Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1116 ibnu BY iknY n pRymu pwieAw ibnu BY pwir n auqirAw koeI ] (1116-1)bin bhai kinai na paraym paa-i-aa bin bhai paar na utri-aa ko-ee. Without the Fear of God, His Love is not obtained. Without the Fear of God, no one is carried across to the other side. Bau Bwau pRIiq nwnk iqsih lwgY ijsu qU AwpxI ikrpw krih ] (1116-2)bha-o bhaa-o pareet naanak tiseh laagai jis too aapnee kirpaa karahi. O Nanak, he alone is blessed with the Fear of God, and God's Love and Affection, whom You, Lord, bless with Your Mercy. qyrI Bgiq BMfwr AsMK ijsu qU dyvih myry suAwmI iqsu imlih ]4]3] (1116-2)tayree bhagat bhandaar asaNkh jis too dayveh mayray su-aamee tis mileh. ||4||3|| The treasures of devotional worship to You are countless; he alone is blessed with Them, O my Lord and Master, whom You bless. ||4||3|| quKwrI mhlw 4 ] (1116-3)tukhaaree mehlaa 4. Tukhaari, Fourth Mehl: nwvxu purbu ABIcu gur siqgur drsu BieAw ] (1116-3)naavan purab abheech gur satgur daras bha-i-aa. To receive the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the Guru, the True Guru, is to truly bathe at the Abhaijit festival. durmiq mYlu hrI AigAwnu AMDyru gieAw ] (1116-4)durmat mail haree agi-aan anDhayr ga-i-aa. The filth of evil-mindedness is washed off, and the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. gur drsu pwieAw AigAwnu gvwieAw AMqir joiq pRgwsI ] (1116-4)gur daras paa-i-aa agi-aan gavaa-i-aa antar jot pargaasee. Blessed by the Guru's Darshan, spiritual ignorance is dispelled, and the Divine Light illuminates the inner being. jnm mrx duK iKn mih ibnsy hir pwieAw pRBu AibnwsI ] (1116-5)janam maran dukh khin meh binsay har paa-i-aa parabh abhinaasee. The pains of birth and death vanish in an instant, and the Eternal, Imperishable Lord God is found. hir Awip krqY purbu kIAw siqgurU kulKyiq nwvix gieAw ] (1116-6)har aap kartai purab kee-aa satguroo kulkhayt naavan ga-i-aa. The Creator Lord God Himself created the festival, when the True Guru went to bathe at the festival in Kuruk-shaytra. nwvxu purbu ABIcu gur siqgur drsu BieAw ]1] (1116-6)naavan purab abheech gur satgur daras bha-i-aa. ||1|| To receive the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the Guru, the True Guru, is to truly bathe at the Abhaijit festival. ||1|| mwrig pMiQ cly gur siqgur sMig isKw ] (1116-7)maarag panth chalay gur satgur sang sikhaa. The Sikhs travelled with the Guru, the True Guru, on the path, along the road. Anidnu Bgiq bxI iKnu iKnu inmK ivKw ] (1116-7)an-din bhagat banee khin khin nimakh vikhaa. Night and day, devotional worship services were held, each and every instant, with each step. hir hir Bgiq bxI pRB kyrI sBu loku vyKix AwieAw ] (1116-8)har har bhagat banee parabh kayree sabh lok vaykhan aa-i-aa. Devotional worship services to the Lord God were held, and all the people came to see the Guru. ijn drsu siqgur gurU kIAw iqn Awip hir mylwieAw ] (1116-8)jin daras satgur guroo kee-aa tin aap har maylaa-i-aa. Whoever was blessed with the Darshan of the Guru, the True Guru, the Lord united with Himself. qIrQ audmu siqgurU kIAw sB lok auDrx ArQw ] (1116-9)tirath udam satguroo kee-aa sabh lok uDhran arthaa. The True Guru made the pilgrimage to the sacred shrines, for the sake of saving all the people. mwrig pMiQ cly gur siqgur sMig isKw ]2] (1116-10)maarag panth chalay gur satgur sang sikhaa. ||2|| The Sikhs travelled with the Guru, the True Guru, on the path, along the road. ||2|| pRQm Awey kulKyiq gur siqgur purbu hoAw ] (1116-10)paratham aa-ay kulkhayt gur satgur purab ho-aa. When the Guru, the True Guru, first arrived at Kuruk-shaytra, it was a very auspicious time. Kbir BeI sMswir Awey qRY loAw ] (1116-11)khabar bha-ee sansaar aa-ay tarai lo-aa. The news spread throughout the world, and the beings of the three worlds came. dyKix Awey qIin lok suir nr muin jn siB AwieAw ] (1116-11)daykhan aa-ay teen lok sur nar mun jan sabh aa-i-aa. The angelic beings and silent sages from all the three worlds came to see Him. ijn prisAw guru siqgurU pUrw iqn ky iklivK nws gvwieAw ] (1116-11)jin parsi-aa gur satguroo pooraa tin kay kilvikh naas gavaa-i-aa. Those who are touched by the Guru, the True Guru - all their sins and mistakes were erased and dispelled. jogI idgMbr sMinAwsI Ktu drsn kir gey gosit FoAw ] (1116-12)jogee digambar sani-aasee khat darsan kar ga-ay gosat dho-aa. The Yogis, the nudists, the Sannyaasees and those of the six schools of philosophy spoke with Him, and then bowed and departed. pRQm Awey kulKyiq gur siqgur purbu hoAw ]3] (1116-13)paratham aa-ay kulkhayt gur satgur purab ho-aa. ||3|| When the Guru, the True Guru, first arrived at Kuruk-shaytra, it was a very auspicious time. ||3|| duqIAw jmun gey guir hir hir jpnu kIAw ] (1116-13)dutee-aa jamun ga-ay gur har har japan kee-aa. Second, the Guru went to the river Jamunaa, where He chanted the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. jwgwqI imly dy Byt gur ipCY lµGwie dIAw ] (1116-14)jaagaatee milay day bhayt gur pichhai langhaa-ay dee-aa. The tax collectors met the Guru and gave Him offerings; they did not impose the tax on His followers. sB CutI siqgurU ipCY ijin hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ] (1116-14)sabh chhutee satguroo pichhai jin har har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. All the True Guru's followers were excused from the tax; they meditated on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. gur bcin mwrig jo pMiQ cwly iqn jmu jwgwqI nyiV n AwieAw ] (1116-15)gur bachan maarag jo panth chaalay tin jam jaagaatee nayrh na aa-i-aa. The Messenger of Death does not even approach those who have walked on the path, and followed the Guru's Teachings. sB gurU gurU jgqu bolY gur kY nwie lieAY siB Cutik gieAw ] (1116-16)sabh guroo guroo jagat bolai gur kai naa-ay la-i-ai sabh chhutak ga-i-aa. All the world said, "Guru! Guru! Guru!" Uttering the Guru's Name, they were all emancipated. duqIAw jmun gey guir hir hir jpnu kIAw ]4] (1116-17)dutee-aa jamun ga-ay gur har har japan kee-aa. ||4|| Second, the Guru went to the river Jamunaa, where He chanted the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4|| iqRqIAw Awey sursrI qh kauqku clqu BieAw ] (1116-17)taritee-aa aa-ay sursaree tah ka-utak chalat bha-i-aa. Third, He went to the Ganges, and a wonderful drama was played out there. sB mohI dyiK drsnu gur sMq iknY AwFu n dwmu lieAw ] (1116-18)sabh mohee daykh darsan gur sant kinai aadh na daam la-i-aa. All were fascinated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Saintly Guru's Darshan; no tax at all was imposed upon anyone. AwFu dwmu ikCu pieAw n bolk jwgwqIAw mohx muMdix peI ] (1116-18)aadh daam kichh pa-i-aa na bolak jaagaatee-aa mohan mundan pa-ee. No tax at all was collected, and the mouths of the tax collectors were sealed. BweI hm krh ikAw iksu pwis mWgh sB Bwig siqgur ipCY peI ] (1116-19)bhaa-ee ham karah ki-aa kis paas maaNgah sabh bhaag satgur pichhai pa-ee. They said, "O brothers, what should we do? Who should we ask? Everyone is running after the True Guru." |
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