Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nwmy nwim imlY vifAweI ijs no mMin vswey ]2] (1131-1)
naamay naam milai vadi-aa-ee jis no man vasaa-ay. ||2||
Through the Naam, glorious greatness is obtained; he alone obtains it, whose mind is filled with the Lord. ||2||

siqguru BytY qw Plu pwey scu krxI suK swru ] (1131-1)
satgur bhaytai taa fal paa-ay sach karnee sukh saar.
Meeting the True Guru, the fruitful rewards are obtained. This true lifestyle beings sublime peace.

sy jn inrml jo hir lwgy hir nwmy Drih ipAwru ]3] (1131-2)
say jan nirmal jo har laagay har naamay Dhareh pi-aar. ||3||
Those humble beings who are attached to the Lord are immaculate; they enshrine love for the Lord's Name. ||3||

iqn kI ryxu imlY qW msqik lweI ijn siqguru pUrw iDAwieAw ] (1131-2)
tin kee rayn milai taaN mastak laa-ee jin satgur pooraa Dhi-aa-i-aa.
If I obtain the dust of their feet, I apply it to my forehead. They meditate on the Perfect True Guru.

nwnk iqn kI ryxu pUrY Bwig pweIAY ijnI rwm nwim icqu lwieAw ]4]3]13] (1131-3)
naanak tin kee rayn poorai bhaag paa-ee-ai jinee raam naam chit laa-i-aa. ||4||3||13||
O Nanak, this dust is obtained only by perfect destiny. They focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name. ||4||3||13||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1131-4)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

sbdu bIcwry so jnu swcw ijn kY ihrdY swcw soeI ] (1131-4)
sabad beechaaray so jan saachaa jin kai hirdai saachaa so-ee.
That humble being who contemplates the Word of the Shabad is true; the True Lord is within his heart.

swcI Bgiq krih idnu rwqI qW qin dUKu n hoeI ]1] (1131-5)
saachee bhagat karahi din raatee taaN tan dookh na ho-ee. ||1||
If someone performs true devotional worship day and night, then his body will not feel pain. ||1||

Bgqu Bgqu khY sBu koeI ] (1131-5)
bhagat bhagat kahai sabh ko-ee.
Everyone calls him, "Devotee, devotee."

ibnu siqgur syvy Bgiq n pweIAY pUrY Bwig imlY pRBu soeI ]1] rhwau ] (1131-5)
bin satgur sayvay bhagat na paa-ee-ai poorai bhaag milai parabh so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But without serving the True Guru, devotional worship is not obtained. Only through perfect destiny does one meet God. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK mUlu gvwvih lwBu mwgih lwhw lwBu ikdU hoeI ] (1131-6)
manmukh mool gavaaveh laabh maageh laahaa laabh kidoo ho-ee.
The self-willed manmukhs lose their capital, and still, they demand profits. How can they earn any profit?

jmkwlu sdw hY isr aUpir dUjY Bwie piq KoeI ]2] (1131-7)
jamkaal sadaa hai sir oopar doojai bhaa-ay pat kho-ee. ||2||
The Messenger of Death is always hovering above their heads. In the love of duality, they lose their honor. ||2||

bhly ByK Bvih idnu rwqI haumY rogu n jweI ] (1131-7)
bahlay bhaykh bhaveh din raatee ha-umai rog na jaa-ee.
Trying on all sorts of religious robes, they wander around day and night, but the disease of their egotism is not cured.

piV piV lUJih bwdu vKwxih imil mwieAw suriq gvweI ]3] (1131-8)
parh parh loojheh baad vakaaneh mil maa-i-aa surat gavaa-ee. ||3||
Reading and studying, they argue and debate; attached to Maya, they lose their awareness. ||3||

siqguru syvih prm giq pwvih nwim imlY vifAweI ] (1131-9)
satgur sayveh param gat paavahi naam milai vadi-aa-ee.
Those who serve the True Guru are blessed with the supreme status; through the Naam, they are blessed with glorious greatness.

nwnk nwmu ijnw min visAw dir swcY piq pweI ]4]4]14] (1131-9)
naanak naam jinaa man vasi-aa dar saachai pat paa-ee. ||4||4||14||
O Nanak, those whose minds are filled with the Naam, are honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||4||4||14||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1131-10)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

mnmuK Awsw nhI auqrY dUjY Bwie KuAwey ] (1131-10)
manmukh aasaa nahee utrai doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh cannot escape false hope. In the love of duality, he is ruined.

audru nY swxu n BrIAY kbhU iqRsnw Agin pcwey ]1] (1131-10)
udar nai saan na bharee-ai kabhoo tarisnaa agan pachaa-ay. ||1||
His belly is like a river - it is never filled up. He is consumed by the fire of desire. ||1||

sdw Anµdu rwm ris rwqy ] (1131-11)
sadaa anand raam ras raatay.
Eternally blissful are those who are imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord.

ihrdY nwmu duibDw min BwgI hir hir AMimRqu pI iqRpqwqy ]1] rhwau ] (1131-11)
hirdai naam dubiDhaa man bhaagee har har amrit pee tariptaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, fills their hearts, and duality runs away from their minds. Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, Har, Har, they are satisfied. ||1||Pause||

Awpy pwrbRhmu isRsit ijin swjI isir isir DMDY lwey ] (1131-12)
aapay paarbarahm sarisat jin saajee sir sir DhanDhai laa-ay.
The Supreme Lord God Himself created the Universe; He links each and every person to their tasks.

mwieAw mohu kIAw ijin Awpy Awpy dUjY lwey ]2] (1131-13)
maa-i-aa moh kee-aa jin aapay aapay doojai laa-ay. ||2||
He Himself created love and attachment to Maya; He Himself attaches the mortals to duality. ||2||

iqs no ikhu khIAY jy dUjw hovY siB quDY mwih smwey ] (1131-13)
tis no kihu kahee-ai jay doojaa hovai sabh tuDhai maahi samaa-ay.
If there were any other, then I would speak to him; all will be merged in You.

gurmuiK igAwnu qqu bIcwrw joqI joiq imlwey ]3] (1131-14)
gurmukh gi-aan tat beechaaraa jotee jot milaa-ay. ||3||
The Gurmukh contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom; his light merges into the Light. ||3||

so pRBu swcw sd hI swcw swcw sBu Awkwrw ] (1131-14)
so parabh saachaa sad hee saachaa saachaa sabh aakaaraa.
God is True, Forever True, and all His Creation is True.

nwnk siqguir soJI pweI sic nwim insqwrw ]4]5]15] (1131-15)
naanak satgur sojhee paa-ee sach naam nistaaraa. ||4||5||15||
O Nanak, the True Guru has given me this understanding; the True Name brings emancipation. ||4||5||15||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1131-16)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

kil mih pRyq ijn@I rwmu n pCwqw sqjuig prm hMs bIcwrI ] (1131-16)
kal meh parayt jinHee raam na pachhaataa satjug param hans beechaaree.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, those who do not realize the Lord are goblins. In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, the supreme soul-swans contemplated the Lord.

duAwpuir qRyqY mwxs vrqih ivrlY haumY mwrI ]1] (1131-16)
du-aapur taraytai maanas varteh virlai ha-umai maaree. ||1||
In the Silver Age of Dwaapur Yuga, and the Brass Age of Traytaa Yuga, mankind prevailed, but only a rare few subdued their egos. ||1||

kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ] (1131-17)
kal meh raam naam vadi-aa-ee.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, glorious greatness is obtained through the Lord's Name.

juig juig gurmuiK eyko jwqw ivxu nwvY mukiq n pweI ]1] rhwau ] (1131-17)
jug jug gurmukh ayko jaataa vin naavai mukat na paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In each and every age, the Gurmukhs know the One Lord; without the Name, liberation is not attained. ||1||Pause||

ihrdY nwmu lKY jnu swcw gurmuiK mMin vsweI ] (1131-18)
hirdai naam lakhai jan saachaa gurmukh man vasaa-ee.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is revealed in the heart of the True Lord's humble servant. It dwells in the mind of the Gurmukh.

Awip qry sgly kul qwry ijnI rwm nwim ilv lweI ]2] (1131-19)
aap taray saglay kul taaray jinee raam naam liv laa-ee. ||2||
Those who are lovingly focused on the Lord's Name save themselves; they save all their ancestors as well. ||2||

myrw pRBu hY gux kw dwqw Avgx sbid jlwey ] (1131-19)
mayraa parabh hai gun kaa daataa avgan sabad jalaa-ay.
My Lord God is the Giver of virtue. The Word of the Shabad burns away all faults and demerits.