Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


AhMbuiD durmiq hY mYlI ibnu gur Bvjil Pyrw ]3] (1139-1)
ahaN-buDh durmat hai mailee bin gur bhavjal fayraa. ||3||
They are proud and arrogant, evil-minded and filthy; without the Guru, they are reincarnated into the terrifying world-ocean. ||3||

hom jg jp qp siB sMjm qit qIriQ nhI pwieAw ] (1139-1)
hom jag jap tap sabh sanjam tat tirath nahee paa-i-aa.
Through burnt offerings, charitable feasts, ritualistic chants, penance, all sorts of austere self-discipline and pilgrimages to sacred shrines and rivers, they do not find God.

imitAw Awpu pey srxweI gurmuiK nwnk jgqu qrwieAw ]4]1]14] (1139-2)
miti-aa aap pa-ay sarnaa-ee gurmukh naanak jagat taraa-i-aa. ||4||1||14||
Self-conceit is only erased when one seeks the Lord's Sanctuary and becomes Gurmukh; O Nanak, he crosses over the world-ocean. ||4||1||14||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1139-2)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

bn mih pyiKE iqRx mih pyiKE igRih pyiKE audwswey ] (1139-3)
ban meh paykhi-o tarin meh paykhi-o garihi paykhi-o udaasaa-ay.
I have seen Him in the woods, and I have seen Him in the fields. I have seen Him in the household, and in renunciation.

dMfDwr jtDwrY pyiKE vrq nym qIrQwey ]1] (1139-3)
dandDhaar jatDhaarai paykhi-o varat naym teerthaa-ay. ||1||
I have seen Him as a Yogi carrying His staff, as a Yogi with matted hair, fasting, making vows, and visiting sacred shrines of pilgrimage. ||1||

sMqsMig pyiKE mn mweyN ] (1139-4)
satsang paykhi-o man maa-ayN.
I have seen Him in the Society of the Saints, and within my own mind.

aUB pieAwl srb mih pUrn ris mMgl gux gwey ]1] rhwau ] (1139-4)
oobh pa-i-aal sarab meh pooran ras mangal gun gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the sky, in the nether regions of the underworld, and in everything, He is pervading and permeating. With love and joy, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||

jog ByK sMinAwsY pyiKE jiq jMgm kwpVwey ] (1139-5)
jog bhaykh sanni-aasai paykhi-o jat jangam kaaprhaa-ay.
I have seen Him among the Yogis, the Sannyaasees, the celibates, the wandering hermits and the wearers of patched coats.

qpI qpIsur muin mih pyiKE nt nwitk inrqwey ]2] (1139-5)
tapee tapeesur mun meh paykhi-o nat naatik nirtaa-ay. ||2||
I have seen Him among the men of severe self-discipline, the silent sages, the actors, dramas and dances. ||2||

chu mih pyiKE Kt mih pyiKE ds AstI isMimRqwey ] (1139-6)
chahu meh paykhi-o khat meh paykhi-o das astee simmritaa-ay.
I have seen Him in the four Vedas, I have seen Him in the six Shaastras, in the eighteen Puraanas and the Simritees as well.

sB imil eyko eyku vKwnih qau iks qy khau durwey ]3] (1139-6)
sabh mil ayko ayk vakhaaneh ta-o kis tay kaha-o duraa-ay. ||3||
All together, they declare that there is only the One Lord. So tell me, from whom is He hidden? ||3||

Agh Agh byAMq suAwmI nh kIm kIm kImwey ] (1139-7)
agah agah bay-ant su-aamee nah keem keem keemaa-ay.
Unfathomable and Inaccessible, He is our Infinite Lord and Master; His Value is beyond valuation.

jn nwnk iqn kY bil bil jweIAY ijh Git prgtIAwey ]4]2]15] (1139-8)
jan naanak tin kai bal bal jaa-ee-ai jih ghat pargatee-aa-ay. ||4||2||15||
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those, within whose heart He is revealed. ||4||2||15||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1139-8)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

inkit buJY so burw ikau krY ] (1139-9)
nikat bujhai so buraa ki-o karai.
How can anyone do evil, if he realizes that the Lord is near?

ibKu sMcY inq frqw iPrY ] (1139-9)
bikh sanchai nit dartaa firai.
One who gathers corruption, constantly feels fear.

hY inkty Aru Bydu n pwieAw ] (1139-9)
hai niktay ar bhayd na paa-i-aa.
He is near, but this mystery is not understood.

ibnu siqgur sB mohI mwieAw ]1] (1139-10)
bin satgur sabh mohee maa-i-aa. ||1||
Without the True Guru, all are enticed by Maya. ||1||

nyVY nyVY sBu ko khY ] (1139-10)
nayrhai nayrhai sabh ko kahai.
Everyone says that He is near, near at hand.

gurmuiK Bydu ivrlw ko lhY ]1] rhwau ] (1139-10)
gurmukh bhayd virlaa ko lahai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But rare is that person, who, as Gurmukh, understands this mystery. ||1||Pause||

inkit n dyKY pr igRih jwie ] (1139-11)
nikat na daykhai par garihi jaa-ay.
The mortal does not see the Lord near at hand; instead, he goes to the homes of others.

drbu ihrY imiQAw kir Kwie ] (1139-11)
darab hirai mithi-aa kar khaa-ay.
He steals their wealth and lives in falsehood.

peI TgaurI hir sMig n jwinAw ] (1139-11)
pa-ee thag-uree har sang na jaani-aa.
Under the influence of the drug of illusion, he does not know that the Lord is with him.

bwJu gurU hY Brim BulwinAw ]2] (1139-12)
baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaani-aa. ||2||
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||2||

inkit n jwnY bolY kUVu ] (1139-12)
nikat na jaanai bolai koorh.
Not understanding that the Lord is near, he tells lies.

mwieAw moih mUTw hY mUVu ] (1139-12)
maa-i-aa mohi moothaa hai moorh.
In love and attachment to Maya, the fool is plundered.

AMqir vsqu idsMqir jwie ] (1139-13)
antar vasat disantar jaa-ay.
That which he seeks is within his own self, but he looks for it outside.

bwJu gurU hY Brim Bulwie ]3] (1139-13)
baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaa-ay. ||3||
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||3||

ijsu msqik krmu iliKAw illwt ] (1139-13)
jis mastak karam likhi-aa lilaat.
One whose good karma is recorded on his forehead

siqguru syvy Kul@y kpwt ] (1139-14)
satgur sayvay khulHay kapaat.
serves the True Guru; thus the hard and heavy shutters of his mind are opened wide.

AMqir bwhir inkty soie ] (1139-14)
antar baahar niktay so-ay.
Within his own being and beyond, he sees the Lord near at hand.

jn nwnk AwvY n jwvY koie ]4]3]16] (1139-14)
jan naanak aavai na jaavai ko-ay. ||4||3||16||
O servant Nanak, he does not come and go in reincarnation. ||4||3||16||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1139-15)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ijsu qU rwKih iqsu kaunu mwrY ] (1139-15)
jis too raakhahi tis ka-un maarai.
Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord?

sB quJ hI AMqir sgl sMswrY ] (1139-15)
sabh tujh hee antar sagal sansaarai.
All beings, and the entire universe, is within You.

koit aupwv icqvq hY pRwxI ] (1139-16)
kot upaav chitvat hai paraanee.
The mortal thinks up millions of plans,

so hovY ij krY coj ivfwxI ]1] (1139-16)
so hovai je karai choj vidaanee. ||1||
but that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does. ||1||

rwKhu rwKhu ikrpw Dwir ] (1139-16)
raakho raakho kirpaa Dhaar.
Save me, save me, O Lord; shower me with Your Mercy.

qyrI srix qyrY drvwir ]1] rhwau ] (1139-16)
tayree saran tayrai darvaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek Your Sanctuary, and Your Court. ||1||Pause||

ijin syivAw inrBau suKdwqw ] (1139-17)
jin sayvi-aa nirbha-o sukh-daata.
Whoever serves the Fearless Lord, the Giver of Peace,

iqin Bau dUir kIAw eyku prwqw ] (1139-17)
tin bha-o door kee-aa ayk paraataa.
is rid of all his fears; he knows the One Lord.

jo qU krih soeI Puin hoie ] (1139-18)
jo too karahi so-ee fun ho-ay.
Whatever You do, that alone comes to pass in the end.

mwrY n rwKY dUjw koie ]2] (1139-18)
maarai na raakhai doojaa ko-ay. ||2||
There is no other who can kill or protect us. ||2||

ikAw qU socih mwxs bwix ] (1139-18)
ki-aa too socheh maanas baan.
What do you think, with your human understanding?

AMqrjwmI purKu sujwxu ] (1139-19)
antarjaamee purakh sujaan.
The All-knowing Lord is the Searcher of Hearts.

eyk tyk eyko AwDwru ] (1139-19)
ayk tayk ayko aaDhaar.
The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection.

sB ikCu jwxY isrjxhwru ]3] (1139-19)
sabh kichh jaanai sirjanhaar. ||3||
The Creator Lord knows everything. ||3||

ijsu aUpir ndir kry krqwru ] (1139-19)
jis oopar nadar karay kartaar.
That person who is blessed by the Creator's Glance of Grace