Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1117 jwgwqIAw aupwv isAwxp kir vIcwru ifTw BMin bolkw siB auiT gieAw ] (1117-1)jaagaatee-aa upaav si-aanap kar veechaar dithaa bhann bolkaa sabh uth ga-i-aa. The tax collectors were smart; they thought about it, and saw. They broke their cash-boxes and left. iqRqIAw Awey sursrI qh kauqku clqu BieAw ]5] (1117-2)taritee-aa aa-ay sursaree tah ka-utak chalat bha-i-aa. ||5|| Third, He went to the Ganges, and a wonderful drama was played out there. ||5|| imil Awey ngr mhw jnw gur siqgur Et ghI ] (1117-2)mil aa-ay nagar mahaa janaa gur satgur ot gahee. The important men of the city met together, and sought the Protection of the Guru, the True Guru. guru siqguru guru goivdu puiC isimRiq kIqw shI ] (1117-3)gur satgur gur govid puchh simrit keetaa sahee. The Guru, the True Guru, the Guru is the Lord of the Universe. Go ahead and consult the Simritees - they will confirm this. isimRiq swsqR sBnI shI kIqw suik pRihlwid sRIrwim kir gur goivdu iDAwieAw ] (1117-3)simrit saastar sabhnee sahee keetaa suk par-hilaad sareeraam kar gur govid Dhi-aa-i-aa. The Simritees and the Shaastras all confirm that Suk Dayv and Prahlaad meditated on the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, and knew Him as the Supreme Lord. dyhI ngir koit pMc cor vtvwry iqn kw Qwau Qyhu gvwieAw ] (1117-4)dayhee nagar kot panch chor vatvaaray tin kaa thaa-o thayhu gavaa-i-aa. The five thieves and the highway robbers dwell in the fortress of the body-village; the Guru has destroyed their home and place. kIrqn purwx inq puMn hovih gur bcin nwnik hir Bgiq lhI ] (1117-5)keertan puraan nit punn hoveh gur bachan naanak har bhagat lahee. The Puraanas continually praise the giving of charity, but devotional worship of the Lord is only obtained through the Word of Guru Nanak. imil Awey ngr mhw jnw gur siqgur Et ghI ]6]4]10] (1117-6)mil aa-ay nagar mahaa janaa gur satgur ot gahee. ||6||4||10|| The important men of the city met together, and sought the Protection of the Guru, the True Guru. ||6||4||10|| quKwrI CMq mhlw 5 (1117-7)tukhaaree chhant mehlaa 5 Tukhaari Chhant, Fifth Mehl: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1117-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Goil GumweI lwlnw guir mnu dInw ] (1117-8)ghol ghumaa-ee laalnaa gur man deenaa. O my Beloved, I am a sacrifice to You. Through the Guru, I have dedicated my mind to You. suix sbdu qumwrw myrw mnu BInw ] (1117-8)sun sabad tumaaraa mayraa man bheenaa. Hearing the Word of Your Shabad, my mind is enraptured. iehu mnu BInw ijau jl mInw lwgw rMgu murwrw ] (1117-8)ih man bheenaa ji-o jal meenaa laagaa rang muraaraa. This mind is enraptured, like the fish in the water; it is lovingly attached to the Lord. kImiq khI n jweI Twkur qyrw mhlu Apwrw ] (1117-9)keemat kahee na jaa-ee thaakur tayraa mahal apaaraa. Your Worth cannot be described, O my Lord and Master; Your Mansion is Incomparable and Unrivalled. sgl guxw ky dwqy suAwmI ibnau sunhu iek dInw ] (1117-9)sagal gunaa kay daatay su-aamee bin-o sunhu ik deenaa. O Giver of all Virtue, O my Lord and Master, please hear the prayer of this humble person. dyhu drsu nwnk bilhwrI jIAVw bil bil kInw ]1] (1117-10)dayh daras naanak balihaaree jee-arhaa bal bal keenaa. ||1|| Please bless Nanak with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. ||1|| iehu qnu mnu qyrw siB gux qyry ] (1117-10)ih tan man tayraa sabh gun tayray. This body and mind are Yours; all virtues are Yours. KMnIAY vM\w drsn qyry ] (1117-11)khannee-ai vanjaa darsan tayray. I am a sacrifice, every little bit, to Your Darshan. drsn qyry suix pRB myry inmK idRsit pyiK jIvw ] (1117-11)darsan tayray sun parabh mayray nimakh darisat paykh jeevaa. Please hear me, O my Lord God; I live only by seeing Your Vision, even if only for an instant. AMimRq nwmu sunIjY qyrw ikrpw krih q pIvw ] (1117-12)amrit naam suneejai tayraa kirpaa karahi ta peevaa. I have heard that Your Name is the most Ambrosial Nectar; please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may drink it in. Aws ipAwsI ipr kY qweI ijau cwiqRku bUMdyry ] (1117-12)aas pi-aasee pir kai taa-ee ji-o chaatrik booNdayray. My hopes and desires rest in You, O my Husband Lord; like the rainbird, I long for the rain-drop. khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI dyhu drsu pRB myry ]2] (1117-13)kaho naanak jee-arhaa balihaaree dayh daras parabh mayray. ||2|| Says Nanak, my soul is a sacrifice to You; please bless me with Your Darshan, O my Lord God. ||2|| qU swcw swihbu swhu Aimqw ] (1117-13)too saachaa saahib saahu amitaa. You are my True Lord and Master, O Infinite King. qU pRIqmu ipAwrw pRwn ihq icqw ] (1117-14)too pareetam pi-aaraa paraan hit chitaa. You are my Dear Beloved, so dear to my life and consciousness. pRwn suKdwqw gurmuiK jwqw sgl rMg bin Awey ] (1117-14)paraan sukh-daata gurmukh jaataa sagal rang ban aa-ay. You bring peace to my soul; You are known to the Gurmukh. All are blessed by Your Love. soeI krmu kmwvY pRwxI jyhw qU Purmwey ] (1117-15)so-ee karam kamaavai paraanee jayhaa too furmaa-ay. The mortal does only those deeds which You ordain, Lord. jw kau ik®pw krI jgdIsuir iqin swDsMig mnu ijqw ] (1117-15)jaa ka-o kirpaa karee jagdeesur tin saaDhsang man jitaa. One who is blessed by Your Grace, O Lord of the Universe, conquers his mind in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI jIau ipMfu qau idqw ]3] (1117-16)kaho naanak jee-arhaa balihaaree jee-o pind ta-o ditaa. ||3|| Says Nanak, my soul is a sacrifice to You; You gave me my soul and body. ||3|| inrguxu rwiK lIAw sMqn kw sdkw ] (1117-16)nirgun raakh lee-aa santan kaa sadkaa. I am unworthy, but He has saved me, for the sake of the Saints. siqguir Fwik lIAw moih pwpI pVdw ] (1117-17)satgur dhaak lee-aa mohi paapee parh-daa. The True Guru has covered by faults; I am such a sinner. Fwknhwry pRBU hmwry jIA pRwn suKdwqy ] (1117-17)dhaakanhaaray parabhoo hamaaray jee-a paraan sukh-daatay. God has covered for me; He is the Giver of the soul, life and peace. AibnwsI Aibgq suAwmI pUrn purK ibDwqy ] (1117-18)abhinaasee abigat su-aamee pooran purakh biDhaatay. My Lord and Master is Eternal and Unchanging, Ever-present; He is the Perfect Creator, the Architect of Destiny. ausqiq khnu n jwie qumwrI kauxu khY qU kd kw ] (1117-18)ustat kahan na jaa-ay tumaaree ka-un kahai too kad kaa. Your Praise cannot be described; who can say where You are? nwnk dwsu qw kY bilhwrI imlY nwmu hir inmkw ]4]1]11] (1117-19)naanak daas taa kai balihaaree milai naam har nimkaa. ||4||1||11|| Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to the one who blesses him with the Lord's Name, even for an instant. ||4||1||11|| |
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