Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nwm ibnw sB dunIAw Cwru ]1] (1138-1)
naam binaa sabh dunee-aa chhaar. ||1||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is just ashes. ||1||

Acrju qyrI kudriq qyry kdm slwh ] (1138-1)
achraj tayree kudrat tayray kadam salaah.
Your Creative Power is marvellous, and Your Lotus Feet are admirable.

gnIv qyrI isPiq scy pwiqswh ]2] (1138-2)
ganeev tayree sifat sachay paatisaah. ||2||
Your Praise is priceless, O True King. ||2||

nIDirAw Dr pnh Kudwie ] (1138-2)
neeDhri-aa Dhar panah khudaa-ay.
God is the Support of the unsupported.

grIb invwju idnu rYix iDAwie ]3] (1138-2)
gareeb nivaaj din rain Dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
Meditate day and night on the Cherisher of the meek and humble. ||3||

nwnk kau Kuid Ksm imhrvwn ] (1138-3)
naanak ka-o khud khasam miharvaan.
God has been merciful to Nanak.

Alhu n ivsrY idl jIA prwn ]4]10] (1138-3)
alhu na visrai dil jee-a paraan. ||4||10||
May I never forget God; He is my heart, my soul, my breath of life. ||4||10||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1138-4)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

swc pdwrQu gurmuiK lhhu ] (1138-4)
saach padaarath gurmukh lahhu.
As Gurmukh, obtain the true wealth.

pRB kw Bwxw siq kir shhu ]1] (1138-4)
parabh kaa bhaanaa sat kar sahhu. ||1||
Accept the Will of God as True. ||1||

jIvq jIvq jIvq rhhu ] (1138-4)
jeevat jeevat jeevat rahhu.
Live, live, live forever.

rwm rswiexu inq auiT pIvhu ] (1138-5)
raam rasaa-in nit uth peevhu.
Rise early each day, and drink in the Nectar of the Lord.

hir hir hir hir rsnw khhu ]1] rhwau ] (1138-5)
har har har har rasnaa kahhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

kiljug mih iek nwim auDwru ] (1138-6)
kalijug meh ik naam uDhaar.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the One Name alone shall save you.

nwnku bolY bRhm bIcwru ]2]11] (1138-6)
naanak bolai barahm beechaar. ||2||11||
Nanak speaks the wisdom of God. ||2||11||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1138-6)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

siqguru syiv srb Pl pwey ] (1138-6)
satgur sayv sarab fal paa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, all fruits and rewards are obtained.

jnm jnm kI mYlu imtwey ]1] (1138-7)
janam janam kee mail mitaa-ay. ||1||
The filth of so many lifetimes is washed away. ||1||

piqq pwvn pRB qyro nwau ] (1138-7)
patit paavan parabh tayro naa-o.
Your Name, God, is the Purifier of sinners.

pUrib krm ilKy gux gwau ]1] rhwau ] (1138-7)
poorab karam likhay gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Because of the karma of my past deeds, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

swDU sMig hovY auDwru ] (1138-8)
saaDhoo sang hovai uDhaar.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am saved.

soBw pwvY pRB kY duAwr ]2] (1138-8)
sobhaa paavai parabh kai du-aar. ||2||
I am blessed with honor in God's Court. ||2||

srb kilAwx crx pRB syvw ] (1138-8)
sarab kali-aan charan parabh sayvaa.
Serving at God's Feet, all comforts are obtained.

DUir bwCih siB suir nr dyvw ]3] (1138-9)
Dhoor baachheh sabh sur nar dayvaa. ||3||
All the angels and demi-gods long for the dust of the feet of such beings. ||3||

nwnk pwieAw nwm inDwnu ] (1138-9)
naanak paa-i-aa naam niDhaan.
Nanak has obtained the treasure of the Naam.

hir jip jip auDirAw sgl jhwnu ]4]12] (1138-10)
har jap jap uDhri-aa sagal jahaan. ||4||12||
Chanting and meditating on the Lord, the whole world is saved. ||4||12||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1138-10)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

Apxy dws kau kMiT lgwvY ] (1138-10)
apnay daas ka-o kanth lagaavai.
God hugs His slave close in His Embrace.

inMdk kau Agin mih pwvY ]1] (1138-11)
nindak ka-o agan meh paavai. ||1||
He throws the slanderer into the fire. ||1||

pwpI qy rwKy nwrwiex ] (1138-11)
paapee tay raakhay naaraa-in.
The Lord saves His servants from the sinners.

pwpI kI giq kqhU nwhI pwpI picAw Awp kmwiex ]1] rhwau ] (1138-11)
paapee kee gat kathoo naahee paapee pachi-aa aap kamaa-in. ||1|| rahaa-o.
No one can save the sinner. The sinner is destroyed by his own actions. ||1||Pause||

dws rwm jIau lwgI pRIiq ] (1138-12)
daas raam jee-o laagee pareet.
The Lord's slave is in love with the Dear Lord.

inMdk kI hoeI ibprIiq ]2] (1138-12)
nindak kee ho-ee bipreet. ||2||
The slanderer loves something else. ||2||

pwrbRhim Apxw ibrdu pRgtwieAw ] (1138-13)
paarbarahm apnaa birad paragtaa-i-aa.
The Supreme Lord God has revealed His Innate Nature.

doKI Apxw kIqw pwieAw ]3] (1138-13)
dokhee apnaa keetaa paa-i-aa. ||3||
The evil-doer obtains the fruits of his own actions. ||3||

Awie n jweI rihAw smweI ] (1138-13)
aa-ay na jaa-ee rahi-aa samaa-ee.
God does not come or go; He is All-pervading and permeating.

nwnk dws hir kI srxweI ]4]13] (1138-14)
naanak daas har kee sarnaa-ee. ||4||13||
Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||4||13||

rwgu BYrau mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 (1138-15)
raag bhairo mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 2
Raag Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, Chaupadas, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1138-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sRIDr mohn sgl aupwvn inrMkwr suKdwqw ] (1138-16)
sareeDhar mohan sagal upaavan nirankaar sukh-daata.
The Fascinating Lord, the Creator of all, the Formless Lord, is the Giver of Peace.

AYsw pRBu Coif krih An syvw kvn ibiKAw rs mwqw ]1] (1138-16)
aisaa parabh chhod karahi an sayvaa kavan bikhi-aa ras maataa. ||1||
You have abandoned this Lord, and you serve another. Why are you intoxicated with the pleasures of corruption? ||1||

ry mn myry qU goivd Bwju ] (1138-17)
ray man mayray too govid bhaaj.
O my mind, meditate on the Lord of the Universe.

Avr aupwv sgl mY dyKy jo icqvIAY iqqu ibgris kwju ]1] rhwau ] (1138-17)
avar upaav sagal mai daykhay jo chitvee-ai tit bigras kaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have seen all other sorts of efforts; whatever you can think of, will only bring failure. ||1||Pause||

Twkuru Coif dwsI kau ismrih mnmuK AMD AigAwnw ] (1138-18)
thaakur chhod daasee ka-o simrahi manmukh anDh agi-aanaa.
The blind, ignorant, self-willed manmukhs forsake their Lord and Master, and dwell on His slave Maya.

hir kI Bgiq krih iqn inMdih ingury psU smwnw ]2] (1138-18)
har kee bhagat karahi tin nindeh niguray pasoo samaanaa. ||2||
They slander those who worship their Lord; they are like beasts, without a Guru. ||2||

jIau ipMfu qnu Dnu sBu pRB kw swkq khqy myrw ] (1138-19)
jee-o pind tan Dhan sabh parabh kaa saakat kahtay mayraa.
Soul, life, body and wealth all belong to God, but the faithless cynics claim that they own them.