Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1115 iqn kw jnmu sPilE sBu kIAw krqY ijn gur bcnI scu BwiKAw ] (1115-1)tin kaa janam safli-o sabh kee-aa kartai jin gur bachnee sach bhaakhi-aa. The Creator makes fruitful the lives of all those who, through the Guru's Word, chant the True Name. qy DMnu jn vf purK pUry jo gurmiq hir jip Bau ibKmu qry ] (1115-2)tay Dhan jan vad purakh pooray jo gurmat har jap bha-o bikham taray. Blessed are those humble beings, those great and perfect people, who follow the Guru's Teachings and meditate on the Lord; they cross over the terrifying and treacherous world-ocean. syvk jn syvih qy prvwxu ijn syivAw gurmiq hry ]3] (1115-2)sayvak jan sayveh tay parvaan jin sayvi-aa gurmat haray. ||3|| Those humble servants who serve are accepted. They follow the Guru's Teachings, and serve the Lord. ||3|| qU AMqrjwmI hir Awip ijau qU clwvih ipAwry hau iqvY clw ] (1115-3)too antarjaamee har aap ji-o too chalaaveh pi-aaray ha-o tivai chalaa. You Yourself, Lord, are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; as You make me walk, O my Beloved, so do I walk. hmrY hwiQ ikCu nwih jw qU mylih qw hau Awie imlw ] (1115-3)hamrai haath kichh naahi jaa too mayleh taa ha-o aa-ay milaa. Nothing is in my hands; when You unite me, then I come to be united. ijn kau qU hir mylih suAwmI sBu iqn kw lyKw Cutik gieAw ] (1115-4)jin ka-o too har mayleh su-aamee sabh tin kaa laykhaa chhutak ga-i-aa. Those whom You unite with Yourself, O my Lord and Master - all their accounts are settled. iqn kI gxq n kirAhu ko BweI jo gur bcnI hir myil lieAw ] (1115-5)tin kee ganat na kari-ahu ko bhaa-ee jo gur bachnee har mayl la-i-aa. No one can go through the accounts of those, O Siblings of Destiny, who through the Word of the Guru's Teachings are united with the Lord. nwnk dieAwlu hoAw iqn aUpir ijn gur kw Bwxw mMinAw Blw ] (1115-5)naanak da-i-aal ho-aa tin oopar jin gur kaa bhaanaa mani-aa bhalaa. O Nanak, the Lord shows Mercy to those who accept the Guru's Will as good. qU AMqrjwmI hir Awip ijau qU clwvih ipAwry hau iqvY clw ]4]2] (1115-6)too antarjaamee har aap ji-o too chalaaveh pi-aaray ha-o tivai chalaa. ||4||2|| You Yourself, Lord, are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; as You make me walk, O my Beloved, so do I walk. ||4||2|| quKwrI mhlw 4 ] (1115-7)tukhaaree mehlaa 4. Tukhaari, Fourth Mehl: qU jgjIvnu jgdIsu sB krqw isRsit nwQu ] (1115-7)too jagjeevan jagdees sabh kartaa sarisat naath. You are the Life of the World, the Lord of the Universe, our Lord and Master, the Creator of all the Universe. iqn qU iDAwieAw myrw rwmu ijn kY Duir lyKu mwQu ] (1115-8)tin too Dhi-aa-i-aa mayraa raam jin kai Dhur laykh maath. They alone meditate on You, O my Lord, who have such destiny recorded on their foreheads. ijn kau Duir hir iliKAw suAwmI iqn hir hir nwmu ArwiDAw ] (1115-8)jin ka-o Dhur har likhi-aa su-aamee tin har har naam araaDhi-aa. Those who are so pre-destined by their Lord and Master, worship and adore the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. iqn ky pwp iek inmK siB lwQy ijn gur bcnI hir jwipAw ] (1115-9)tin kay paap ik nimakh sabh laathay jin gur bachnee har jaapi-aa. All sins are erased in an instant, for those who meditate on the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings. Dnu DMnu qy jn ijn hir nwmu jipAw iqn dyKy hau BieAw snwQu ] (1115-10)Dhan Dhan tay jan jin har naam japi-aa tin daykhay ha-o bha-i-aa sanaath. Blessed, blessed are those humble beings who meditate on the Lord's Name. Seeing them, I am uplifted. qU jgjIvnu jgdIsu sB krqw isRsit nwQu ]1] (1115-10)too jagjeevan jagdees sabh kartaa sarisat naath. ||1|| You are the Life of the World, the Lord of the Universe, our Lord and Master, the Creator of all the Universe. ||1|| qU jil Qil mhIAil BrpUir sB aUpir swcu DxI ] (1115-11)too jal thal mahee-al bharpoor sabh oopar saach Dhanee. You are totally pervading the water, the land and the sky. O True Lord, You are the Master of all. ijn jipAw hir min cIiq hir jip jip mukqu GxI ] (1115-11)jin japi-aa har man cheet har jap jap mukat ghanee. Those who meditate on the Lord in their conscious minds - all those who chant and meditate on the Lord are liberated. ijn jipAw hir qy mukq pRwxI iqn ky aUjl muK hir duAwir ] (1115-12)jin japi-aa har tay mukat paraanee tin kay oojal mukh har du-aar. Those mortal beings who meditate on the Lord are liberated; their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord. Eie hliq pliq jn Bey suhyly hir rwiK lIey rKnhwir ] (1115-13)o-ay halat palat jan bha-ay suhaylay har raakh lee-ay rakhanhaar. Those humble beings are exalted in this world and the next; the Savior Lord saves them. hir sMqsMgiq jn suxhu BweI gurmuiK hir syvw sPl bxI ] (1115-13)har santsangat jan sunhu bhaa-ee gurmukh har sayvaa safal banee. Listen to the Lord's Name in the Society of the Saints, O humble Siblings of Destiny. The Gurmukh's service to the Lord is fruitful. qU jil Qil mhIAil BrpUir sB aUpir swcu DxI ]2] (1115-14)too jal thal mahee-al bharpoor sabh oopar saach Dhanee. ||2|| You are totally pervading the water, the land and the sky. O True Lord, You are the Master of all. ||2|| qU Qwn Qnµqir hir eyku hir eyko eyku rivAw ] (1115-15)too thaan thanantar har ayk har ayko ayk ravi-aa. You are the One Lord, the One and Only Lord, pervading all places and interspaces. vix iqRix iqRBvix sB isRsit muiK hir hir nwmu civAw ] (1115-15)van tarin taribhavan sabh sarisat mukh har har naam chavi-aa. The forests and fields, the three worlds and the entire Universe, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. siB cvih hir hir nwmu krqy AsMK Agxq hir iDAwvey ] (1115-16)sabh chaveh har har naam kartay asaNkh agnat har Dhi-aav-ay. All chant the Name of the Creator Lord, Har, Har; countless, uncountable beings meditate on the Lord. so DMnu Dnu hir sMqu swDU jo hir pRB krqy Bwvey ] (1115-16)so Dhan Dhan har sant saaDhoo jo har parabh kartay bhaav-ay. Blessed, blessed are those Saints and Holy People of the Lord, who are pleasing to the Creator Lord God. so sPlu drsnu dyhu krqy ijsu hir ihrdY nwmu sd civAw ] (1115-17)so safal darsan dayh kartay jis har hirdai naam sad chavi-aa. O Creator, please bless me with the Fruitful Vision, the Darshan, of those who chant the Lord's Name in their hearts forever. qU Qwn Qnµqir hir eyku hir eyko eyku rivAw ]3] (1115-18)too thaan thanantar har ayk har ayko ayk ravi-aa. ||3|| You are the One Lord, the One and Only Lord, pervading all places and interspaces. ||3|| qyrI Bgiq BMfwr AsMK ijsu qU dyvih myry suAwmI iqsu imlih ] (1115-18)tayree bhagat bhandaar asaNkh jis too dayveh mayray su-aamee tis mileh. The treasures of devotional worship to You are countless; he alone is blessed with them, O my Lord and Master, whom You bless. ijs kY msqik gur hwQu iqsu ihrdY hir gux itkih ] (1115-19)jis kai mastak gur haath tis hirdai har gun tikeh. The Lord's Glorious Virtues abide within the heart of that person, whose forehead the Guru has touched. hir gux ihrdY itkih iqs kY ijsu AMqir Bau BwvnI hoeI ] (1115-19)har gun hirdai tikeh tis kai jis antar bha-o bhaavnee ho-ee. The Glorious Virtues of the Lord dwell in the heart of that person, whose inner being is filled with the Fear of God, and His Love. |
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