Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1141 rog bMD rhnu rqI n pwvY ] (1141-1)rog banDh rahan ratee na paavai. Entangled in disease, they cannot stay still, even for an instant. ibnu siqgur rogu kqih n jwvY ]3] (1141-1)bin satgur rog kateh na jaavai. ||3|| Without the True Guru, the disease is never cured. ||3|| pwrbRhim ijsu kInI dieAw ] (1141-2)paarbarahm jis keenee da-i-aa. When the Supreme Lord God grants His Mercy, bwh pkiV roghu kiF lieAw ] (1141-2)baah pakarh rogahu kadh la-i-aa. He grabs hold of the mortal's arm, and pulls him up and out of the disease. qUty bMDn swDsMgu pwieAw ] (1141-2)tootay banDhan saaDhsang paa-i-aa. Reaching the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the mortal's bonds are broken. khu nwnk guir rogu imtwieAw ]4]7]20] (1141-2)kaho naanak gur rog mitaa-i-aa. ||4||7||20|| Says Nanak, the Guru cures him of the disease. ||4||7||20|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1141-3)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: cIiq AwvY qW mhw Anµd ] (1141-3)cheet aavai taaN mahaa anand. When He comes to mind, then I am in supreme bliss. cIiq AwvY qW siB duK BMj ] (1141-3)cheet aavai taaN sabh dukh bhanj. When He comes to mind, then all my pains are shattered. cIiq AwvY qW srDw pUrI ] (1141-4)cheet aavai taaN sarDhaa pooree. When He comes to mind, my hopes are fulfilled. cIiq AwvY qW kbih n JUrI ]1] (1141-4)cheet aavai taaN kabeh na jhooree. ||1|| When He comes to mind, I never feel sadness. ||1|| AMqir rwm rwie pRgty Awie ] (1141-4)antar raam raa-ay pargatay aa-ay. Deep within my being, my Sovereign Lord King has revealed Himself to me. guir pUrY dIE rMgu lwie ]1] rhwau ] (1141-5)gur poorai dee-o rang laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Perfect Guru has inspired me to love Him. ||1||Pause|| cIiq AwvY qW srb ko rwjw ] (1141-5)cheet aavai taaN sarab ko raajaa. When He comes to mind, I am the king of all. cIiq AwvY qW pUry kwjw ] (1141-5)cheet aavai taaN pooray kaajaa. When He comes to mind, all my affairs are completed. cIiq AwvY qW rMig gulwl ] (1141-6)cheet aavai taaN rang gulaal. When He comes to mind, I am dyed in the deep crimson of His Love. cIiq AwvY qW sdw inhwl ]2] (1141-6)cheet aavai taaN sadaa nihaal. ||2|| When He comes to mind, I am ecstatic forever. ||2|| cIiq AwvY qW sd DnvMqw ] (1141-6)cheet aavai taaN sad Dhanvantaa. When He comes to mind, I am wealthy forever. cIiq AwvY qW sd inBrMqw ] (1141-7)cheet aavai taaN sad nibhrantaa. When He comes to mind, I am free of doubt forever. cIiq AwvY qW siB rMg mwxy ] (1141-7)cheet aavai taaN sabh rang maanay. When He comes to mind, then I enjoy all pleasures. cIiq AwvY qW cUkI kwxy ]3] (1141-7)cheet aavai taaN chookee kaanay. ||3|| When He comes to mind, I am rid of fear. ||3|| cIiq AwvY qW shj Gru pwieAw ] (1141-8)cheet aavai taaN sahj ghar paa-i-aa. When He comes to mind, I find the home of peace and poise. cIiq AwvY qW suMin smwieAw ] (1141-8)cheet aavai taaN sunn samaa-i-aa. When He comes to mind, I am absorbed in the Primal Void of God. cIiq AwvY sd kIrqnu krqw ] (1141-8)cheet aavai sad keertan kartaa. When He comes to mind, I continually sing the Kirtan of His Praises. mnu mwinAw nwnk BgvMqw ]4]8]21] (1141-9)man maani-aa naanak bhagvantaa. ||4||8||21|| Nanak's mind is pleased and satisfied with the Lord God. ||4||8||21|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1141-9)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: bwpu hmwrw sd crMjIvI ] (1141-9)baap hamaaraa sad charanjeevee. My Father is Eternal, forever alive. BweI hmwry sd hI jIvI ] (1141-10)bhaa-ee hamaaray sad hee jeevee. My brothers live forever as well. mIq hmwry sdw AibnwsI ] (1141-10)meet hamaaray sadaa abhinaasee. My friends are permanent and imperishable. kutMbu hmwrw inj Gir vwsI ]1] (1141-10)kutamb hamaaraa nij ghar vaasee. ||1|| My family abides in the home of the self within. ||1|| hm suKu pwieAw qW sBih suhyly ] (1141-10)ham sukh paa-i-aa taaN sabheh suhaylay. I have found peace, and so all are at peace. guir pUrY ipqw sMig myly ]1] rhwau ] (1141-11)gur poorai pitaa sang maylay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Perfect Guru has united me with my Father. ||1||Pause|| mMdr myry sB qy aUcy ] (1141-11)mandar mayray sabh tay oochay. My mansions are the highest of all. dys myry byAMq ApUCy ] (1141-11)days mayray bay-ant apoochhay. My countries are infinite and uncountable. rwju hmwrw sd hI inhclu ] (1141-12)raaj hamaaraa sad hee nihchal. My kingdom is eternally stable. mwlu hmwrw AKUtu Abyclu ]2] (1141-12)maal hamaaraa akhoot abaychal. ||2|| My wealth is inexhaustible and permanent. ||2|| soBw myrI sB jug AMqir ] (1141-12)sobhaa mayree sabh jug antar. My glorious reputation resounds throughout the ages. bwj hmwrI Qwn Qnµqir ] (1141-13)baaj hamaaree thaan thanantar. My fame has spread in all places and interspaces. kIriq hmrI Gir Gir hoeI ] (1141-13)keerat hamree ghar ghar ho-ee. My praises echo in each and every house. Bgiq hmwrI sBnI loeI ]3] (1141-13)bhagat hamaaree sabhnee lo-ee. ||3|| My devotional worship is known to all people. ||3|| ipqw hmwry pRgty mwJ ] (1141-14)pitaa hamaaray pargatay maajh. My Father has revealed Himself within me. ipqw pUq ril kInI sWJ ] (1141-14)pitaa poot ral keenee saaNjh. The Father and son have joined together in partnership. khu nwnk jau ipqw pqIny ] (1141-14)kaho naanak ja-o pitaa pateenay. Says Nanak, when my Father is pleased, ipqw pUq eykY rMig lIny ]4]9]22] (1141-14)pitaa poot aykai rang leenay. ||4||9||22|| then the Father and son are joined together in love, and become one. ||4||9||22|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1141-15)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: inrvYr purK siqgur pRB dwqy ] (1141-15)nirvair purakh satgur parabh daatay. The True Guru, the Primal Being, is free of revenge and hate; He is God, the Great Giver. hm AprwDI qum@ bKswqy ] (1141-15)ham apraaDhee tumH bakhsaatay. I am a sinner; You are my Forgiver. ijsu pwpI kau imlY n FoeI ] (1141-16)jis paapee ka-o milai na dho-ee. That sinner, who finds no protection anywhere srix AwvY qW inrmlu hoeI ]1] (1141-16)saran aavai taaN nirmal ho-ee. ||1|| - if he comes seeking Your Sanctuary, then he becomes immaculate and pure. ||1|| suKu pwieAw siqgurU mnwie ] (1141-16)sukh paa-i-aa satguroo manaa-ay. Pleasing the True Guru, I have found peace. sB Pl pwey gurU iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (1141-17)sabh fal paa-ay guroo Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meditating on the Guru, I have obtained all fruits and rewards. ||1||Pause|| pwrbRhm siqgur Awdysu ] (1141-17)paarbarahm satgur aadays. I humbly bow to the Supreme Lord God, the True Guru. mnu qnu qyrw sBu qyrw dysu ] (1141-17)man tan tayraa sabh tayraa days. My mind and body are Yours; all the world is Yours. cUkw pVdw qW ndrI AwieAw ] (1141-18)chookaa parh-daa taaN nadree aa-i-aa. When the veil of illusion is removed, then I come to see You. Ksmu qUhY sBnw ky rwieAw ]2] (1141-18)khasam toohai sabhnaa kay raa-i-aa. ||2|| You are my Lord and Master; You are the King of all. ||2|| iqsu Bwxw sUky kwst hirAw ] (1141-18)tis bhaanaa sookay kaasat hari-aa. When it pleases Him, even dry wood becomes green. iqsu Bwxw qW Ql isir sirAw ] (1141-19)tis bhaanaa taaN thal sir sari-aa. When it pleases Him, rivers flow across the desert sands. iqsu Bwxw qW siB Pl pwey ] (1141-19)tis bhaanaa taaN sabh fal paa-ay. When it pleases Him, all fruits and rewards are obtained. icMq geI lig siqgur pwey ]3] (1141-19)chint ga-ee lag satgur paa-ay. ||3|| Grasping hold of the Guru's feet, my anxiety is dispelled. ||3|| |
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