Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1137 Ktu swsqR mUrKY sunwieAw ] (1137-1)khat saastar moorkhai sunaa-i-aa. The six Shaastras may be read to a fool, jYsy dh ids pvnu JulwieAw ]3] (1137-1)jaisay dah dis pavan jhulaa-i-aa. ||3|| but it is like the wind blowing in the ten directions. ||3|| ibnu kx Klhwnu jYsy gwhn pwieAw ] (1137-2)bin kan khalhaan jaisay gaahan paa-i-aa. It is like threshing a crop without any corn - nothing is gained. iqau swkq qy ko n brwswieAw ]4] (1137-2)ti-o saakat tay ko na baraasaa-i-aa. ||4|| In the same way, no benefit comes from the faithless cynic. ||4|| iqq hI lwgw ijqu ko lwieAw ] (1137-2)tit hee laagaa jit ko laa-i-aa. As the Lord attaches them, so are all attached. khu nwnk pRiB bxq bxwieAw ]5]5] (1137-3)kaho naanak parabh banat banaa-i-aa. ||5||5|| Says Nanak, God has formed such a form. ||5||5|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1137-3)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: jIau pRwx ijin ricE srIr ] (1137-3)jee-o paraan jin rachi-o sareer. He created the soul, the breath of life and the body. ijnih aupwey iqs kau pIr ]1] (1137-4)jineh upaa-ay tis ka-o peer. ||1|| He created all beings, and knows their pains. ||1|| guru goibMdu jIA kY kwm ] (1137-4)gur gobind jee-a kai kaam. The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, is the Helper of the soul. hliq pliq jw kI sd Cwm ]1] rhwau ] (1137-4)halat palat jaa kee sad chhaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. Here and herafter, He always provides shade. ||1||Pause|| pRBu AwrwDn inrml rIiq ] (1137-5)parabh aaraaDhan nirmal reet. Worship and adoration of God is the pure way of life. swDsMig ibnsI ibprIiq ]2] (1137-5)saaDhsang binsee bipreet. ||2|| In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the love of duality vanishes. ||2|| mIq hIq Dnu nh pwrxw ] (1137-5)meet heet Dhan nah paarnaa. Friends, well-wishers and wealth will not support you. DMin DMin myry nwrwiexw ]3] (1137-6)Dhan Dhan mayray naaraa-inaa. ||3|| Blessed, blessed is my Lord. ||3|| nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ] (1137-6)naanak bolai amrit banee. Nanak utters the Ambrosial Bani of the Lord. eyk ibnw dUjw nhI jwxI ]4]6] (1137-6)ayk binaa doojaa nahee jaanee. ||4||6|| Except the One Lord, he does not know any other at all. ||4||6|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1137-7)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: AwgY dXu pwCY nwrwiex ] (1137-7)aagai da-yu paachhai naaraa-in. The Lord is in front of me, and the Lord is behind me. miD Bwig hir pRym rswiex ]1] (1137-7)maDh bhaag har paraym rasaa-in. ||1|| My Beloved Lord, the Source of Nectar, is in the middle as well. ||1|| pRBU hmwrY swsqR saux ] (1137-8)parabhoo hamaarai saastar sa-un. God is my Shaastra and my favorable omen. sUK shj Awnµd igRh Baux ]1] rhwau ] (1137-8)sookh sahj aanand garih bha-un. ||1|| rahaa-o. In His Home and Mansion, I find peace, poise and bliss. ||1||Pause|| rsnw nwmu krn suix jIvy ] (1137-8)rasnaa naam karan sun jeevay. Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with my tongue, and hearing it with my ears, I live. pRBu ismir ismir Amr iQru QIvy ]2] (1137-9)parabh simar simar amar thir theevay. ||2|| Meditating, meditating in remembrance on God, I have become eternal, permanent and stable. ||2|| jnm jnm ky dUK invwry ] (1137-9)janam janam kay dookh nivaaray. The pains of countless lifetimes have been erased. Anhd sbd vjy drbwry ]3] (1137-9)anhad sabad vajay darbaaray. ||3|| The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, vibrates in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| kir ikrpw pRiB lIey imlwey ] (1137-10)kar kirpaa parabh lee-ay milaa-ay. Granting His Grace, God has blended me with Himself. nwnk pRB srxwgiq Awey ]4]7] (1137-10)naanak parabh sarnaagat aa-ay. ||4||7|| Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of God. ||4||7|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1137-10)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: koit mnorQ Awvih hwQ ] (1137-10)kot manorath aavahi haath. It brings millions of desires to fulfillment. jm mwrg kY sMgI pWQ ]1] (1137-11)jam maarag kai sangee paaNth. ||1|| On the Path of Death, It will go with you and help you. ||1|| gMgw jlu gur goibMd nwm ] (1137-11)gangaa jal gur gobind naam. The Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe, is the holy water of the Ganges. jo ismrY iqs kI giq hovY pIvq bhuiV n join BRmwm ]1] rhwau ] (1137-11)jo simrai tis kee gat hovai peevat bahurh na jon bharmaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whoever meditates on it, is saved; drinking it in, the mortal does not wander in reincarnation again. ||1||Pause|| pUjw jwp qwp iesnwn ] (1137-12)poojaa jaap taap isnaan. It is my worship, meditation, austerity and cleansing bath. ismrq nwm Bey inhkwm ]2] (1137-12)simrat naam bha-ay nihkaam. ||2|| Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, I have become free of desire. ||2|| rwj mwl swdn drbwr ] (1137-13)raaj maal saadan darbaar. It is my domain and empire, wealth, mansion and court. ismrq nwm pUrn Awcwr ]3] (1137-13)simrat naam pooran aachaar. ||3|| Meditating in remembrance on the Naam brings perfect conduct. ||3|| nwnk dws iehu kIAw bIcwru ] (1137-13)naanak daas ih kee-aa beechaar. Slave Nanak has deliberated, and has come to this conclusion: ibnu hir nwm imiQAw sB Cwru ]4]8] (1137-14)bin har naam mithi-aa sabh chhaar. ||4||8|| Without the Lord's Name, everything is false and worthless, like ashes. ||4||8|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1137-14)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: lypu n lwgo iql kw mUil ] (1137-14)layp na laago til kaa mool. The poison had absolutely no harmful effect. dustu bRwhmxu mUAw hoie kY sUl ]1] (1137-15)dusat baraahman moo-aa ho-ay kai sool. ||1|| But the wicked Brahmin died in pain. ||1|| hir jn rwKy pwrbRhim Awip ] (1137-15)har jan raakhay paarbarahm aap. The Supreme Lord God Himself has saved His humble servant. pwpI mUAw gur prqwip ]1] rhwau ] (1137-15)paapee moo-aa gur partaap. ||1|| rahaa-o. The sinner died through the Power of the Guru. ||1||Pause|| Apxw Ksmu jin Awip iDAwieAw ] (1137-16)apnaa khasam jan aap Dhi-aa-i-aa. The humble servant of the Lord and Master meditates on Him. ieAwxw pwpI Ehu Awip pcwieAw ]2] (1137-16)i-aanaa paapee oh aap pachaa-i-aa. ||2|| He Himself has destroyed the ignorant sinner. ||2|| pRB mwq ipqw Apxy dws kw rKvwlw ] (1137-17)parabh maat pitaa apnay daas kaa rakhvaalaa. God is the Mother, the Father and the Protector of His slave. inMdk kw mwQw eIhW aUhw kwlw ]3] (1137-17)nindak kaa maathaa eehaaN oohaa kaalaa. ||3|| The face of the slanderer, here and hereafter, is blackened. ||3|| jn nwnk kI prmysir suxI Ardwis ] (1137-18)jan naanak kee parmaysar sunee ardaas. The Transcendent Lord has heard the prayer of servant Nanak. mlyCu pwpI picAw BieAw inrwsu ]4]9] (1137-18)malaychh paapee pachi-aa bha-i-aa niraas. ||4||9|| The filthy sinner lost hope and died. ||4||9|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1137-19)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: KUbu KUbu KUbu KUbu KUbu qyro nwmu ] (1137-19)khoob khoob khoob khoob khoob tayro naam. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent is Your Name. JUTu JUTu JUTu JUTu dunI gumwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1137-19)jhooth jhooth jhooth jhooth dunee gumaan. ||1|| rahaa-o. False, false, false, false is pride in the world. ||1||Pause|| ngj qyry bMdy dIdwru Apwru ] (1137-19)nagaj tayray banday deedaar apaar. The glorious vision of Your slaves, O Infinite Lord, is wonderful and beauteous. |
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