Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gun gopwl aucwru rsnw tyv eyh prI ]1] (1121-1)
gun gopaal uchaar rasnaa tayv ayh paree. ||1||
My tongue chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World; this has become part of my very nature. ||1||

mhw nwd kurMk moihE byiD qIKn srI ] (1121-1)
mahaa naad kurank mohi-o bayDh teekhan saree.
The deer is fascinated by the sound of the bell, and so it is shot with the sharp arrow.

pRB crn kml rswl nwnk gwiT bwiD DrI ]2]1]9] (1121-2)
parabh charan kamal rasaal naanak gaath baaDh Dharee. ||2||1||9||
God's Lotus Feet are the Source of Nectar; O Nanak, I am tied to them by a knot. ||2||1||9||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-3)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:

pRIqm bsq ird mih Kor ] (1121-3)
pareetam basat rid meh khor.
My Beloved dwells in the cave of my heart.

Brm BIiq invwir Twkur gih lyhu ApnI Er ]1] rhwau ] (1121-3)
bharam bheet nivaar thaakur geh layho apnee or. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Shatter the wall of doubt, O my Lord and Master; please grab hold of me, and lift me up towards Yourself. ||1||Pause||

AiDk grq sMswr swgr kir dieAw cwrhu Dor ] (1121-4)
aDhik garat sansaar saagar kar da-i-aa chaarahu Dhor.
The world-ocean is so vast and deep; please be kind, lift me up and place me on the shore.

sMqsMig hir crn boihQ auDrqy lY mor ]1] (1121-4)
satsang har charan bohith uDhratay lai mor. ||1||
In the Society of the Saints, the Lord's Feet are the boat to carry us across. ||1||

grB kuMt mih ijnih DwirE nhI ibKY bn mih hor ] (1121-5)
garabh kunt meh jineh Dhaari-o nahee bikhai ban meh hor.
The One who placed you in the womb of your mother's belly - no one else shall save you in the wilderness of corruption.

hir skq srn smrQ nwnk Awn nhI inhor ]2]2]10] (1121-5)
har sakat saran samrath naanak aan nahee nihor. ||2||2||10||
The power of the Lord's Sanctuary is all-powerful; Nanak does not rely on any other. ||2||2||10||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-6)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:

rsnw rwm rwm bKwnu ] (1121-6)
rasnaa raam raam bakhaan.
With your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord.

gun guopwl aucwru idnu rYin Bey klml hwn ] rhwau ] (1121-6)
gun gopaal uchaar din rain bha-ay kalmal haan. rahaa-o.
Chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, day and night, your sins shall be eradicated. ||Pause||

iqAwig clnw sgl sMpq kwlu isr pir jwnu ] (1121-7)
ti-aag chalnaa sagal sampat kaal sir par jaan.
You shall have to leave behind all your riches when you depart. Death is hanging over your head - know this well!

imQn moh durMq Awsw JUTu srpr mwnu ]1] (1121-7)
mithan moh durant aasaa jhooth sarpar maan. ||1||
Transitory attachments and evil hopes are false. Surely you must believe this! ||1||

siq purK Akwl mUriq irdY Dwrhu iDAwnu ] (1121-8)
sat purakh akaal moorat ridai Dhaarahu Dhi-aan.
Within your heart, focus your meditation on the True Primal Being, Akaal Moorat, the Undying Form.

nwmu inDwnu lwBu nwnk bsqu ieh prvwnu ]2]3]11] (1121-8)
naam niDhaan laabh naanak basat ih parvaan. ||2||3||11||
Only this profitable merchandise, the treasure of the Naam, O Nanak, shall be accepted. ||2||3||11||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-9)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky nwm ko AwDwru ] (1121-9)
har kay naam ko aaDhaar.
I take only the Support of the Name of the Lord.

kil klys n kCu ibAwpY sMqsMig ibauhwru ] rhwau ] (1121-9)
kal kalays na kachh bi-aapai satsang bi-uhaar. rahaa-o.
Suffering and conflict do not afflict me; I deal only with the Society of the Saints. ||Pause||

kir AnugRhu Awip rwiKE nh aupjqau bykwru ] (1121-10)
kar anoograhu aap raakhi-o nah upajta-o baykaar.
Showering His Mercy on me, the Lord Himself has saved me, and no evil thoughts arise within me.

ijsu prwpiq hoie ismrY iqsu dhq nh sMswru ]1] (1121-11)
jis paraapat ho-ay simrai tis dahat nah sansaar. ||1||
Whoever receives this Grace, contemplates Him in meditation; he is not burned by the fire of the world. ||1||

suK mMgl Awnµd hir hir pRB crn AMimRq swru ] (1121-11)
sukh mangal aanand har har parabh charan amrit saar.
Peace, joy and bliss come from the Lord, Har, Har. God's Feet are sublime and excellent.

nwnk dws srnwgqI qyry sMqnw kI Cwru ]2]4]12] (1121-12)
naanak daas sarnaagatee tayray santnaa kee chhaar. ||2||4||12||
Slave Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary; he is the dust of the feet of Your Saints. ||2||4||12||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-12)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky nwm ibnu iDRgu sRoq ] (1121-13)
har kay naam bin Dharig sarot.
Without the Name of the Lord, one's ears are cursed.

jIvn rUp ibswir jIvih iqh kq jIvn hoq ] rhwau ] (1121-13)
jeevan roop bisaar jeeveh tih kat jeevan hot. rahaa-o.
Those who forget the Embodiment of Life - what is the point of their lives? ||Pause||

Kwq pIq Anyk ibMjn jYsy Bwr bwhk Koq ] (1121-13)
khaat peet anayk binjan jaisay bhaar baahak khot.
One who eats and drinks countless delicacies is no more than a donkey, a beast of burden.

AwT phr mhw sRmu pwieAw jYsy ibrK jMqI joq ]1] (1121-14)
aath pahar mahaa saram paa-i-aa jaisay birakh jantee jot. ||1||
Twenty-four hours a day, he endures terrible suffering, like the bull, chained to the oil-press. ||1||

qij guopwl ij Awn lwgy sy bhu pRkwrI roq ] (1121-14)
taj gopaal je aan laagay say baho parkaaree rot.
Forsaking the Life of the World, and attached to another, they weep and wail in so many ways.

kr joir nwnk dwnu mwgY hir rKau kMiT proq ]2]5]13] (1121-15)
kar jor naanak daan maagai har rakha-o kanth parot. ||2||5||13||
With his palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this gift; O Lord, please keep me strung around Your Neck. ||2||5||13||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-16)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:

sMqh DUir ly muiK mlI ] (1121-16)
santeh Dhoor lay mukh malee.
I take the dust of the feet of the Saints and apply it to my face.

guxw Acuq sdw pUrn nh doK ibAwpih klI ] rhwau ] (1121-16)
gunaa achut sadaa pooran nah dokh bi-aapahi kalee. rahaa-o.
Hearing of the Imperishable, Eternally Perfect Lord, pain does not afflict me, even in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||Pause||

gur bcin kwrj srb pUrn eIq aUq n hlI ] (1121-17)
gur bachan kaaraj sarab pooran eet oot na halee.
Through the Guru's Word, all affairs are resolved, and the mind is not tossed about here and there.

pRB eyk Aink srbq pUrn ibKY Agin n jlI ]1] (1121-17)
parabh ayk anik sarbat pooran bikhai agan na jalee. ||1||
Whoever sees the One God to be pervading in all the many beings, does not burn in the fire of corruption. ||1||

gih Bujw lIno dwsu Apno joiq joqI rlI ] (1121-18)
geh bhujaa leeno daas apno jot jotee ralee.
The Lord grasps His slave by the arm, and his light merges into the Light.

pRB crn srn AnwQu AwieE nwnk hir sMig clI ]2]6]14] (1121-19)
parabh charan saran anaath aa-i-o naanak har sang chalee. ||2||6||14||
Nanak, the orphan, has come seeking the Sanctuary of God's Feet; O Lord, he walks with You. ||2||6||14||

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1121-19)
kaydaaraa mehlaa 5.
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: