Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1146 BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1146-1)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: inrDn kau qum dyvhu Dnw ] (1146-1)nirDhan ka-o tum dayvhu Dhanaa. You bless the poor with wealth, O Lord. Aink pwp jwih inrml mnw ] (1146-1)anik paap jaahi nirmal manaa. Countless sins are taken away, and the mind becomes immaculate and pure. sgl mnorQ pUrn kwm ] (1146-2)sagal manorath pooran kaam. All the mind's desires are fulfilled, and one's tasks are perfectly accomplished. Bgq Apuny kau dyvhu nwm ]1] (1146-2)bhagat apunay ka-o dayvhu naam. ||1|| You bestow Your Name upon Your devotee. ||1|| sPl syvw gopwl rwie ] (1146-2)safal sayvaa gopaal raa-ay. Service to the Lord, our Sovereign King, is fruitful and rewarding. krn krwvnhwr suAwmI qw qy ibrQw koie n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1146-3)karan karaavanhaar su-aamee taa tay birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Our Lord and Master is the Creator, the Cause of causes; no one is turned away from His Door empty-handed. ||1||Pause|| rogI kw pRB KMfhu rogu ] (1146-3)rogee kaa parabh khandahu rog. God eradicates the disease from the diseased person. duKIey kw imtwvhu pRB sogu ] (1146-4)dukhee-ay kaa mitaavhu parabh sog. God takes away the sorrows of the suffering. inQwvy kau qum@ Qwin bYTwvhu ] (1146-4)nithaavay ka-o tumH thaan baithaavahu. And those who have no place at all - You seat them upon the place. dws Apny kau BgqI lwvhu ]2] (1146-4)daas apnay ka-o bhagtee laavhu. ||2|| You link Your slave to devotional worship. ||2|| inmwxy kau pRB dyqo mwnu ] (1146-5)nimaanay ka-o parabh dayto maan. God bestows honor on the dishonored. mUV mugDu hoie cqur suigAwnu ] (1146-5)moorh mugaDh ho-ay chatur sugi-aan. He makes the foolish and ignorant become clever and wise. sgl BieAwn kw Bau nsY ] (1146-5)sagal bha-i-aan kaa bha-o nasai. The fear of all fear disappears. jn Apny kY hir min bsY ]3] (1146-5)jan apnay kai har man basai. ||3|| The Lord dwells within the mind of His humble servant. ||3|| pwrbRhm pRB sUK inDwn ] (1146-6)paarbarahm parabh sookh niDhaan. The Supreme Lord God is the Treasure of Peace. qqu igAwnu hir AMimRq nwm ] (1146-6)tat gi-aan har amrit naam. The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the essence of reality. kir ikrpw sMq thlY lwey ] (1146-6)kar kirpaa sant tahlai laa-ay. Granting His Grace, He enjoins the mortals to serve the Saints. nwnk swDU sMig smwey ]4]23]36] (1146-7)naanak saaDhoo sang samaa-ay. ||4||23||36|| O Nanak, such a person merges in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||4||23||36|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1146-7)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: sMq mMfl mih hir min vsY ] (1146-7)sant mandal meh har man vasai. In the Realm of the Saints, the Lord dwells in the mind. sMq mMfl mih durqu sBu nsY ] (1146-8)sant mandal meh durat sabh nasai. In the Realm of the Saints, all sins run away. sMq mMfl mih inrml rIiq ] (1146-8)sant mandal meh nirmal reet. In the Realm of the Saints, one's lifestyle is immaculate. sMqsMig hoie eyk prIiq ]1] (1146-8)satsang ho-ay ayk pareet. ||1|| In the Society of the Saints, one comes to love the One Lord. ||1|| sMq mMflu qhw kw nwau ] (1146-9)sant mandal tahaa kaa naa-o. That alone is called the Realm of the Saints, pwrbRhm kyvl gux gwau ]1] rhwau ] (1146-9)paarbarahm kayval gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. where only the Glorious Praises of the Supreme Lord God are sung. ||1||Pause|| sMq mMfl mih jnm mrxu rhY ] (1146-9)sant mandal meh janam maran rahai. In the Realm of the Saints, birth and death are ended. sMq mMfl mih jmu ikCU n khY ] (1146-10)sant mandal meh jam kichhoo na kahai. In the Realm of the Saints, the Messenger of Death cannot touch the mortal. sMqsMig hoie inrml bwxI ] (1146-10)satsang ho-ay nirmal banee. In the Society of the Saints, one's speech becomes immaculate sMq mMfl mih nwmu vKwxI ]2] (1146-10)sant mandal meh naam vakhaanee. ||2|| In the realm of the saints, the Lord's Name is chanted. ||2|| sMq mMfl kw inhcl Awsnu ] (1146-11)sant mandal kaa nihchal aasan. The Realm of the Saints is the eternal, ever-stable place. sMq mMfl mih pwp ibnwsnu ] (1146-11)sant mandal meh paap binaasan. In the Realm of the Saints, sins are destroyed. sMq mMfl mih inrml kQw ] (1146-11)sant mandal meh nirmal kathaa. In the Realm of the Saints, the immaculate sermon is spoken. sMqsMig haumY duK nsw ]3] (1146-12)satsang ha-umai dukh nasaa. ||3|| In the Society of the Saints, the pain of egotism runs away. ||3|| sMq mMfl kw nhI ibnwsu ] (1146-12)sant mandal kaa nahee binaas. The Realm of the Saints cannot be destroyed. sMq mMfl mih hir guxqwsu ] (1146-12)sant mandal meh har guntaas. In the Realm of the Saints, is the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue. sMq mMfl Twkur ibsRwmu ] (1146-13)sant mandal thaakur bisraam. The Realm of the Saints is the resting place of our Lord and Master. nwnk Eiq poiq Bgvwnu ]4]24]37] (1146-13)naanak ot pot bhagvaan. ||4||24||37|| O Nanak, He is woven into the fabric of His devotees, through and through. ||4||24||37|| BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1146-13)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: rogu kvnu jW rwKY Awip ] (1146-14)rog kavan jaaN raakhai aap. Why worry about disease, when the Lord Himself protects us? iqsu jn hoie n dUKu sMqwpu ] (1146-14)tis jan ho-ay na dookh santaap. That person whom the Lord protects, does not suffer pain and sorrow. ijsu aUpir pRBu ikrpw krY ] (1146-14)jis oopar parabh kirpaa karai. That person, upon whom God showers His Mercy iqsu aUpr qy kwlu prhrY ]1] (1146-14)tis oopar tay kaal parharai. ||1|| - Death hovering above him is turned away. ||1|| sdw sKweI hir hir nwmu ] (1146-15)sadaa sakhaa-ee har har naam. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is forever our Help and Support. ijsu cIiq AwvY iqsu sdw suKu hovY inkit n AwvY qw kY jwmu ]1] rhwau ] (1146-15)jis cheet aavai tis sadaa sukh hovai nikat na aavai taa kai jaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. When He comes to mind, the mortal finds lasting peace, and the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. ||1||Pause|| jb iehu n so qb iknih aupwieAw ] (1146-16)jab ih na so tab kineh upaa-i-aa. When this being did not exist, who created him then? kvn mUl qy ikAw pRgtwieAw ] (1146-16)kavan mool tay ki-aa paragtaa-i-aa. What has been produced from the source? Awpih mwir Awip jIvwlY ] (1146-17)aapeh maar aap jeevaalai. He Himself kills, and He Himself rejuvenates. Apny Bgq kau sdw pRiqpwlY ]2] (1146-17)apnay bhagat ka-o sadaa paratipaalai. ||2|| He cherishes His devotees forever. ||2|| sB ikCu jwxhu iqs kY hwQ ] (1146-17)sabh kichh jaanhu tis kai haath. Know that everything is in His Hands. pRBu myro AnwQ ko nwQ ] (1146-18)parabh mayro anaath ko naath. My God is the Master of the masterless. duK BMjnu qw kw hY nwau ] (1146-18)dukh bhanjan taa kaa hai naa-o. His Name is the Destroyer of pain. suK pwvih iqs ky gux gwau ]3] (1146-18)sukh paavahi tis kay gun gaa-o. ||3|| Singing His Glorious Praises, you shall find peace. ||3|| suix suAwmI sMqn Ardwis ] (1146-19)sun su-aamee santan ardaas. O my Lord and Master, please listen to the prayer of Your Saint. jIau pRwn Dnu qum@rY pwis ] (1146-19)jee-o paraan Dhan tumHrai paas. I place my soul, my breath of life and wealth before You. iehu jgu qyrw sB quJih iDAwey ] (1146-19)ih jag tayraa sabh tujheh Dhi-aa-ay. All this world is Yours; it meditates on You. |
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