Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ijsu liV lwie ley so lwgY ] (1144-1)
jis larh laa-ay la-ay so laagai.
He alone is attached to the hem of the Lord's robe, whom the Lord Himself attaches.

jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgY ]3] (1144-1)
janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagai. ||3||
Asleep for countless incarnations, he now awakens. ||3||

qyry Bgq Bgqn kw Awip ] (1144-1)
tayray bhagat bhagtan kaa aap.
Your devotees belong to You, and You belong to Your devotees.

ApxI mihmw Awpy jwip ] (1144-2)
apnee mahimaa aapay jaap.
You Yourself inspire them to chant Your Praises.

jIA jMq siB qyrY hwiQ ] (1144-2)
jee-a jant sabh tayrai haath.
All beings and creatures are in Your Hands.

nwnk ky pRB sd hI swiQ ]4]16]29] (1144-2)
naanak kay parabh sad hee saath. ||4||16||29||
Nanak's God is always with him. ||4||16||29||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1144-3)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu hmwrY AMqrjwmI ] (1144-3)
naam hamaarai antarjaamee.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Inner-knower of my heart.

nwmu hmwrY AwvY kwmI ] (1144-3)
naam hamaarai aavai kaamee.
The Naam is so useful to me.

roim roim rivAw hir nwmu ] (1144-3)
rom rom ravi-aa har naam.
The Lord's Name permeates each and every hair of mine.

siqgur pUrY kIno dwnu ]1] (1144-4)
satgur poorai keeno daan. ||1||
The Perfect True Guru has given me this gift. ||1||

nwmu rqnu myrY BMfwr ] (1144-4)
naam ratan mayrai bhandaar.
The Jewel of the Naam is my treasure.

Agm Amolw Apr Apwr ]1] rhwau ] (1144-4)
agam amolaa apar apaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is inaccessible, priceless, infinite and incomparable. ||1||Pause||

nwmu hmwrY inhcl DnI ] (1144-5)
naam hamaarai nihchal Dhanee.
The Naam is my unmoving, unchanging Lord and Master.

nwm kI mihmw sB mih bnI ] (1144-5)
naam kee mahimaa sabh meh banee.
The glory of the Naam spreads over the whole world.

nwmu hmwrY pUrw swhu ] (1144-5)
naam hamaarai pooraa saahu.
The Naam is my perfect master of wealth.

nwmu hmwrY byprvwhu ]2] (1144-6)
naam hamaarai bayparvaahu. ||2||
The Naam is my independence. ||2||

nwmu hmwrY Bojn Bwau ] (1144-6)
naam hamaarai bhojan bhaa-o.
The Naam is my food and love.

nwmu hmwrY mn kw suAwau ] (1144-6)
naam hamaarai man kaa su-aa-o.
The Naam is the objective of my mind.

nwmu n ivsrY sMq pRswid ] (1144-6)
naam na visrai sant parsaad.
By the Grace of the Saints, I never forget the Naam.

nwmu lYq Anhd pUry nwd ]3] (1144-7)
naam lait anhad pooray naad. ||3||
Repeating the Naam, the Unstruck Sound-current of the Naad resounds. ||3||

pRB ikrpw qy nwmu nau iniD pweI ] (1144-7)
parabh kirpaa tay naam na-o niDh paa-ee.
By God's Grace, I have obtained the nine treasures of the Naam.

gur ikrpw qy nwm isau bin AweI ] (1144-7)
gur kirpaa tay naam si-o ban aa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, I am tuned in to the Naam.

DnvMqy syeI prDwn ] (1144-8)
Dhanvantay say-ee parDhaan.
They alone are wealthy and supreme,

nwnk jw kY nwmu inDwn ]4]17]30] (1144-8)
naanak jaa kai naam niDhaan. ||4||17||30||
O Nanak, who have the treasure of the Naam. ||4||17||30||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1144-9)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

qU myrw ipqw qUhY myrw mwqw ] (1144-9)
too mayraa pitaa toohai mayraa maataa.
You are my Father, and You are my Mother.

qU myry jIA pRwn suKdwqw ] (1144-9)
too mayray jee-a paraan sukh-daata.
You are my Soul, my Breath of Life, the Giver of Peace.

qU myrw Twkuru hau dwsu qyrw ] (1144-9)
too mayraa thaakur ha-o daas tayraa.
You are my Lord and Master; I am Your slave.

quJ ibnu Avru nhI ko myrw ]1] (1144-10)
tujh bin avar nahee ko mayraa. ||1||
Without You, I have no one at all. ||1||

kir ikrpw krhu pRB dwiq ] (1144-10)
kar kirpaa karahu parabh daat.
Please bless me with Your Mercy, God, and give me this gift,

qum@rI ausqiq krau idn rwiq ]1] rhwau ] (1144-10)
tumHree ustat kara-o din raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
that I may sing Your Praises, day and night. ||1||Pause||

hm qyry jMq qU bjwvnhwrw ] (1144-11)
ham tayray jant too bajaavanhaaraa.
I am Your musical instrument, and You are the Musician.

hm qyry iBKwrI dwnu dyih dwqwrw ] (1144-11)
ham tayray bhikhaaree daan deh daataaraa.
I am Your beggar; please bless me with Your charity, O Great Giver.

qau prswid rMg rs mwxy ] (1144-11)
ta-o parsaad rang ras maanay.
By Your Grace, I enjoy love and pleasures.

Gt Gt AMqir qumih smwxy ]2] (1144-12)
ghat ghat antar tumeh samaanay. ||2||
You are deep within each and every heart. ||2||

qum@rI ik®pw qy jpIAY nwau ] (1144-12)
tumHree kirpaa tay japee-ai naa-o.
By Your Grace, I chant the Name.

swDsMig qumry gux gwau ] (1144-12)
saaDhsang tumray gun gaa-o.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

qum@rI dieAw qy hoie drd ibnwsu ] (1144-13)
tumHree da-i-aa tay ho-ay darad binaas.
In Your Mercy, You take away our pains.

qumrI mieAw qy kml ibgwsu ]3] (1144-13)
tumree ma-i-aa tay kamal bigaas. ||3||
By Your Mercy, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||3||

hau bilhwir jwau gurdyv ] (1144-13)
ha-o balihaar jaa-o gurdayv.
I am a sacrifice to the Divine Guru.

sPl drsnu jw kI inrml syv ] (1144-14)
safal darsan jaa kee nirmal sayv.
The Blessed Vision of His Darshan is fruitful and rewarding; His service is immaculate and pure.

dieAw krhu Twkur pRB myry ] (1144-14)
da-i-aa karahu thaakur parabh mayray.
Be Merciful to me, O my Lord God and Master,

gux gwvY nwnku inq qyry ]4]18]31] (1144-14)
gun gaavai naanak nit tayray. ||4||18||31||
that Nanak may continually sing Your Glorious Praises. ||4||18||31||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1144-15)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

sB qy aUc jw kw drbwru ] (1144-15)
sabh tay ooch jaa kaa darbaar.
His Regal Court is the highest of all.

sdw sdw qw kau johwru ] (1144-15)
sadaa sadaa taa ka-o johaar.
I humbly bow to Him, forever and ever.

aUcy qy aUcw jw kw Qwn ] (1144-16)
oochay tay oochaa jaa kaa thaan.
His place is the highest of the high.

koit AGw imtih hir nwm ]1] (1144-16)
kot aghaa miteh har naam. ||1||
Millions of sins are erased by the Name of the Lord. ||1||

iqsu srxweI sdw suKu hoie ] (1144-16)
tis sarnaa-ee sadaa sukh ho-ay.
In His Sanctuary, we find eternal peace.

kir ikrpw jw kau mylY soie ]1] rhwau ] (1144-17)
kar kirpaa jaa ka-o maylai so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He Mercifully unites us with Himself. ||1||Pause||

jw ky krqb lKy n jwih ] (1144-17)
jaa kay kartab lakhay na jaahi.
His wondrous actions cannot even be described.

jw kw Brvwsw sB Gt mwih ] (1144-17)
jaa kaa bharvaasaa sabh ghat maahi.
All hearts rest their faith and hope in Him.

pRgt BieAw swDU kY sMig ] (1144-18)
pargat bha-i-aa saaDhoo kai sang.
He is manifest in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

Bgq ArwDih Anidnu rMig ]2] (1144-18)
bhagat araaDheh an-din rang. ||2||
The devotees lovingly worship and adore Him night and day. ||2||

dydy qoit nhI BMfwr ] (1144-18)
dayday tot nahee bhandaar.
He gives, but His treasures are never exhausted.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwr ] (1144-19)
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa.
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes.

jw kw hukmu n mytY koie ] (1144-19)
jaa kaa hukam na maytai ko-ay.
No one can erase the Hukam of His Command.

isir pwiqswhw swcw soie ]3] (1144-19)
sir paatisaahaa saachaa so-ay. ||3||
The True Lord is above the heads of kings. ||3||

ijs kI Et iqsY kI Awsw ] (1144-19)
jis kee ot tisai kee aasaa.
He is my Anchor and Support; I place my hopes in Him.