Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1133 Awpy gurmuiK dy vifAweI nwnk nwim smwey ]4]9]19] (1133-1)aapay gurmukh day vadi-aa-ee naanak naam samaa-ay. ||4||9||19|| He Himself blesses the Gurmukh with glorious greatness; O Nanak, he merges in the Naam. ||4||9||19|| BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1133-1)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: myrI ptIAw ilKhu hir goivMd gopwlw ] (1133-1)mayree patee-aa likhahu har govind gopaalaa. Upon my writing tablet, I write the Name of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the World. dUjY Bwie PwQy jm jwlw ] (1133-2)doojai bhaa-ay faathay jam jaalaa. In the love of duality, the mortals are caught in the noose of the Messenger of Death. siqguru kry myrI pRiqpwlw ] (1133-2)satgur karay mayree partipaalaa. The True Guru nurtures and sustains me. hir suKdwqw myrY nwlw ]1] (1133-2)har sukh-daata mayrai naalaa. ||1|| The Lord, the Giver of peace, is always with me. ||1|| gur aupdyis pRihlwdu hir aucrY ] (1133-3)gur updays par-hilaad har uchrai. Following his Guru's instructions, Prahlaad chanted the Lord's Name; swsnw qy bwlku gmu n krY ]1] rhwau ] (1133-3)saasnaa tay baalak gam na karai. ||1|| rahaa-o. he was a child, but he was not afraid when his teacher yelled at him. ||1||Pause|| mwqw aupdysY pRihlwd ipAwry ] (1133-4)maataa updaysai par-hilaad pi-aaray. Prahlaad's mother gave her beloved son some advice: puqR rwm nwmu Cofhu jIau lyhu aubwry ] (1133-4)putar raam naam chhodahu jee-o layho ubaaray. "My son, you must abandon the Lord's Name, and save your life!" pRihlwdu khY sunhu myrI mwie ] (1133-4)par-hilaad kahai sunhu mayree maa-ay. Prahlaad said: "Listen, O my mother; rwm nwmu n Cofw guir dIAw buJwie ]2] (1133-5)raam naam na chhodaa gur dee-aa bujhaa-ay. ||2|| I shall never give up the Lord's Name. My Guru has taught me this."||2|| sMfw mrkw siB jwie pukwry ] (1133-5)sandaa markaa sabh jaa-ay pukaaray. Sandaa and Markaa, his teachers, went to his father the king, and complained: pRihlwdu Awip ivgiVAw siB cwtVy ivgwVy ] (1133-6)par-hilaad aap vigrhi-aa sabh chaatrhay vigaarhay. "Prahlaad himself has gone astray, and he leads all the other pupils astray." dust sBw mih mMqRü pkwieAw ] (1133-6)dusat sabhaa meh mantar pakaa-i-aa. In the court of the wicked king, a plan was hatched. pRhlwd kw rwKw hoie rGurwieAw ]3] (1133-6)parahlaad kaa raakhaa ho-ay raghuraa-i-aa. ||3|| God is the Savior of Prahlaad. ||3|| hwiQ KVgu kir DwieAw Aiq AhMkwir ] (1133-7)haath kharhag kar Dhaa-i-aa at ahaNkaar. With sword in hand, and with great egotistical pride, Prahlaad's father ran up to him. hir qyrw khw quJu ley aubwir ] (1133-7)har tayraa kahaa tujh la-ay ubaar. "Where is your Lord, who will save you?" iKn mih BYAwn rUpu inkisAw QMm@ aupwiV ] (1133-8)khin meh bhai-aan roop niksi-aa thamH upaarh. In an instant, the Lord appeared in a dreadful form, and shattered the pillar. hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw pRhlwdu lIAw aubwir ]4] (1133-8)harnaakhas nakhee bidaari-aa parahlaad lee-aa ubaar. ||4|| Harnaakhash was torn apart by His claws, and Prahlaad was saved. ||4|| sMq jnw ky hir jIau kwrj svwry ] (1133-9)sant janaa kay har jee-o kaaraj savaaray. The Dear Lord completes the tasks of the Saints. pRhlwd jn ky iekIh kul auDwry ] (1133-9)parahlaad jan kay ikeeh kul uDhaaray. He saved twenty-one generations of Prahlaad's descendents. gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwry ] (1133-9)gur kai sabad ha-umai bikh maaray. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the poison of egotism is neutralized. nwnk rwm nwim sMq insqwry ]5]10]20] (1133-10)naanak raam naam sant nistaaray. ||5||10||20|| O Nanak, through the Name of the Lord, the Saints are emancipated. ||5||10||20|| BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1133-10)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: Awpy dYq lwie idqy sMq jnw kau Awpy rwKw soeI ] (1133-10)aapay dait laa-ay ditay sant janaa ka-o aapay raakhaa so-ee. The Lord Himself makes demons pursue the Saints, and He Himself saves them. jo qyrI sdw srxweI iqn min duKu n hoeI ]1] (1133-11)jo tayree sadaa sarnaa-ee tin man dukh na ho-ee. ||1|| Those who remain forever in Your Sanctuary, O Lord - their minds are never touched by sorrow. ||1|| juig juig Bgqw kI rKdw AwieAw ] (1133-11)jug jug bhagtaa kee rakh-daa aa-i-aa. In each and every age, the Lord saves the honor of His devotees. dYq puqRü pRhlwdu gwieqRI qrpxu ikCU n jwxY sbdy myil imlwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1133-12)dait putar parahlaad gaa-itaree tarpan kichhoo na jaanai sabday mayl milaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Prahlaad, the demon's son, knew nothing of the Hindu morning prayer, the Gayatri, and nothing about ceremonial water-offerings to his ancestors; but through the Word of the Shabad, he was united in the Lord's Union. ||1||Pause|| Anidnu Bgiq krih idn rwqI duibDw sbdy KoeI ] (1133-13)an-din bhagat karahi din raatee dubiDhaa sabday kho-ee. Night and day, he performed devotional worship service, day and night, and through the Shabad, his duality was eradicated. sdw inrml hY jo sic rwqy scu visAw min soeI ]2] (1133-13)sadaa nirmal hai jo sach raatay sach vasi-aa man so-ee. ||2|| Those who are imbued with Truth are immaculate and pure; the True Lord abides within their minds. ||2|| mUrK duibDw pVHih mUlu n pCwxih ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ] (1133-14)moorakh dubiDhaa parheh mool na pachhaaneh birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. The fools in duality read, but they do not understand anything; they waste their lives uselessly. sMq jnw kI inMdw krih dustu dYqu icVwieAw ]3] (1133-15)sant janaa kee nindaa karahi dusat dait chirhaa-i-aa. ||3|| The wicked demon slandered the Saint, and stirred up trouble. ||3|| pRhlwdu duibDw n pVY hir nwmu n CofY frY n iksY dw frwieAw ] (1133-15)parahlaad dubiDhaa na parhai har naam na chhodai darai na kisai daa daraa-i-aa. Prahlaad did not read in duality, and he did not abandon the Lord's Name; he was not afraid of any fear. sMq jnw kw hir jIau rwKw dYqY kwlu nyVw AwieAw ]4] (1133-16)sant janaa kaa har jee-o raakhaa daitai kaal nayrhaa aa-i-aa. ||4|| The Dear Lord became the Savior of the Saint, and the demonic Death could not even approach him. ||4|| AwpxI pYj Awpy rwKY BgqW dyie vifAweI ] (1133-16)aapnee paij aapay raakhai bhagtaaN day-ay vadi-aa-ee. The Lord Himself saved his honor, and blessed his devotee with glorious greatness. nwnk hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw AMDY dr kI Kbir n pweI ]5]11]21] (1133-17)naanak harnaakhas nakhee bidaari-aa anDhai dar kee khabar na paa-ee. ||5||11||21|| O Nanak, Harnaakhash was torn apart by the Lord with His claws; the blind demon knew nothing of the Lord's Court. ||5||11||21|| rwgu BYrau mhlw 4 caupdy Gru 1 (1133-19)raag bhairo mehlaa 4 cha-upday ghar 1 Raag Bhairao, Fourth Mehl, Chaupadas, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1133-19)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir jn sMq kir ikrpw pig lwiexu ] (1133-19)har jan sant kar kirpaa pag laa-in. The Lord, in His Mercy, attaches mortals to the feet of the Saints. |
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