Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iqsu jn ky siB kwj svwir ] (1140-1)
tis jan kay sabh kaaj savaar.
- all his affairs are resolved.

iqs kw rwKw eyko soie ] (1140-1)
tis kaa raakhaa ayko so-ay.
The One Lord is his Protector.

jn nwnk ApiV n swkY koie ]4]4]17] (1140-1)
jan naanak aparh na saakai ko-ay. ||4||4||17||
O servant Nanak, no one can equal him. ||4||4||17||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1140-2)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

qau kVIAY jy hovY bwhir ] (1140-2)
ta-o karhee-ai jay hovai baahar.
We should feel sad, if God were beyond us.

qau kVIAY jy ivsrY nrhir ] (1140-2)
ta-o karhee-ai jay visrai narhar.
We should feel sad, if we forget the Lord.

qau kVIAY jy dUjw Bwey ] (1140-3)
ta-o karhee-ai jay doojaa bhaa-ay.
We should feel sad, if we are in love with duality.

ikAw kVIAY jW rihAw smwey ]1] (1140-3)
ki-aa karhee-ai jaaN rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||1||
But why should we feel sad? The Lord is pervading everywhere. ||1||

mwieAw moih kVy kiV picAw ] (1140-3)
maa-i-aa mohi karhay karh pachi-aa.
In love and attachment to Maya, the mortals are sad, and are consumed by sadness.

ibnu nwvY BRim BRim BRim KipAw ]1] rhwau ] (1140-4)
bin naavai bharam bharam bharam khapi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Name, they wander and wander and wander, and waste away. ||1||Pause||

qau kVIAY jy dUjw krqw ] (1140-4)
ta-o karhee-ai jay doojaa kartaa.
We should feel sad, if there were another Creator Lord.

qau kVIAY jy AinAwie ko mrqw ] (1140-4)
ta-o karhee-ai jay ani-aa-ay ko martaa.
We should feel sad, if someone dies by injustice.

qau kVIAY jy ikCu jwxY nwhI ] (1140-5)
ta-o karhee-ai jay kichh jaanai naahee.
We should feel sad, if something were not known to the Lord.

ikAw kVIAY jW BrpUir smwhI ]2] (1140-5)
ki-aa karhee-ai jaaN bharpoor samaahee. ||2||
But why should we feel sad? The Lord is totally permeating everywhere. ||2||

qau kVIAY jy ikCu hoie iD|wxY ] (1140-5)
ta-o karhee-ai jay kichh ho-ay Dhinyaanai.
We should feel sad, if God were a tyrant.

qau kVIAY jy BUil rM\wxY ] (1140-6)
ta-o karhee-ai jay bhool ranjaanay.
We should feel sad, if He made us suffer by mistake.

guir kihAw jo hoie sBu pRB qy ] (1140-6)
gur kahi-aa jo ho-ay sabh parabh tay.
The Guru says that whatever happens is all by God's Will.

qb kwVw Coif AicMq hm soqy ]3] (1140-6)
tab kaarhaa chhod achint ham sotay. ||3||
So I have abandoned sadness, and I now sleep without anxiety. ||3||

pRB qUhY Twkuru sBu ko qyrw ] (1140-7)
parabh toohai thaakur sabh ko tayraa.
O God, You alone are my Lord and Master; all belong to You.

ijau BwvY iqau krih inbyrw ] (1140-7)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o karahi nibayraa.
According to Your Will, You pass judgement.

duqIAw nwsiq ieku rihAw smwie ] (1140-8)
dutee-aa naasat ik rahi-aa samaa-ay.
There is no other at all; the One Lord is permeating and pervading everywhere.

rwKhu pYj nwnk srxwie ]4]5]18] (1140-8)
raakho paij naanak sarnaa-ay. ||4||5||18||
Please save Nanak's honor; I have come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||5||18||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1140-8)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ibnu bwjy kYso inriqkwrI ] (1140-9)
bin baajay kaiso nirtikaaree.
Without music, how is one to dance?

ibnu kMTY kYsy gwvnhwrI ] (1140-9)
bin kanthai kaisay gaavanhaaree.
Without a voice, how is one to sing?

jIl ibnw kYsy bjY rbwb ] (1140-9)
jeel binaa kaisay bajai rabaab.
Without strings, how is a guitar to be played?

nwm ibnw ibrQy siB kwj ]1] (1140-9)
naam binaa birthay sabh kaaj. ||1||
Without the Naam, all affairs are useless. ||1||

nwm ibnw khhu ko qirAw ] (1140-10)
naam binaa kahhu ko tari-aa.
Without the Naam - tell me: who has ever been saved?

ibnu siqgur kYsy pwir pirAw ]1] rhwau ] (1140-10)
bin satgur kaisay paar pari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True Guru, how can anyone cross over to the other side? ||1||Pause||

ibnu ijhvw khw ko bkqw ] (1140-11)
bin jihvaa kahaa ko baktaa.
Without a tongue, how can anyone speak?

ibnu sRvnw khw ko sunqw ] (1140-11)
bin sarvanaa kahaa ko suntaa.
Without ears, how can anyone hear?

ibnu nyqRw khw ko pyKY ] (1140-11)
bin naytaraa kahaa ko paykhai.
Without eyes, how can anyone see?

nwm ibnw nru khI n lyKY ]2] (1140-11)
naam binaa nar kahee na laykhai. ||2||
Without the Naam, the mortal is of no account at all. ||2||

ibnu ibidAw khw koeI pMifq ] (1140-12)
bin bidi-aa kahaa ko-ee pandit.
Without learning, how can one be a Pandit - a religious scholar?

ibnu AmrY kYsy rwj mMifq ] (1140-12)
bin amrai kaisay raaj mandit.
Without power, what is the glory of an empire?

ibnu bUJy khw mnu Thrwnw ] (1140-12)
bin boojhay kahaa man thehraanaa.
Without understanding, how can the mind become steady?

nwm ibnw sBu jgu baurwnw ]3] (1140-13)
naam binaa sabh jag ba-uraanaa. ||3||
Without the Naam, the whole world is insane. ||3||

ibnu bYrwg khw bYrwgI ] (1140-13)
bin bairaag kahaa bairaagee.
Without detachment, how can one be a detached hermit?

ibnu hau iqAwig khw koaU iqAwgI ] (1140-13)
bin ha-o ti-aag kahaa ko-oo ti-aagee.
Without renouncing egotism, how can anyone be a renunciate?

ibnu bis pMc khw mn cUry ] (1140-14)
bin bas panch kahaa man chooray.
Without overcoming the five thieves, how can the mind be subdued?

nwm ibnw sd sd hI JUry ]4] (1140-14)
naam binaa sad sad hee jhooray. ||4||
Without the Naam, the mortal regrets and repents forever and ever. ||4||

ibnu gur dIiKAw kYsy igAwnu ] (1140-14)
bin gur deekhi-aa kaisay gi-aan.
Without the Guru's Teachings, how can anyone obtain spiritual wisdom?

ibnu pyKy khu kYso iDAwnu ] (1140-15)
bin paykhay kaho kaiso Dhi-aan.
Without seeing - tell me: how can anyone visualize in meditation?

ibnu BY kQnI srb ibkwr ] (1140-15)
bin bhai kathnee sarab bikaar.
Without the Fear of God, all speech in useless.

khu nwnk dr kw bIcwr ]5]6]19] (1140-15)
kaho naanak dar kaa beechaar. ||5||6||19||
Says Nanak, this is the wisdom of the Lord's Court. ||5||6||19||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1140-16)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

haumY rogu mwnuK kau dInw ] (1140-16)
ha-umai rog maanukh ka-o deenaa.
Mankind is afflicted with the disease of egotism.

kwm roig mYglu bis lInw ] (1140-16)
kaam rog maigal bas leenaa.
The disease of sexual desire overwhelms the elephant.

idRsit roig pic muey pqMgw ] (1140-17)
darisat rog pach mu-ay patangaa.
Because of the disease of vision, the moth is burnt to death.

nwd roig Kip gey kurMgw ]1] (1140-17)
naad rog khap ga-ay kurangaa. ||1||
Because of the disease of the sound of the bell, the deer is lured to its death. ||1||

jo jo dIsY so so rogI ] (1140-17)
jo jo deesai so so rogee.
Whoever I see is diseased.

rog rihq myrw siqguru jogI ]1] rhwau ] (1140-17)
rog rahit mayraa satgur jogee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only my True Guru, the True Yogi, is free of disease. ||1||Pause||

ijhvw roig mInu gRisAwno ] (1140-18)
jihvaa rog meen garsi-aano.
Because of the disease of taste, the fish is caught.

bwsn roig Bvru ibnswno ] (1140-18)
baasan rog bhavar binsaano.
Because of the disease of smell, the bumble bee is destroyed.

hyq rog kw sgl sMswrw ] (1140-19)
hayt rog kaa sagal sansaaraa.
The whole world is caught in the disease of attachment.

iqRibiD rog mih bDy ibkwrw ]2] (1140-19)
taribaDh rog meh baDhay bikaaraa. ||2||
In the disease of the three qualities, corruption is multiplied. ||2||

rogy mrqw rogy jnmY ] (1140-19)
rogay martaa rogay janmai.
In disease the mortals die, and in disease they are born.

rogy iPir iPir jonI BrmY ] (1140-19)
rogay fir fir jonee bharmai.
In disease they wander in reincarnation again and again.