Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sB mih eyku rihAw BrpUrw ] (1143-1)
sabh meh ayk rahi-aa bharpooraa.
The One Lord is totally pervading and permeating all.

so jwpY ijsu siqguru pUrw ] (1143-1)
so jaapai jis satgur pooraa.
He alone meditates on the Lord, whose True Guru is Perfect.

hir kIrqnu qw ko AwDwru ] (1143-2)
har keertan taa ko aaDhaar.
Such a person has the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises for his Support.

khu nwnk ijsu Awip dieAwru ]4]13]26] (1143-2)
kaho naanak jis aap da-i-aar. ||4||13||26||
Says Nanak, the Lord Himself is merciful to him. ||4||13||26||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1143-2)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

moih duhwgin Awip sIgwrI ] (1143-3)
mohi duhaagan aap seegaaree.
I was discarded and abandoned, but He has embellished me.

rUp rMg dy nwim svwrI ] (1143-3)
roop rang day naam savaaree.
He has blessed me with beauty and His Love; through His Name, I am exalted.

imitE duKu Aru sgl sMqwp ] (1143-3)
miti-o dukh ar sagal santaap.
All my pains and sorrows have been eradicated.

gur hoey myry mweI bwp ]1] (1143-3)
gur ho-ay mayray maa-ee baap. ||1||
The Guru has become my Mother and Father. ||1||

sKI shyrI myrY gRsiq Anµd ] (1143-4)
sakhee sahayree mayrai garsat anand.
O my friends and companions, my household is in bliss.

kir ikrpw Byty moih kMq ]1] rhwau ] (1143-4)
kar kirpaa bhaytay mohi kant. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Granting His Grace, my Husband Lord has met me. ||1||Pause||

qpiq buJI pUrn sB Awsw ] (1143-5)
tapat bujhee pooran sabh aasaa.
The fire of desire has been extinguished, and all my desires have been fulfilled.

imty AMDyr Bey prgwsw ] (1143-5)
mitay anDhayr bha-ay pargaasaa.
The darkness has been dispelled, and the Divine Light blazes forth.

Anhd sbd Acrj ibsmwd ] (1143-5)
anhad sabad achraj bismaad.
The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, is wondrous and amazing!

guru pUrw pUrw prswd ]2] (1143-5)
gur pooraa pooraa parsaad. ||2||
Perfect is the Grace of the Perfect Guru. ||2||

jw kau pRgt Bey gopwl ] (1143-6)
jaa ka-o pargat bha-ay gopaal.
That person, unto whom the Lord reveals Himself

qw kY drsin sdw inhwl ] (1143-6)
taa kai darsan sadaa nihaal.
- by the Blessed Vision of his Darshan, I am forever enraptured.

srb guxw qw kY bhuqu inDwn ] (1143-6)
sarab gunaa taa kai bahut niDhaan.
He obtains all virtues and so many treasures.

jw kau siqguir dIE nwmu ]3] (1143-7)
jaa ka-o satgur dee-o naam. ||3||
The True Guru blesses him with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||

jw kau ByitE Twkuru Apnw ] (1143-7)
jaa ka-o bhayti-o thaakur apnaa.
That person who meets with his Lord and Master

mnu qnu sIqlu hir hir jpnw ] (1143-7)
man tan seetal har har japnaa.
- his mind and body are cooled and soothed, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

khu nwnk jo jn pRB Bwey ] (1143-8)
kaho naanak jo jan parabh bhaa-ay.
Says Nanak, such a humble being is pleasing to God;

qw kI rynu ibrlw ko pwey ]4]14]27] (1143-8)
taa kee rayn birlaa ko paa-ay. ||4||14||27||
only a rare few are blessed with the dust of his feet. ||4||14||27||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1143-8)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

icqvq pwp n Awlku AwvY ] (1143-9)
chitvat paap na aalak aavai.
The mortal does not hesitate to think about sin.

bysuAw Bjq ikCu nh srmwvY ] (1143-9)
baysu-aa bhajat kichh nah sarmaavai.
He is not ashamed to spend time with prostitutes.

swro idnsu mjUrI krY ] (1143-9)
saaro dinas majooree karai.
He works all day long,

hir ismrn kI vylw bjr isir prY ]1] (1143-10)
har simran kee vaylaa bajar sir parai. ||1||
but when it is time to remember the Lord, then a heavy stone falls on his head. ||1||

mwieAw lig BUlo sMswru ] (1143-10)
maa-i-aa lag bhoolo sansaar.
Attached to Maya, the world is deluded and confused.

Awip BulwieAw BulwvxhwrY rwic rihAw ibrQw ibauhwr ]1] rhwau ] (1143-10)
aap bhulaa-i-aa bhulaavanhaarai raach rahi-aa birthaa bi-uhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Deluder Himself has deluded the mortal, and now he is engrossed in worthless worldly affairs. ||1||Pause||

pyKq mwieAw rMg ibhwie ] (1143-11)
paykhat maa-i-aa rang bihaa-ay.
Gazing on Maya's illusion, its pleasures pass away.

gVbV krY kaufI rMgu lwie ] (1143-11)
garhbarh karai ka-udee rang laa-ay.
He loves the shell, and ruins his life.

AMD ibauhwr bMD mnu DwvY ] (1143-12)
anDh bi-uhaar banDh man Dhaavai.
Bound to blind worldly affairs, his mind wavers and wanders.

krxYhwru n jIA mih AwvY ]2] (1143-12)
karnaihaar na jee-a meh aavai. ||2||
The Creator Lord does not come into his mind. ||2||

krq krq iev hI duKu pwieAw ] (1143-12)
karat karat iv hee dukh paa-i-aa.
Working and working like this, he only obtains pain,

pUrn hoq n kwrj mwieAw ] (1143-13)
pooran hot na kaaraj maa-i-aa.
and his affairs of Maya are never completed.

kwim k®oiD loiB mnu lInw ] (1143-13)
kaam kroDh lobh man leenaa.
His mind is saturated with sexual desire, anger and greed.

qViP mUAw ijau jl ibnu mInw ]3] (1143-13)
tarhaf moo-aa ji-o jal bin meenaa. ||3||
Wiggling like a fish out of water, he dies. ||3||

ijs ky rwKy hoie hir Awip ] (1143-14)
jis kay raakhay ho-ay har aap.
One who has the Lord Himself as his Protector,

hir hir nwmu sdw jpu jwip ] (1143-14)
har har naam sadaa jap jaap.
chants and meditates forever on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

swDsMig hir ky gux gwieAw ] (1143-14)
saaDhsang har kay gun gaa-i-aa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

nwnk siqguru pUrw pwieAw ]4]15]28] (1143-15)
naanak satgur pooraa paa-i-aa. ||4||15||28||
O Nanak, he has found the Perfect True Guru. ||4||15||28||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1143-15)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ApxI dieAw kry so pwey ] (1143-15)
apnee da-i-aa karay so paa-ay.
He alone obtains it, unto whom the Lord shows Mercy.

hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ] (1143-16)
har kaa naam man vasaa-ay.
He enshrines the Name of the Lord in his mind.

swc sbdu ihrdy mn mwih ] (1143-16)
saach sabad hirday man maahi.
With the True Word of the Shabad in his heart and mind,

jnm jnm ky iklivK jwih ]1] (1143-16)
janam janam kay kilvikh jaahi. ||1||
the sins of countless incarnations vanish. ||1||

rwm nwmu jIA ko AwDwru ] (1143-17)
raam naam jee-a ko aaDhaar.
The Lord's Name is the Support of the soul.

gur prswid jphu inq BweI qwir ley swgr sMswru ]1] rhwau ] (1143-17)
gur parsaad japahu nit bhaa-ee taar la-ay saagar sansaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, chant the Name continually, O Siblings of Destiny; It shall carry you across the world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

ijn kau iliKAw hir eyhu inDwnu ] (1143-18)
jin ka-o likhi-aa har ayhu niDhaan.
Those who have this treasure of the Lord's Name written in their destiny,

sy jn drgh pwvih mwnu ] (1143-18)
say jan dargeh paavahi maan.
those humble beings are honored in the Court of the Lord.

sUK shj Awnµd gux gwau ] (1143-18)
sookh sahj aanand gun gaa-o.
Singing His Glorious Praises with peace, poise and bliss,

AwgY imlY inQwvy Qwau ]2] (1143-19)
aagai milai nithaavay thaa-o. ||2||
even the homeless obtain a home hereafter. ||2||

jugh jugMqir iehu qqu swru ] (1143-19)
jugah jugantar ih tat saar.
Throughout the ages, this has been the essence of reality.

hir ismrxu swcw bIcwru ] (1143-19)
har simran saachaa beechaar.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord, and contemplate the Truth.