Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


swic rqy scu AMimRqu ijhvw imiQAw mYlu n rweI ] (1127-1)
saach ratay sach amrit jihvaa mithi-aa mail na raa-ee.
Those who are imbued with Truth - their tongues are tinged with Truth; they do not have even an iota of the filth of falsehood.

inrml nwmu AMimRq rsu cwiKAw sbid rqy piq pweI ]3] (1127-2)
nirmal naam amrit ras chaakhi-aa sabad ratay pat paa-ee. ||3||
They taste the sweet Ambrosial Nectar of the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; imbued with the Shabad, they are blessed with honor. ||3||

guxI guxI imil lwhw pwvis gurmuiK nwim vfweI ] (1127-2)
gunee gunee mil laahaa paavas gurmukh naam vadaa-ee.
The virtuous meet with the virtuous, and earn the profit; as Gurmukh, they obtain the glorious greatness of the Naam.

sgly dUK imtih gur syvw nwnk nwmu sKweI ]4]5]6] (1127-3)
saglay dookh miteh gur sayvaa naanak naam sakhaa-ee. ||4||5||6||
All sorrows are erased, by serving the Guru; O Nanak, the Naam is our only Friend and Companion. ||4||5||6||

BYrau mhlw 1 ] (1127-3)
bhairo mehlaa 1.
Bhairao, First Mehl:

ihrdY nwmu srb Dnu Dwrxu gur prswdI pweIAY ] (1127-4)
hirdai naam sarab Dhan Dhaaran gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the wealth and support of all; It is enshrined in the heart, by Guru's Grace.

Amr pdwrQ qy ikrqwrQ shj iDAwin ilv lweIAY ]1] (1127-4)
amar padaarath tay kirtaarath sahj Dhi-aan liv laa-ee-ai. ||1||
One who gathers this imperishable wealth is fulfilled, and through intuitive meditation, is lovingly focused on the Lord. ||1||

mn ry rwm Bgiq icqu lweIAY ] (1127-5)
man ray raam bhagat chit laa-ee-ai.
O mortal, focus your consciousness on devotional worship of the Lord.

gurmuiK rwm nwmu jip ihrdY shj syqI Gir jweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (1127-5)
gurmukh raam naam jap hirdai sahj saytee ghar jaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, meditate on the Name of the Lord in your heart, and you shall return to your home with intuitive ease. ||1||Pause||

Brmu Bydu Bau kbhu n CUtis Awvq jwq n jwnI ] (1127-6)
bharam bhayd bha-o kabahu na chhootas aavat jaat na jaanee.
Doubt, separation and fear are never eradicated, and the mortal continues coming and going in reincarnation, as long as he does not know the Lord.

ibnu hir nwm ko mukiq n pwvis fUib muey ibnu pwnI ]2] (1127-6)
bin har naam ko mukat na paavas doob mu-ay bin paanee. ||2||
Without the Name of the Lord, no one is liberated; they drown and die without water. ||2||

DMDw krq sglI piq Kovis Brmu n imtis gvwrw ] (1127-7)
DhanDhaa karat saglee pat khovas bharam na mitas gavaaraa.
Busy with his worldly affairs, all honor is lost; the ignorant one is not rid of his doubts.

ibnu gur sbd mukiq nhI kb hI AMDuly DMDu pswrw ]3] (1127-8)
bin gur sabad mukat nahee kab hee anDhulay DhanDh pasaaraa. ||3||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mortal is never liberated; he remains blindly entangled in the expanse of worldly affairs. ||3||

Akul inrMjn isau mnu mwinAw mn hI qy mnu mUAw ] (1127-8)
akul niranjan si-o man maani-aa man hee tay man moo-aa.
My mind is pleased and appeased with the Immaculate Lord, who has no ancestry. Through the mind itself, the mind is subdued.

AMqir bwhir eyko jwinAw nwnk Avru n dUAw ]4]6]7] (1127-9)
antar baahar ayko jaani-aa naanak avar na doo-aa. ||4||6||7||
Deep within my being, and outside as well, I know only the One Lord. O Nanak, there is no other at all. ||4||6||7||

BYrau mhlw 1 ] (1127-10)
bhairo mehlaa 1.
Bhairao, First Mehl:

jgn hom puMn qp pUjw dyh duKI inq dUK shY ] (1127-10)
jagan hom punn tap poojaa dayh dukhee nit dookh sahai.
You may give feasts, make burnt offerings, donate to charity, perform austere penance and worship, and endure pain and suffering in the body.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n pwvis mukiq nwim gurmuiK lhY ]1] (1127-10)
raam naam bin mukat na paavas mukat naam gurmukh lahai. ||1||
But without the Lord's Name, liberation is not obtained. As Gurmukh, obtain the Naam and liberation. ||1||

rwm nwm ibnu ibrQy jig jnmw ] (1127-11)
raam naam bin birthay jag janmaa.
Without the Lord's Name, birth into the world is useless.

ibKu KwvY ibKu bolI bolY ibnu nwvY inhPlu mir BRmnw ]1] rhwau ] (1127-11)
bikh khaavai bikh bolee bolai bin naavai nihfal mar bharmanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Name, the mortal eats poison and speaks poisonous words; he dies fruitlessly, and wanders in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

pusqk pwT ibAwkrx vKwxY sMiDAw krm iqkwl krY ] (1127-12)
pustak paath bi-aakaran vakhaanai sanDhi-aa karam tikaal karai.
The mortal may read scriptures, study grammar and say his prayers three times a day.

ibnu gur sbd mukiq khw pRwxI rwm nwm ibnu auriJ mrY ]2] (1127-13)
bin gur sabad mukat kahaa paraanee raam naam bin urajh marai. ||2||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, where is liberation, O mortal? Without the Lord's Name, the mortal is entangled and dies. ||2||

fMf kmMfl isKw sUqu DoqI qIriQ gvnu Aiq BRmnu krY ] (1127-13)
dand kamandal sikhaa soot Dhotee tirath gavan at bharman karai.
Walking sticks, begging bowls, hair tufts, sacred threads, loin cloths, pilgrimages to sacred shrines and wandering all around

rwm nwm ibnu sWiq n AwvY jip hir hir nwmu su pwir prY ]3] (1127-14)
raam naam bin saaNt na aavai jap har har naam so paar parai. ||3||
- without the Lord's Name, peace and tranquility are not obtained. One who chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, crosses over to the other side. ||3||

jtw muktu qin Bsm lgweI bsqR Coif qin ngnu BieAw ] (1127-15)
jataa mukat tan bhasam lagaa-ee bastar chhod tan nagan bha-i-aa.
The mortal's hair may be matted and tangled upon his head, and he may smear his body with ashes; he may take off his clothes and go naked.

rwm nwm ibnu iqRpiq n AwvY ikrq kY bWDY ByKu BieAw ]4] (1127-15)
raam naam bin taripat na aavai kirat kai baaNDhai bhaykh bha-i-aa. ||4||
But without the Lord's Name, he is not satisfied; he wears religious robes, but he is bound by the karma of the actions he committed in past lives. ||4||

jyqy jIA jMq jil Qil mhIAil jqR kqR qU srb jIAw ] (1127-16)
jaytay jee-a jant jal thal mahee-al jatar katar too sarab jee-aa.
As many beings and creatures as there are in the water, on the land and in the sky - wherever they are, You are with them all, O Lord.

gur prswid rwiK ly jn kau hir rsu nwnk Joil pIAw ]5]7]8] (1127-16)
gur parsaad raakh lay jan ka-o har ras naanak jhol pee-aa. ||5||7||8||
By Guru's Grace, please preserve Your humble servant; O Lord, Nanak stirs up this juice, and drinks it in. ||5||7||8||

rwgu BYrau mhlw 3 caupdy Gru 1 (1127-18)
raag bhairo mehlaa 3 cha-upday ghar 1
Raag Bhairao, Third Mehl, Chaupadas, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1127-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jwiq kw grbu n krIAhu koeI ] (1127-19)
jaat kaa garab na karee-ahu ko-ee.
No one should be proud of his social class and status.

bRhmu ibMdy so bRwhmxu hoeI ]1] (1127-19)
barahm binday so baraahman ho-ee. ||1||
He alone is a Brahmin, who knows God. ||1||

jwiq kw grbu n kir mUrK gvwrw ] (1127-19)
jaat kaa garab na kar moorakh gavaaraa.
Do not be proud of your social class and status, you ignorant fool!