kathoo naahi. The slanderer finds no salvation at all. Awip bIij Awpy hI Kwih ] (1145-12)aap beej aapay hee khaahi. He eats only that which he himself has planted. cor jwr jUAwr qy burw ] (1145-12)chor jaar joo-aar tay buraa. He is worse than a thief, a lecher, or a gambler. Axhodw Bwru inMdik isir Drw ]3] (1145-12)anhodaa bhaar nindak sir Dharaa. ||3|| The slanderer places an unbearable burden upon his head. ||3|| pwrbRhm ky Bgq inrvYr ] (1145-13)paarbarahm kay bhagat nirvair. The devotees of the Supreme Lord God are beyond hate and vengeance. so insqrY jo pUjY pYr ] (1145-13)so nistarai jo poojai pair. Whoever worships their feet is emancipated. Awid puriK inMdku BolwieAw ] (1145-13)aad purakh nindak bholaa-i-aa. The Primal Lord God has deluded and confused the slanderer. nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieAw ]4]21]34] (1145-13)naanak kirat na jaa-ay mitaa-i-aa. ||4||21||34|| O Nanak, the record of one's past actions cannot be erased. ||4||21||34|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1145-14)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: nwmu hmwrY byd Aru nwd ] (1145-14)naam hamaarai bayd ar naad. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is for me the Vedas and the Sound-current of the Naad. nwmu hmwrY pUry kwj ] (1145-14)naam hamaarai pooray kaaj. Through the Naam, my tasks are perfectly accomplished. nwmu hmwrY pUjw dyv ] (1145-15)naam hamaarai poojaa dayv. The Naam is my worship of deities. nwmu hmwrY gur kI syv ]1] (1145-15)naam hamaarai gur kee sayv. ||1|| The Naam is my service to the Guru. ||1|| guir pUrY idRiVE hir nwmu ] (1145-15)gur poorai darirha-o har naam. The Perfect Guru has implanted the Naam within me. sB qy aUqmu hir hir kwmu ]1] rhwau ] (1145-16)sabh tay ootam har har kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. The highest task of all is the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause|| nwmu hmwrY mjn iesnwnu ] (1145-16)naam hamaarai majan isnaan. The Naam is my cleansing bath and purification. nwmu hmwrY pUrn dwnu ] (1145-16)naam hamaarai pooran daan. The Naam is my perfect donation of charity. nwmu lYq qy sgl pvIq ] (1145-17)naam lait tay sagal paveet. Those who repeat the Naam are totally purified. nwmu jpq myry BweI mIq ]2] (1145-17)naam japat mayray bhaa-ee meet. ||2|| Those who chant the Naam are my friends and Siblings of Destiny. ||2|| nwmu hmwrY saux sMjog ] (1145-17)naam hamaarai sa-un sanjog. The Naam is my auspicious omen and good fortune. nwmu hmwrY iqRpiq suBog ] (1145-18)naam hamaarai taripat subhog. The Naam is the sublime food which satisfies me. nwmu hmwrY sgl Awcwr ] (1145-18)naam hamaarai sagal aachaar. The Naam is my good conduct. nwmu hmwrY inrml ibauhwr ]3] (1145-18)naam hamaarai nirmal bi-uhaar. ||3|| The Naam is my immaculate occupation. ||3|| jw kY min visAw pRBu eyku ] (1145-18)jaa kai man vasi-aa parabh ayk. All those humble beings whose minds are filled with the One God sgl jnw kI hir hir tyk ] (1145-19)sagal janaa kee har har tayk. have the Support of the Lord, Har, Har. min qin nwnk hir gux gwau ] (1145-19)man tan naanak har gun gaa-o. O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord with your mind and body. swDsMig ijsu dyvY nwau ]4]22]35] (1145-19)saaDhsang jis dayvai naa-o. ||4||22||35|| In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord bestows His Name. ||4||22||35|| |
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