Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iesu grb qy clih bhuqu ivkwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1128-1)
is garab tay chaleh bahut vikaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So much sin and corruption comes from this pride. ||1||Pause||

cwry vrn AwKY sBu koeI ] (1128-1)
chaaray varan aakhai sabh ko-ee.
Everyone says that there are four castes, four social classes.

bRhmu ibMd qy sB Epiq hoeI ]2] (1128-1)
barahm bind tay sabh opat ho-ee. ||2||
They all emanate from the drop of God's Seed. ||2||

mwtI eyk sgl sMswrw ] (1128-2)
maatee ayk sagal sansaaraa.
The entire universe is made of the same clay.

bhu ibiD BWfy GVY kum@wrw ]3] (1128-2)
baho biDh bhaaNday gharhai kumHaaraa. ||3||
The Potter has shaped it into all sorts of vessels. ||3||

pMc qqu imil dyhI kw Awkwrw ] (1128-2)
panch tat mil dayhee kaa aakaaraa.
The five elements join together, to make up the form of the human body.

Git viD ko krY bIcwrw ]4] (1128-3)
ghat vaDh ko karai beechaaraa. ||4||
Who can say which is less, and which is more? ||4||

khqu nwnk iehu jIau krm bMDu hoeI ] (1128-3)
kahat naanak ih jee-o karam banDh ho-ee.
Says Nanak, this soul is bound by its actions.

ibnu siqgur Byty mukiq n hoeI ]5]1] (1128-4)
bin satgur bhaytay mukat na ho-ee. ||5||1||
Without meeting the True Guru, it is not liberated. ||5||1||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1128-4)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

jogI igRhI pMifq ByKDwrI ] (1128-4)
jogee garihee pandit bhaykh-Dhaaree.
The Yogis, the householders, the Pandits, the religious scholars, and the beggars in religious robes

ey sUqy ApxY AhMkwrI ]1] (1128-4)
ay sootay apnai ahaNkaaree. ||1||
- they are all asleep in egotism. ||1||

mwieAw mid mwqw rihAw soie ] (1128-5)
maa-i-aa mad maataa rahi-aa so-ay.
They are asleep, intoxicated with the wine of Maya.

jwgqu rhY n mUsY koie ]1] rhwau ] (1128-5)
jaagat rahai na moosai ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only those who remain awake and aware are not robbed. ||1||Pause||

so jwgY ijsu siqguru imlY ] (1128-5)
so jaagai jis satgur milai.
One who has met the True Guru, remains awake and aware.

pMc dUq Ehu vsgiq krY ]2] (1128-6)
panch doot oh vasgat karai. ||2||
Such a person overpowers the five thieves. ||2||

so jwgY jo qqu bIcwrY ] (1128-6)
so jaagai jo tat beechaarai.
One who contemplates the essence of reality remains awake and aware.

Awip mrY Avrw nh mwrY ]3] (1128-6)
aap marai avraa nah maarai. ||3||
He kills his self-conceit, and does not kill anyone else. ||3||

so jwgY jo eyko jwxY ] (1128-7)
so jaagai jo ayko jaanai.
One who knows the One Lord remains awake and aware.

prikriq CofY qqu pCwxY ]4] (1128-7)
parkirat chhodai tat pachhaanai. ||4||
He abandons the service of others, and realizes the essence of reality. ||4||

chu vrnw ivic jwgY koie ] (1128-7)
chahu varnaa vich jaagai ko-ay.
Of the four castes, whoever remains awake and aware

jmY kwlY qy CUtY soie ]5] (1128-8)
jamai kaalai tay chhootai so-ay. ||5||
is released from birth and death. ||5||

khq nwnk jnu jwgY soie ] (1128-8)
kahat naanak jan jaagai so-ay.
Says Nanak, that humble being remains awake and aware,

igAwn AMjnu jw kI nyqRI hoie ]6]2] (1128-8)
gi-aan anjan jaa kee naytree ho-ay. ||6||2||
who applies the ointment of spiritual wisdom to his eyes. ||6||2||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1128-9)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

jw kau rwKY ApxI srxweI ] (1128-9)
jaa ka-o raakhai apnee sarnaa-ee.
Whoever the Lord keeps in His Sanctuary,

swcy lwgY swcw Plu pweI ]1] (1128-9)
saachay laagai saachaa fal paa-ee. ||1||
is attached to the Truth, and receives the fruit of Truth. ||1||

ry jn kY isau krhu pukwrw ] (1128-9)
ray jan kai si-o karahu pukaaraa.
O mortal, unto whom will you complain?

hukmy hoAw hukmy vrqwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1128-10)
hukmay ho-aa hukmay vartaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Hukam of the Lord's Command is pervasive; by the Hukam of His Command, all things happen. ||1||Pause||

eyhu Awkwru qyrw hY Dwrw ] (1128-10)
ayhu aakaar tayraa hai Dhaaraa.
This Creation was established by You.

iKn mih ibnsY krq n lwgY bwrw ]2] (1128-10)
khin meh binsai karat na laagai baaraa. ||2||
In an instant You destroy it, and You create it again without a moment's delay. ||2||

kir pRswdu ieku Kylu idKwieAw ] (1128-11)
kar parsaad ik khayl dikhaa-i-aa.
By His Grace, He has staged this Play.

gur ikrpw qy prm pdu pwieAw ]3] (1128-11)
gur kirpaa tay param pad paa-i-aa. ||3||
By the Guru's Merciful Grace, I have obtained the supreme status. ||3||

khq nwnku mwir jIvwly soie ] (1128-12)
kahat naanak maar jeevaalay so-ay.
Says Nanak, He alone kills and revives.

AYsw bUJhu Brim n BUlhu koie ]4]3] (1128-12)
aisaa boojhhu bharam na bhoolahu ko-ay. ||4||3||
Understand this well - do not be confused by doubt. ||4||3||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1128-12)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

mY kwmix myrw kMqu krqwru ] (1128-13)
mai kaaman mayraa kant kartaar.
I am the bride; the Creator is my Husband Lord.

jyhw krwey qyhw krI sIgwru ]1] (1128-13)
jayhaa karaa-ay tayhaa karee seegaar. ||1||
As He inspires me, I adorn myself. ||1||

jW iqsu BwvY qW kry Bogu ] (1128-13)
jaaN tis bhaavai taaN karay bhog.
When it pleases Him, He enjoys me.

qnu mnu swcy swihb jogu ]1] rhwau ] (1128-14)
tan man saachay saahib jog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am joined, body and mind, to my True Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

ausqiq inMdw kry ikAw koeI ] (1128-14)
ustat nindaa karay ki-aa ko-ee.
How can anyone praise or slander anyone else?

jW Awpy vrqY eyko soeI ]2] (1128-14)
jaaN aapay vartai ayko so-ee. ||2||
The One Lord Himself is pervading and permeating all. ||2||

gur prswdI iprm ksweI ] (1128-15)
gur parsaadee piram kasaa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, I am attracted by His Love.

imlaugI dieAwl pMc sbd vjweI ]3] (1128-15)
mila-ugee da-i-aal panch sabad vajaa-ee. ||3||
I shall meet with my Merciful Lord, and vibrate the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds. ||3||

Bniq nwnku kry ikAw koie ] (1128-16)
bhanat naanak karay ki-aa ko-ay.
Prays Nanak, what can anyone do?

ijs no Awip imlwvY soie ]4]4] (1128-16)
jis no aap milaavai so-ay. ||4||4||
He alone meets with the Lord, whom the Lord Himself meets. ||4||4||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1128-16)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

so muin ij mn kI duibDw mwry ] (1128-16)
so mun je man kee dubiDhaa maaray.
He alone is a silent sage, who subdues his mind's duality.

duibDw mwir bRhmu bIcwry ]1] (1128-17)
dubiDhaa maar barahm beechaaray. ||1||
Subduing his duality, he contemplates God. ||1||

iesu mn kau koeI Kojhu BweI ] (1128-17)
is man ka-o ko-ee khojahu bhaa-ee.
Let each person examine his own mind, O Siblings of Destiny.

mnu Kojq nwmu nau iniD pweI ]1] rhwau ] (1128-17)
man khojat naam na-o niDh paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Examine your mind, and you shall obtain the nine treasures of the Naam. ||1||Pause||

mUlu mohu kir krqY jgqu aupwieAw ] (1128-18)
mool moh kar kartai jagat upaa-i-aa.
The Creator created the world, upon the foundation of worldly love and attachment.

mmqw lwie Brim BuolwieAw ]2] (1128-18)
mamtaa laa-ay bharam bholaa-i-aa. ||2||
Attaching it to possessiveness, He has led it into confusion with doubt. ||2||

iesu mn qy sB ipMf prwxw ] (1128-19)
is man tay sabh pind paraanaa.
From this Mind come all bodies, and the breath of life.

mn kY vIcwir hukmu buiJ smwxw ]3] (1128-19)
man kai veechaar hukam bujh samaanaa. ||3||
By mental contemplation, the mortal realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command, and merges in Him. ||3||