Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1126 swc sbd ibnu kbhu n CUtis ibrQw jnmu BieE ]1] rhwau ] (1126-1)saach sabad bin kabahu na chhootas birthaa janam bha-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the True Word of the Shabad, you shall never be released, and your life shall be totally useless. ||1||Pause|| qn mih kwmu k®oDu hau mmqw kiTn pIr Aiq BwrI ] (1126-1)tan meh kaam kroDh ha-o mamtaa kathin peer at bhaaree. Within the body are sexual desire, anger, egotism and attachment. This pain is so great, and so difficult to endure. gurmuiK rwm jphu rsu rsnw ien ibiD qru qU qwrI ]2] (1126-2)gurmukh raam japahu ras rasnaa in biDh tar too taaree. ||2|| As Gurmukh, chant the Lord's Name, and savor it with your tongue; in this way, you shall cross over to the other side. ||2|| bhry krn Akil BeI hoCI sbd shju nhI bUiJAw ] (1126-2)bahray karan akal bha-ee hochhee sabad sahj nahee boojhi-aa. Your ears are deaf, and your intellect is worthless, and still, you do not intuitively understand the Word of the Shabad. jnmu pdwrQu mnmuiK hwirAw ibnu gur AMDu n sUiJAw ]3] (1126-3)janam padaarath manmukh haari-aa bin gur anDh na soojhi-aa. ||3|| The self-willed manmukh wastes this priceless human life and loses it. Without the Guru, the blind person cannot see. ||3|| rhY audwsu Aws inrwsw shj iDAwin bYrwgI ] (1126-4)rahai udaas aas niraasaa sahj Dhi-aan bairaagee. Whoever remains detached and free of desire in the midst of desire - and whoever, unattached, intuitively meditates on the Celestial Lord pRxviq nwnk gurmuiK CUtis rwm nwim ilv lwgI ]4]2]3] (1126-4)paranvat naanak gurmukh chhootas raam naam liv laagee. ||4||2||3|| - prays Nanak, as Gurmukh, he is released. He is lovingly attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||||2||3|| BYrau mhlw 1 ] (1126-5)bhairo mehlaa 1. Bhairao, First Mehl: BUMfI cwl crx kr iKsry qucw dyh kumlwnI ] (1126-5)bhooNdee chaal charan kar khisray tuchaa dayh kumlaanee. His walk becomes weak and clumsy, his feet and hands shake, and the skin of his body is withered and wrinkled. nyqRI DuMiD krn Bey bhry mnmuiK nwmu n jwnI ]1] (1126-5)naytree DhunDh karan bha-ay bahray manmukh naam na jaanee. ||1|| His eyes are dim, his ears are deaf, and yet, the self-willed manmukh does not know the Naam. ||1|| AMDuly ikAw pwieAw jig Awie ] (1126-6)anDhulay ki-aa paa-i-aa jag aa-ay. O blind man, what have you obtained by coming into the world? rwmu irdY nhI gur kI syvw cwly mUlu gvwie ]1] rhwau ] (1126-6)raam ridai nahee gur kee sayvaa chaalay mool gavaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord is not in your heart, and you do not serve the Guru. After wasting your capital, you shall have to depart. ||1||Pause|| ijhvw rMig nhI hir rwqI jb bolY qb PIky ] (1126-7)jihvaa rang nahee har raatee jab bolai tab feekay. Your tongue is not imbued with the Love of the Lord; whatever you say is tasteless and insipid. sMq jnw kI inMdw ivAwpis psU Bey kdy hoih n nIky ]2] (1126-7)sant janaa kee nindaa vi-aapas pasoo bha-ay kaday hohi na neekay. ||2|| You indulge in slander of the Saints; becoming a beast, you shall never be noble. ||2|| AMimRq kw rsu ivrlI pwieAw siqgur myil imlwey ] (1126-8)amrit kaa ras virlee paa-i-aa satgur mayl milaa-ay. Only a few obtain the sublime essence of the Ambrosial Amrit, united in Union with the True Guru. jb lgu sbd Bydu nhI AwieAw qb lgu kwlu sMqwey ]3] (1126-9)jab lag sabad bhayd nahee aa-i-aa tab lag kaal santaa-ay. ||3|| As long as the mortal does not come to understand the mystery of the Shabad, the Word of God, he shall continue to be tormented by death. ||3|| An ko dru Gru kbhU n jwnis eyko dru sicAwrw ] (1126-9)an ko dar ghar kabhoo na jaanas ayko dar sachi-aaraa. Whoever finds the door of the One True Lord, does not know any other house or door. gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw nwnku khY ivcwrw ]4]3]4] (1126-10)gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa naanak kahai vichaaraa. ||4||3||4|| By Guru's Grace, I have obtained the supreme status; so says poor Nanak. ||4||3||4|| BYrau mhlw 1 ] (1126-11)bhairo mehlaa 1. Bhairao, First Mehl: sglI rYix sovq gil PwhI idnsu jMjwil gvwieAw ] (1126-11)saglee rain sovat gal faahee dinas janjaal gavaa-i-aa. He spends the entire night in sleep; the noose is tied around his neck. His day is wasted in worldly entanglements. iKnu plu GVI nhI pRBu jwinAw ijin iehu jgqu aupwieAw ]1] (1126-11)khin pal gharhee nahee parabh jaani-aa jin ih jagat upaa-i-aa. ||1|| He does not know God, who created this world, for a moment, for even an instant. ||1|| mn ry ikau CUtis duKu BwrI ] (1126-12)man ray ki-o chhootas dukh bhaaree. O mortal, how will you escape this terrible disaster? ikAw ly Awvis ikAw ly jwvis rwm jphu guxkwrI ]1] rhwau ] (1126-12)ki-aa lay aavas ki-aa lay jaavas raam japahu gunkaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o. What did you bring with you, and what will you take away? Meditate on the Lord, the Most Worthy and Generous Lord. ||1||Pause|| aUNDau kvlu mnmuK miq hoCI min AMDY isir DMDw ] (1126-13)ooNDha-o kaval manmukh mat hochhee man anDhai sir DhanDhaa. The heart-lotus of the self-willed manmukh is upside-down; his intellect is shallow; his mind is blind, and his head is entangled in worldly affairs. kwlu ibkwlu sdw isir qyrY ibnu nwvY gil PMDw ]2] (1126-14)kaal bikaal sadaa sir tayrai bin naavai gal fanDhaa. ||2|| Death and re-birth constantly hang over your head; without the Name, your neck shall be caught in the noose. ||2|| fgrI cwl nyqR Puin AMDuly sbd suriq nhI BweI ] (1126-14)dagree chaal naytar fun anDhulay sabad surat nahee bhaa-ee. Your steps are unsteady, and your eyes are blind; you are not aware of the Word of the Shabad, O Sibling of Destiny. swsqR byd qRY gux hY mwieAw AMDulau DMDu kmweI ]3] (1126-15)saastar bayd tarai gun hai maa-i-aa anDhula-o DhanDh kamaa-ee. ||3|| The Shaastras and the Vedas keep the mortal bound to the three modes of Maya, and so he performs his deeds blindly. ||3|| KoieE mUlu lwBu kh pwvis durmiq igAwn ivhUxy ] (1126-15)kho-i-o mool laabh kah paavas durmat gi-aan vihoonay. He loses his capital - how can he earn any profit? The evil-minded person has no spiritual wisdom at all. sbdu bIcwir rwm rsu cwiKAw nwnk swic pqIxy ]4]4]5] (1126-16)sabad beechaar raam ras chaakhi-aa naanak saach pateenay. ||4||4||5|| Contemplating the Shabad, he drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord; O Nanak, his faith is confirmed in the Truth. ||4||4||5|| BYrau mhlw 1 ] (1126-17)bhairo mehlaa 1. Bhairao, First Mehl: gur kY sMig rhY idnu rwqI rwmu rsin rMig rwqw ] (1126-17)gur kai sang rahai din raatee raam rasan rang raataa. He remains with the Guru, day and night, and his tongue savors the savory taste of the Lord's Love. Avru n jwxis sbdu pCwxis AMqir jwix pCwqw ]1] (1126-17)avar na jaanas sabad pachhaanas antar jaan pachhaataa. ||1|| He does not know any other; he realizes the Word of the Shabad. He knows and realizes the Lord deep within his own being. ||1|| so jnu AYsw mY min BwvY ] (1126-18)so jan aisaa mai man bhaavai. Such a humble person is pleasing to my mind. Awpu mwir AprMpir rwqw gur kI kwr kmwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1126-18)aap maar aprampar raataa gur kee kaar kamaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o. He conquers his self-conceit, and is imbued with the Infinite Lord. He serves the Guru. ||1||Pause|| AMqir bwhir purKu inrMjnu Awid purKu Awdyso ] (1126-19)antar baahar purakh niranjan aad purakh aadayso. Deep within my being, and outside as well, is the Immaculate Lord God. I bow humbly before that Primal Lord God. Gt Gt AMqir srb inrMqir riv rihAw scu vyso ]2] (1126-19)ghat ghat antar sarab nirantar rav rahi-aa sach vayso. ||2|| Deep within each and every heart, and amidst all, the Embodiment of Truth is permeating and pervading. ||2|| |
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