Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1119 AMqr kw AiBmwnu joru qU ikCu ikCu ikCu jwnqw iehu dUir krhu Awpn ghu ry ] (1119-1)antar kaa abhimaan jor too kichh kichh kichh jaantaa ih door karahu aapan gahu ray. So you think that the egotistical pride in power which you harbor deep within is everything. Let it go, and restrain your self-conceit. jn nwnk kau hir dieAwl hohu suAwmI hir sMqn kI DUir kir hry ]2]1]2] (1119-1)jan naanak ka-o har da-i-aal hohu su-aamee har santan kee Dhoor kar haray. ||2||1||2|| Please be kind to servant Nanak, O Lord, my Lord and Master; please make him the dust of the Feet of the Saints. ||2||1||2|| kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 2 (1119-3)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 2 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1119-3)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: mweI sMqsMig jwgI ] (1119-4)maa-ee satsang jaagee. O mother, I have awakened in the Society of the Saints. ipRA rMg dyKY jpqI nwmu inDwnI ] rhwau ] (1119-4)pari-a rang daykhai japtee naam niDhaanee. rahaa-o. Seeing the Love of my Beloved, I chant His Name, the greatest treasure||Pause|| drsn ipAws locn qwr lwgI ] (1119-4)darsan pi-aas lochan taar laagee. I am so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. my eyes are focused on Him; ibsrI iqAws ibfwnI ]1] (1119-5)bisree ti-aas bidaanee. ||1|| I have forgotten other thirsts. ||1|| Ab guru pwieE hY shj suKdwiek drsnu pyKq mnu lptwnI ] (1119-5)ab gur paa-i-o hai sahj sukh-daa-ik darsan paykhat man laptaanee. Now, I have found my Peace-giving Guru with ease; seeing His Darshan, my mind clings to Him. dyiK dmodr rhsu min aupijE nwnk ipRA AMimRq bwnI ]2]1] (1119-6)daykh damodar rahas man upji-o naanak pari-a amrit baanee. ||2||1|| Seeing my Lord, joy has welled up in my mind; O Nanak, the speech of my Beloved is so sweet! ||2||1|| kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 3 (1119-7)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1119-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: dIn ibnau sunu dieAwl ] (1119-8)deen bin-o sun da-i-aal. Please listen to the prayers of the humble, O Merciful Lord. pMc dws qIin doKI eyk mnu AnwQ nwQ ] (1119-8)panch daas teen dokhee ayk man anaath naath. The five thieves and the three dispositions torment my mind. rwKu ho ikrpwl ] rhwau ] (1119-8)raakh ho kirpaal. rahaa-o. O Merciful Lord, Master of the masterless, please save me from them. ||Pause|| Aink jqn gvnu krau ] (1119-9)anik jatan gavan kara-o. I make all sorts of efforts and go on pilgrimages; Ktu krm jugiq iDAwnu Drau ] (1119-9)khat karam jugat Dhi-aan Dhara-o. I perform the six rituals, and meditate in the right way. aupwv sgl kir hwirE nh nh hutih ibkrwl ]1] (1119-9)upaav sagal kar haari-o nah nah huteh bikraal. ||1|| I am so tired of making all these efforts, but the horrible demons still do not leave me. ||1|| srix bMdn kruxw pqy ] (1119-10)saran bandan karunaa patay. I seek Your Sanctuary, and bow to You, O Compassionate Lord. Bv hrx hir hir hir hry ] (1119-10)bhav haran har har har haray. You are the Destroyer of fear, O Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. eyk qUhI dIn dieAwl ] (1119-11)ayk toohee deen da-i-aal. You alone are Merciful to the meek. pRB crn nwnk Awsro ] (1119-11)parabh charan naanak aasro. Nanak takes the Support of God's Feet. auDry BRm moh swgr ] (1119-11)uDhray bharam moh saagar. I have been rescued from the ocean of doubt, lig sMqnw pg pwl ]2]1]2] (1119-11)lag santnaa pag paal. ||2||1||2|| holding tight to the feet and the robes of the Saints. ||2||1||2|| kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 4 (1119-13)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 4 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1119-13)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: srnI AwieE nwQ inDwn ] (1119-14)sarnee aa-i-o naath niDhaan. I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Lord, O Supreme Treasure. nwm pRIiq lwgI mn BIqir mwgn kau hir dwn ]1] rhwau ] (1119-14)naam pareet laagee man bheetar maagan ka-o har daan. ||1|| rahaa-o. Love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is enshrined within my mind; I beg for the gift of Your Name. ||1||Pause|| suKdweI pUrn prmysur kir ikrpw rwKhu mwn ] (1119-15)sukh-daa-ee pooran parmaysur kar kirpaa raakho maan. O Pefect Transcendent Lord, Giver of Peace, please grant Your Grace and save my honor. dyhu pRIiq swDU sMig suAwmI hir gun rsn bKwn ]1] (1119-15)dayh pareet saaDhoo sang su-aamee har gun rasan bakhaan. ||1|| Please bless me with such love, O my Lord and Master, that in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I may chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord with my tongue. ||1|| gopwl dieAwl goibd dmodr inrml kQw igAwn ] (1119-16)gopaal da-i-aal gobid damodar nirmal kathaa gi-aan. O Lord of the World, Merciful Lord of the Universe, Your sermon and spiritual wisdom are immaculate and pure. nwnk kau hir kY rMig rwghu crn kml sMig iDAwn ]2]1]3] (1119-16)naanak ka-o har kai rang raagahu charan kamal sang Dhi-aan. ||2||1||3|| Please attune Nanak to Your Love, O Lord, and focus his meditation on Your Lotus Feet. ||2||1||3|| kydwrw mhlw 5 ] (1119-17)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5. Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl: hir ky drsn ko min cwau ] (1119-17)har kay darsan ko man chaa-o. My mind yearns for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. kir ikrpw sqsMig imlwvhu qum dyvhu Apno nwau ] rhwau ] (1119-18)kar kirpaa satsang milaavhu tum dayvhu apno naa-o. rahaa-o. Please grant Your Grace, and unite me with the Society of the Saints; please bless me with Your Name. ||Pause|| krau syvw sq purK ipAwry jq sunIAY qq min rhswau ] (1119-18)kara-o sayvaa sat purakh pi-aaray jat sunee-ai tat man rahsaa-o. I serve my True Beloved Lord. Wherever I hear His Praise, there my mind is in ecstasy. |
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