Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1130 igAwn AMjnu siqgur qy hoie ] (1130-1)gi-aan anjan satgur tay ho-ay. The ointment of spiritual wisdom is obtained from the True Guru. rwm nwmu riv rihAw iqhu loie ]3] (1130-1)raam naam rav rahi-aa tihu lo-ay. ||3|| The Lord's Name is pervading the three worlds. ||3|| kiljug mih hir jIau eyku hor ruiq n kweI ] (1130-1)kalijug meh har jee-o ayk hor rut na kaa-ee. In Kali Yuga, it is the time for the One Dear Lord; it is not the time for anything else. nwnk gurmuiK ihrdY rwm nwmu lyhu jmweI ]4]10] (1130-2)naanak gurmukh hirdai raam naam layho jamaa-ee. ||4||10|| O Nanak, as Gurmukh, let the Lord's Name grow within your heart. ||4||10|| BYrau mhlw 3 Gru 2 (1130-3)bhairo mehlaa 3 ghar 2 Bhairao, Third Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1130-4)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: duibDw mnmuK roig ivAwpy iqRsnw jlih AiDkweI ] (1130-4)dubiDhaa manmukh rog vi-aapay tarisnaa jaleh aDhikaa-ee. The self-willed manmukhs are afflicted with the disease of duality; they are burnt by the intense fire of desire. mir mir jMmih Taur n pwvih ibrQw jnmu gvweI ]1] (1130-4)mar mar jameh tha-ur na paavahi birthaa janam gavaa-ee. ||1|| They die and die again, and are reborn; they find no place of rest. They waste their lives uselessly. ||1|| myry pRIqm kir ikrpw dyhu buJweI ] (1130-5)mayray pareetam kar kirpaa dayh bujhaa-ee. O my Beloved, grant Your Grace, and give me understanding. haumY rogI jgqu aupwieAw ibnu sbdY rogu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (1130-5)ha-umai rogee jagat upaa-i-aa bin sabdai rog na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. The world was created in the disease of egotism; without the Word of the Shabad, the disease is not cured. ||1||Pause|| isMimRiq swsqR pVih muin kyqy ibnu sbdY suriq n pweI ] (1130-6)simrit saastar parheh mun kaytay bin sabdai surat na paa-ee. There are so many silent sages, who read the Simritees and the Shaastras; without the Shabad, they have no clear awareness. qRY gux sBy roig ivAwpy mmqw suriq gvweI ]2] (1130-7)tarai gun sabhay rog vi-aapay mamtaa surat gavaa-ee. ||2|| All those under the influence of the three qualities are afflicted with the disease; through possessiveness, they lose their awareness. ||2|| ieik Awpy kwiF ley pRiB Awpy gur syvw pRiB lwey ] (1130-7)ik aapay kaadh la-ay parabh aapay gur sayvaa parabh laa-ay. O God, you save some, and you enjoin others to serve the Guru. hir kw nwmu inDwno pwieAw suKu visAw min Awie ]3] (1130-8)har kaa naam niDhaano paa-i-aa sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay. ||3|| They obtain the treasure of the Name of the Lord; peace comes to abide within their minds. ||3|| cauQI pdvI gurmuiK vrqih iqn inj Gir vwsw pwieAw ] (1130-8)cha-uthee padvee gurmukh varteh tin nij ghar vaasaa paa-i-aa. The Gurmukhs dwell in the fourth state; they obtain a dwelling in the home of their own inner being. pUrY siqguir ikrpw kInI ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]4] (1130-9)poorai satgur kirpaa keenee vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||4|| The Perfect True Guru shows His Mercy to them; they eradicate their self-conceit from within. ||4|| eyksu kI isir kwr eyk ijin bRhmw ibsnu rudRü aupwieAw ] (1130-10)aykas kee sir kaar ayk jin barahmaa bisan rudar upaa-i-aa. Everyone must serve the One Lord, who created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. nwnk inhclu swcw eyko nw Ehu mrY n jwieAw ]5]1]11] (1130-10)naanak nihchal saachaa ayko naa oh marai na jaa-i-aa. ||5||1||11|| O Nanak, the One True Lord is permanent and stable. He does not die, and He is not born. ||5||1||11|| BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1130-11)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: mnmuiK duibDw sdw hY rogI rogI sgl sMswrw ] (1130-11)manmukh dubiDhaa sadaa hai rogee rogee sagal sansaaraa. The self-willed manmukh is afflicted with the disease of duality forever; the entire universe is diseased. gurmuiK bUJih rogu gvwvih gur sbdI vIcwrw ]1] (1130-12)gurmukh boojheh rog gavaaveh gur sabdee veechaaraa. ||1|| The Gurmukh understands, and is cured of the disease, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1|| hir jIau sqsMgiq mylwie ] (1130-12)har jee-o satsangat maylaa-ay. O Dear Lord, please let me join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. nwnk iqs no dyie vifAweI jo rwm nwim icqu lwie ]1] rhwau ] (1130-12)naanak tis no day-ay vadi-aa-ee jo raam naam chit laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. O Nanak, the Lord blesses with glorious greatness, those who focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause|| mmqw kwil siB roig ivAwpy iqn jm kI hY isir kwrw ] (1130-13)mamtaa kaal sabh rog vi-aapay tin jam kee hai sir kaaraa. Death takes all those who are afflicted with the disease of possessiveness. They are subject to the Messenger of Death. gurmuiK pRwxI jmu nyiV n AwvY ijn hir rwiKAw auir Dwrw ]2] (1130-14)gurmukh paraanee jam nayrh na aavai jin har raakhi-aa ur Dhaaraa. ||2|| The Messenger of Death does not even approach that mortal who, as Gurmukh, enshrines the Lord within his heart. ||2|| ijn hir kw nwmu n gurmuiK jwqw sy jg mih kwhy AwieAw ] (1130-14)jin har kaa naam na gurmukh jaataa say jag meh kaahay aa-i-aa. One who does not know the Lord's Name, and who does not become Gurmukh - why did he even come into the world? gur kI syvw kdy n kInI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]3] (1130-15)gur kee sayvaa kaday na keenee birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||3|| He never serves the Guru; he wastes his life uselessly. ||3|| nwnk sy pUry vfBwgI siqgur syvw lwey ] (1130-16)naanak say pooray vadbhaagee satgur sayvaa laa-ay. O Nanak, those whom the True Guru enjoins to His service, have perfect good fortune. jo ieCih soeI Plu pwvih gurbwxI suKu pwey ]4]2]12] (1130-16)jo ichheh so-ee fal paavahi gurbaanee sukh paa-ay. ||4||2||12|| They obtain the fruits of their desires, and find peace in the Word of the Guru's Bani. ||4||2||12|| BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1130-17)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: duK ivic jMmY duiK mrY duK ivic kwr kmwie ] (1130-17)dukh vich jammai dukh marai dukh vich kaar kamaa-ay. In pain he is born, in pain he dies, and in pain he does his deeds. grB jonI ivic kdy n inklY ibstw mwih smwie ]1] (1130-17)garabh jonee vich kaday na niklai bistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||1|| He is never released from the womb of reincarnation; he rots away in manure. ||1|| iDRgu iDRgu mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw ] (1130-18)Dharig Dharig manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa. Cursed, cursed is the self-willed manmukh, who wastes his life away. pUry gur kI syv n kInI hir kw nwmu n BwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1130-18)pooray gur kee sayv na keenee har kaa naam na bhaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. He does not serve the Perfect Guru; he does not love the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| gur kw sbdu siB rog gvwey ijs no hir jIau lwey ] (1130-19)gur kaa sabad sabh rog gavaa-ay jis no har jee-o laa-ay. The Word of the Guru's Shabad cures all diseases; he alone is attached to it, whom the Dear Lord attaches. |
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