Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1120 vwrI PyrI sdw GumweI kvnu AnUpu qyro Twau ]1] (1120-1)vaaree fayree sadaa ghumaa-ee kavan anoop tayro thaa-o. ||1|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever devoted to You. Your place is incomparably beautiful! ||1|| srb pRiqpwlih sgl smwlih sgilAw qyrI Cwau ] (1120-1)sarab paratpaalahi sagal samaaleh sagli-aa tayree chhaa-o. You cherish and nurture all; You take care of all, and Your shade covers all. nwnk ky pRB purK ibDwqy Git Git quJih idKwau ]2]2]4] (1120-2)naanak kay parabh purakh biDhaatay ghat ghat tujheh dikhaa-o. ||2||2||4|| You are the Primal Creator, the God of Nanak; I behold You in each and every heart. ||2||2||4|| kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1120-3)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5. Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: ipRA kI pRIiq ipAwrI ] (1120-3)pari-a kee pareet pi-aaree. I love the Love of my Beloved. mgn mnY mih icqvau Awsw nYnhu qwr quhwrI ] rhwau ] (1120-3)magan manai meh chitva-o aasaa nainhu taar tuhaaree. rahaa-o. My mind is intoxicated with delight, and my consciousness is filled with hope; my eyes are drenched with Your Love. ||Pause|| Eie idn phr mUrq pl kYsy Eie pl GrI ikhwrI ] (1120-4)o-ay din pahar moorat pal kaisay o-ay pal gharee kihaaree. Blessed is that day, that hour, minute and second when the heavy, rigid shutters are opened, and desire is quenched. KUly kpt Dpt buiJ iqRsnw jIvau pyiK drswrI ]1] (1120-4)khoolay kapat Dhapat bujh tarisnaa jeeva-o paykh darsaaree. ||1|| Seeing the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I live. ||1|| kaunu su jqnu aupwau iknyhw syvw kaun bIcwrI ] (1120-5)ka-un so jatan upaa-o kinayhaa sayvaa ka-un beechaaree. What is the method, what is the effort, and what is the service, which inspires me to contemplate You? mwnu AiBmwnu mohu qij nwnk sMqh sMig auDwrI ]2]3]5] (1120-6)maan abhimaan moh taj naanak santeh sang uDhaaree. ||2||3||5|| Abandon your egotistical pride and attachment; O Nanak, you shall be saved in the Society of the Saints. ||2||3||5|| kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1120-6)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5. Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: hir hir hir gun gwvhu ] (1120-6)har har har gun gaavhu. Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. krhu ik®pw gopwl goibdy Apnw nwmu jpwvhu ] rhwau ] (1120-7)karahu kirpaa gopaal gobiday apnaa naam japaavhu. rahaa-o. Have Mercy on me, O Life of the World, O Lord of the Universe, that I may chant Your Name. ||Pause|| kwiF lIey pRB Awn ibKY qy swDsMig mnu lwvhu ] (1120-7)kaadh lee-ay parabh aan bikhai tay saaDhsang man laavhu. Please lift me up, God, out of vice and corruption, and attach my mind to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. BRmu Bau mohu kitE gur bcnI Apnw drsu idKwvhu ]1] (1120-8)bharam bha-o moh kati-o gur bachnee apnaa daras dikhaavhu. ||1|| Doubt, fear and attachment are eradicated from that person who follows the Guru's Teachings, and gazes on the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1|| sB kI ryn hoie mnu myrw AhMbuiD qjwvhu ] (1120-8)sabh kee rayn ho-ay man mayraa ahaN-buDh tajaavahu. Let my mind become the dust of all; may I abandon my egotistical intellect. ApnI Bgiq dyih dieAwlw vfBwgI nwnk hir pwvhu ]2]4]6] (1120-9)apnee bhagat deh da-i-aalaa vadbhaagee naanak har paavhu. ||2||4||6|| Please bless me with Your devotional worship, O Merciful Lord; by great good fortune, O Nanak, I have found the Lord. ||2||4||6|| kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1120-10)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5. Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: hir ibnu jnmu AkwrQ jwq ] (1120-10)har bin janam akaarath jaat. Without the Lord, life is useless. qij gopwl Awn rMig rwcq imiQAw pihrq Kwq ] rhwau ] (1120-10)taj gopaal aan rang raachat mithi-aa pahirat khaat. rahaa-o. Those who forsake the Lord, and become engrossed in other pleasures - false and useless are the clothes they wear, and the food they eat. ||Pause|| Dnu jobnu sMpY suK BuogvY sMig n inbhq mwq ] (1120-11)Dhan joban sampai sukh bhogvai sang na nibhat maat. The pleasures of wealth, youth, property and comforts will not stay with you, O mother. imRg iqRsnw dyiK ricE bwvr dRüm CwieAw rMig rwq ]1] (1120-11)marig tarisnaa daykh rachi-o baavar darum chhaa-i-aa rang raat. ||1|| Seeing the mirage, the madman is entangled in it; he is imbued with pleasures that pass away, like the shade of a tree. ||1|| mwn moh mhw md mohq kwm k®oD kY Kwq ] (1120-12)maan moh mahaa mad mohat kaam kroDh kai khaat. Totally intoxicated with the wine of pride and attachment, he has fallen into the pit of sexual desire and anger. kru gih lyhu dws nwnk kau pRB jIau hoie shwq ]2]5]7] (1120-12)kar geh layho daas naanak ka-o parabh jee-o ho-ay sahaat. ||2||5||7|| O Dear God, please be the Help and Support of servant Nanak; please take me by the hand, and uplift me. ||2||5||7|| kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1120-13)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5. Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: hir ibnu koie n cwlis swQ ] (1120-13)har bin ko-ay na chaalas saath. Nothing goes along with the mortal, except for the Lord. dInw nwQ kruxwpiq suAwmI AnwQw ky nwQ ] rhwau ] (1120-14)deenaa naath karunaapat su-aamee anaathaa kay naath. rahaa-o. He is the Master of the meek, the Lord of Mercy, my Lord and Master, the Master of the masterless. ||Pause|| suq sMpiq ibiKAw rs Buogvq nh inbhq jm kY pwQ ] (1120-14)sut sampat bikhi-aa ras bhogvat nah nibhat jam kai paath. Children, possessions and the enjoyment of corrupt pleasures do not go along with the mortal on the path of Death. nwmu inDwnu gwau gun goibMd auDru swgr ky Kwq ]1] (1120-15)naam niDhaan gaa-o gun gobind uDhar saagar kay khaat. ||1|| Singing the Glorious Praises of the treasure of the Naam, and the Lord of the Universe, the mortal is carried across the deep ocean. ||1|| srin smrQ AkQ Agocr hir ismrq duK lwQ ] (1120-16)saran samrath akath agochar har simrat dukh laath. In the Sanctuary of the All-powerful, Indescribable, Unfathomable Lord, meditate in remembrance on Him, and your pains shall vanish. nwnk dIn DUir jn bWCq imlY ilKq Duir mwQ ]2]6]8] (1120-16)naanak deen Dhoor jan baaNchhat milai likhat Dhur maath. ||2||6||8|| Nanak longs for the dust of the feet of the Lord's humble servant; he shall obtain it only if such pre-ordained destiny is written on his forehead. ||2||6||8|| kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 5 (1120-18)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 5 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1120-18)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ibsrq nwih mn qy hrI ] (1120-19)bisrat naahi man tay haree. I do not forget the Lord in my mind. Ab ieh pRIiq mhw pRbl BeI Awn ibKY jrI ] rhwau ] (1120-19)ab ih pareet mahaa parabal bha-ee aan bikhai jaree. rahaa-o. This love has now become very strong; it has burnt away other corruption. ||Pause|| bUMd khw iqAwig cwiqRk mIn rhq n GrI ] (1120-19)boond kahaa ti-aag chaatrik meen rahat na gharee. How can the rainbird forsake the rain-drop? The fish cannot survive without water, even for an instant. |
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