Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1142 hrwmKor inrgux kau qUTw ] (1142-1)haraamkhor nirgun ka-o toothaa. I am unworthy and ungrateful, but He has been merciful to me. mnu qnu sIqlu min AMimRqu vUTw ] (1142-1)man tan seetal man amrit voothaa. My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; the Ambrosial Nectar rains down in my mind. pwrbRhm gur Bey dieAwlw ] (1142-2)paarbarahm gur bha-ay da-i-aalaa. The Supreme Lord God, the Guru, has become kind and compassionate to me. nwnk dws dyiK Bey inhwlw ]4]10]23] (1142-2)naanak daas daykh bha-ay nihaalaa. ||4||10||23|| Slave Nanak beholds the Lord, enraptured. ||4||10||23|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1142-2)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: siqguru myrw bymuhqwju ] (1142-3)satgur mayraa baymuhtaaj. My True Guru is totally independent. siqgur myry scw swju ] (1142-3)satgur mayray sachaa saaj. My True Guru is adorned with Truth. siqguru myrw sBs kw dwqw ] (1142-3)satgur mayraa sabhas kaa daataa. My True Guru is the Giver of all. siqguru myrw purKu ibDwqw ]1] (1142-3)satgur mayraa purakh biDhaataa. ||1|| My True Guru is the Primal Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny. ||1|| gur jYsw nwhI ko dyv ] (1142-4)gur jaisaa naahee ko dayv. There is no deity equal to the Guru. ijsu msqik Bwgu su lwgw syv ]1] rhwau ] (1142-4)jis mastak bhaag so laagaa sayv. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whoever has good destiny inscribed on his forehead, applies himself to seva - selfless service. ||1||Pause|| siqguru myrw srb pRiqpwlY ] (1142-4)satgur mayraa sarab paratipaalai. My True Guru is the Sustainer and Cherisher of all. siqguru myrw mwir jIvwlY ] (1142-5)satgur mayraa maar jeevaalai. My True Guru kills and revives. siqgur myry kI vifAweI ] pRgtu BeI hY sBnI QweI ]2] (1142-5)satgur mayray kee vadi-aa-ee. pargat bha-ee hai sabhnee thaa-ee. ||2|| The glorious greatness of my True Guru has become manifest everywhere. ||2|| siqguru myrw qwxu inqwxu ] (1142-6)satgur mayraa taan nitaan. My True Guru is the power of the powerless. siqguru myrw Gir dIbwxu ] (1142-6)satgur mayraa ghar deebaan. My True Guru is my home and court. siqgur kY hau sd bil jwieAw ] (1142-6)satgur kai ha-o sad bal jaa-i-aa. I am forever a sacrifice to the True Guru. pRgtu mwrgu ijin kir idKlwieAw ]3] (1142-7)pargat maarag jin kar dikhlaa-i-aa. ||3|| He has shown me the path. ||3|| ijin guru syivAw iqsu Bau n ibAwpY ] (1142-7)jin gur sayvi-aa tis bha-o na bi-aapai. One who serves the Guru is not afflicted with fear. ijin guru syivAw iqsu duKu n sMqwpY ] (1142-8)jin gur sayvi-aa tis dukh na santaapai. One who serves the Guru does not suffer in pain. nwnk soDy isMimRiq byd ] (1142-8)naanak soDhay simrit bayd. Nanak has studied the Simritees and the Vedas. pwrbRhm gur nwhI Byd ]4]11]24] (1142-8)paarbarahm gur naahee bhayd. ||4||11||24|| There is no difference between the Supreme Lord God and the Guru. ||4||11||24|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1142-9)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: nwmu lYq mnu prgtu BieAw ] (1142-9)naam lait man pargat bha-i-aa. Repeating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal is exalted and glorified. nwmu lYq pwpu qn qy gieAw ] (1142-9)naam lait paap tan tay ga-i-aa. Repeating the Naam, sin is banished from the body. nwmu lYq sgl purbwieAw ] (1142-10)naam lait sagal purbaa-i-aa. Repeating the Naam, all festivals are celebrated. nwmu lYq ATsiT mjnwieAw ]1] (1142-10)naam lait athsath majnaa-i-aa. ||1|| Repeating the Naam, one is cleansed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines. ||1|| qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu ] (1142-10)tirath hamraa har ko naam. My sacred shrine of pilgrimage is the Name of the Lord. guir aupdyisAw qqu igAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1142-11)gur updaysi-aa tat gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Guru has instructed me in the true essence of spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause|| nwmu lYq duKu dUir prwnw ] (1142-11)naam lait dukh door paraanaa. Repeating the Naam, the mortal's pains are taken away. nwmu lYq Aiq mUV suigAwnw ] (1142-11)naam lait at moorh sugi-aanaa. Repeating the Naam, the most ignorant people become spiritual teachers. nwmu lYq prgit aujIAwrw ] (1142-12)naam lait pargat ujee-aaraa. Repeating the Naam, the Divine Light blazes forth. nwmu lYq Cuty jMjwrw ]2] (1142-12)naam lait chhutay janjaaraa. ||2|| Repeating the Naam, one's bonds are broken. ||2|| nwmu lYq jmu nyiV n AwvY ] (1142-12)naam lait jam nayrh na aavai. Repeating the Naam, the Messenger of Death does not draw near. nwmu lYq drgh suKu pwvY ] (1142-13)naam lait dargeh sukh paavai. Repeating the Naam, one finds peace in the Court of the Lord. nwmu lYq pRBu khY swbwis ] (1142-13)naam lait parabh kahai saabaas. Repeating the Naam, God gives His Approval. nwmu hmwrI swcI rwis ]3] (1142-13)naam hamaaree saachee raas. ||3|| The Naam is my true wealth. ||3|| guir aupdysu kihE iehu swru ] (1142-13)gur updays kahi-o ih saar. The Guru has instructed me in these sublime teachings. hir kIriq mn nwmu ADwru ] (1142-14)har keerat man naam aDhaar. The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and the Naam are the Support of the mind. nwnk auDry nwm punhcwr ] (1142-14)naanak uDhray naam punahchaar. Nanak is saved through the atonement of the Naam. Avir krm lokh pqIAwr ]4]12]25] (1142-14)avar karam lokah patee-aar. ||4||12||25|| Other actions are just to please and appease the people. ||4||12||25|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1142-15)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: nmskwr qw kau lK bwr ] (1142-15)namaskaar taa ka-o lakh baar. I bow in humble worship, tens of thousands of times. iehu mnu dIjY qw kau vwir ] (1142-15)ih man deejai taa ka-o vaar. I offer this mind as a sacrifice. ismrin qw kY imtih sMqwp ] (1142-16)simran taa kai miteh santaap. Meditating in remembrance on Him, sufferings are erased. hoie Anµdu n ivAwpih qwp ]1] (1142-16)ho-ay anand na vi-aapahi taap. ||1|| Bliss wells up, and no disease is contracted. ||1|| AYso hIrw inrml nwm ] (1142-16)aiso heeraa nirmal naam. Such is the diamond, the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. jwsu jpq pUrn siB kwm ]1] rhwau ] (1142-17)jaas japat pooran sabh kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. Chanting it, all works are perfectly completed. ||1||Pause|| jw kI idRsit duK fyrw FhY ] (1142-17)jaa kee darisat dukh dayraa dhahai. Beholding Him, the house of pain is demolished. AMimRq nwmu sIqlu min ghY ] (1142-17)amrit naam seetal man gahai. The mind seizes the cooling, soothing, Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam. Aink Bgq jw ky crn pUjwrI ] (1142-18)anik bhagat jaa kay charan poojaaree. Millions of devotees worship His Feet. sgl mnorQ pUrnhwrI ]2] (1142-18)sagal manorath pooranhaaree. ||2|| He is the Fulfiller of all the mind's desires. ||2|| iKn mih aUxy suBr BirAw ] (1142-18)khin meh oonay subhar bhari-aa. In an instant, He fills the empty to over-flowing. iKn mih sUky kIny hirAw ] (1142-19)khin meh sookay keenay hari-aa. In an instant, He transforms the dry into green. iKn mih inQwvy kau dIno Qwnu ] (1142-19)khin meh nithaavay ka-o deeno thaan. In an instant, He gives the homeless a home. iKn mih inmwxy kau dIno mwnu ]3] (1142-19)khin meh nimaanay ka-o deeno maan. ||3|| In an instant, He bestows honor on the dishonored. ||3|| |
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