Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ijn min visAw sy jn sohy ihrdY nwmu vswey ]3] (1132-1)
jin man vasi-aa say jan sohay hirdai naam vasaa-ay. ||3||
Those whose minds are filled with the Naam are beautiful; they enshrine the Naam within their hearts. ||3||

Gru dru mhlu siqgurU idKwieAw rMg isau rlIAw mwxY ] (1132-1)
ghar dar mahal satguroo dikhaa-i-aa rang si-o ralee-aa maanai.
The True Guru has revealed to me the Lord's Home and His Court, and the Mansion of His Presence. I joyfully enjoy His Love.

jo ikCu khY su Blw kir mwnY nwnk nwmu vKwxY ]4]6]16] (1132-2)
jo kichh kahai so bhalaa kar maanai naanak naam vakhaanai. ||4||6||16||
Whatever He says, I accept as good; Nanak chants the Naam. ||4||6||16||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1132-3)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

mnsw mnih smwie lY gur sbdI vIcwr ] (1132-3)
mansaa maneh samaa-ay lai gur sabdee veechaar.
The desires of the mind are absorbed in the mind, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

gur pUry qy soJI pvY iPir mrY n vwro vwr ]1] (1132-3)
gur pooray tay sojhee pavai fir marai na vaaro vaar. ||1||
Understanding is obtained from the Perfect Guru, and then the mortal does not die over and over again. ||1||

mn myry rwm nwmu AwDwru ] (1132-4)
man mayray raam naam aaDhaar.
My mind takes the Support of the Lord's Name.

gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw sB ieC pujwvxhwru ]1] rhwau ] (1132-4)
gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa sabh ichh pujaavanhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I have obtained the supreme status; the Lord is the Fulfiller of all desires. ||1||Pause||

sB mih eyko riv rihAw gur ibnu bUJ n pwie ] (1132-5)
sabh meh ayko rav rahi-aa gur bin boojh na paa-ay.
The One Lord is permeating and pervading amongst all; without the Guru, this understanding is not obtained.

gurmuiK pRgtu hoAw myrw hir pRBu Anidnu hir gux gwie ]2] (1132-5)
gurmukh pargat ho-aa mayraa har parabh an-din har gun gaa-ay. ||2||
My Lord God has been revealed to me, and I have become Gurmukh. Night and day, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

suKdwqw hir eyku hY hor QY suKu n pwih ] (1132-6)
sukh-daata har ayk hai hor thai sukh na paahi.
The One Lord is the Giver of peace; peace is not found anywhere else.

siqguru ijnI n syivAw dwqw sy AMiq gey pCuqwih ]3] (1132-7)
satgur jinee na sayvi-aa daataa say ant ga-ay pachhutaahi. ||3||
Those who do not serve the Giver, the True Guru, depart regretfully in the end. ||3||

siqguru syiv sdw suKu pwieAw iPir duKu n lwgY Dwie ] (1132-7)
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-i-aa fir dukh na laagai Dhaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, lasting peace is obtained, and the mortal does not suffer in pain any longer.

nwnk hir Bgiq prwpiq hoeI joqI joiq smwie ]4]7]17] (1132-8)
naanak har bhagat paraapat ho-ee jotee jot samaa-ay. ||4||7||17||
Nanak has been blessed with devotional worship of the Lord; his light has merged into the Light. ||4||7||17||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1132-8)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

bwJu gurU jgqu baurwnw BUlw cotw KweI ] (1132-9)
baajh guroo jagat ba-uraanaa bhoolaa chotaa khaa-ee.
Without the Guru, the world is insane; confused and deluded, it is beaten, and it suffers.

mir mir jMmY sdw duKu pwey dr kI Kbir n pweI ]1] (1132-9)
mar mar jammai sadaa dukh paa-ay dar kee khabar na paa-ee. ||1||
It dies and dies again, and is reborn, always in pain, but it is unaware of the Lord's Gate. ||1||

myry mn sdw rhhu siqgur kI srxw ] (1132-10)
mayray man sadaa rahhu satgur kee sarnaa.
O my mind, remain always in the Protection of the True Guru's Sanctuary.

ihrdY hir nwmu mITw sd lwgw gur sbdy Bvjlu qrxw ]1] rhwau ] (1132-10)
hirdai har naam meethaa sad laagaa gur sabday bhavjal tarnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those people, to whose hearts the Lord's Name seems sweet, are carried across the terrifying world-ocean by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||

ByK krY bhuqu icqu folY AMqir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] (1132-11)
bhaykh karai bahut chit dolai antar kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.
The mortal wears various religious robes, but his consciousness is unsteady; deep within, he is filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism.

AMqir iqsw BUK Aiq bhuqI Baukq iPrY dr bwru ]2] (1132-11)
antar tisaa bhookh at bahutee bha-ukat firai dar baar. ||2||
Deep within is the great thirst and immense hunger; he wanders from door to door. ||2||

gur kY sbid mrih iPir jIvih iqn kau mukiq duAwir ] (1132-12)
gur kai sabad mareh fir jeeveh tin ka-o mukat du-aar.
Those who die in the Word of the Guru's Shabad are reborn; they find the door of liberation.

AMqir sWiq sdw suKu hovY hir rwiKAw aur Dwir ]3] (1132-13)
antar saaNt sadaa sukh hovai har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||3||
With constant peace and tranquility deep within, they enshrine the Lord within their hearts. ||3||

ijau iqsu BwvY iqvY clwvY krxw ikCU n jweI ] (1132-13)
ji-o tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai karnaa kichhoo na jaa-ee.
As it pleases Him, He inspires us to act. Nothing else can be done.

nwnk gurmuiK sbdu sm@wly rwm nwim vifAweI ]4]8]18] (1132-14)
naanak gurmukh sabad samHaalay raam naam vadi-aa-ee. ||4||8||18||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh contemplates the Word of the Shabad, and is blessed with the glorious greatness of the Lord's Name. ||4||8||18||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1132-15)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

haumY mwieAw moih KuAwieAw duKu Kty duK Kwie ] (1132-15)
ha-umai maa-i-aa mohi khu-aa-i-aa dukh khatay dukh khaa-ay.
Lost in egotism, Maya and attachment, the mortal earns pain, and eats pain.

AMqir loB hlku duKu BwrI ibnu ibbyk Brmwie ]1] (1132-15)
antar lobh halak dukh bhaaree bin bibayk bharmaa-ay. ||1||
The great disease, the rabid disease of greed, is deep within him; he wanders around indiscriminately. ||1||

mnmuiK iDRgu jIvxu sYswir ] (1132-16)
manmukh Dharig jeevan saisaar.
The life of the self-willed manmukh in this world is cursed.

rwm nwmu supnY nhI cyiqAw hir isau kdy n lwgY ipAwru ]1] rhwau ] (1132-16)
raam naam supnai nahee chayti-aa har si-o kaday na laagai pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not remember the Lord's Name, even in his dreams. He is never in love with the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

psUAw krm krY nhI bUJY kUVu kmwvY kUVo hoie ] (1132-17)
pasoo-aa karam karai nahee boojhai koorh kamaavai koorho ho-ay.
He acts like a beast, and does not understand anything. Practicing falsehood, he becomes false.

siqguru imlY q aultI hovY Koij lhY jnu koie ]2] (1132-17)
satgur milai ta ultee hovai khoj lahai jan ko-ay. ||2||
But when the mortal meets the True Guru, his way of looking at the world changes. How rare are those humble beings who seek and find the Lord. ||2||

hir hir nwmu irdY sd visAw pwieAw guxI inDwnu ] (1132-18)
har har naam ridai sad vasi-aa paa-i-aa gunee niDhaan.
That person, whose heart is forever filled with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, obtains the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue.

gur prswdI pUrw pwieAw cUkw mn AiBmwnu ]3] (1132-19)
gur parsaadee pooraa paa-i-aa chookaa man abhimaan. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, he finds the Perfect Lord; the egotistical pride of his mind is eradicated. ||3||

Awpy krqw kry krwey Awpy mwrig pwey ] (1132-19)
aapay kartaa karay karaa-ay aapay maarag paa-ay.
The Creator Himself acts, and causes all to act. He Himself places us on the path.