Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1114 myrY AMqir hoie ivgwsu ipRau ipRau scu inq cvw rwm ] (1114-1)mayrai antar ho-ay vigaas pari-o pari-o sach nit chavaa raam. My inner being blossoms forth; I continually utter, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!" ipRau cvw ipAwry sbid insqwry ibnu dyKy iqRpiq n Awvey ] (1114-1)pari-o chavaa pi-aaray sabad nistaaray bin daykhay taripat na aav-ay. I speak of my Dear Beloved, and through the Shabad, I am saved. Unless I can see Him, I am not satisfied. sbid sIgwru hovY inq kwmix hir hir nwmu iDAwvey ] (1114-2)sabad seegaar hovai nit kaaman har har naam Dhi-aav-ay. That soul-bride who is ever adorned with the Shabad, meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. dieAw dwnu mMgq jn dIjY mY pRIqmu dyhu imlwey ] (1114-3)da-i-aa daan mangat jan deejai mai pareetam dayh milaa-ay. Please bless this beggar, Your humble servant, with the Gift of Mercy; please unite me with my Beloved. Anidnu guru gopwlu iDAweI hm siqgur ivthu Gumwey ]2] (1114-3)an-din gur gopaal Dhi-aa-ee ham satgur vitahu ghumaa-ay. ||2|| Night and day, I meditate on the Guru, the Lord of the World; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||2|| hm pwQr guru nwv ibKu Bvjlu qwrIAY rwm ] (1114-4)ham paathar gur naav bikh bhavjal taaree-ai raam. I am a stone in the Boat of the Guru. Please carry me across the terrifying ocean of poison. gur dyvhu sbdu suBwie mY mUV insqwrIAY rwm ] (1114-4)gur dayvhu sabad subhaa-ay mai moorh nistaaree-ai raam. O Guru, please, lovingly bless me with the Word of the Shabad. I am such a fool - please save me! hm mUV mugD ikCu imiq nhI pweI qU AgMmu vf jwixAw ] (1114-5)ham moorh mugaDh kichh mit nahee paa-ee too agamm vad jaani-aa. I am a fool and an idiot; I know nothing of Your extent. You are known as Inaccessible and Great. qU Awip dieAwlu dieAw kir mylih hm inrguxI inmwixAw ] (1114-5)too aap da-i-aal da-i-aa kar mayleh ham nirgunee nimaani-aa. You Yourself are Merciful; please, mercifully bless me. I am unworthy and dishonored - please, unite me with Yourself! Anyk jnm pwp kir Brmy huix qau srxwgiq Awey ] (1114-6)anayk janam paap kar bharmay hun ta-o sarnaagat aa-ay. Through countless lifetimes, I wandered in sin; now, I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. dieAw krhu riK lyvhu hir jIau hm lwgh siqgur pwey ]3] (1114-7)da-i-aa karahu rakh layvhu har jee-o ham laagah satgur paa-ay. ||3|| Take pity on me and save me, Dear Lord; I have grasped the Feet of the True Guru. ||3|| gur pwrs hm loh imil kMcnu hoieAw rwm ] (1114-7)gur paaras ham loh mil kanchan ho-i-aa raam. The Guru is the Philosopher's Stone; by His touch, iron is transformed into gold. joqI joiq imlwie kwieAw gVu soihAw rwm ] (1114-8)jotee jot milaa-ay kaa-i-aa garh sohi-aa raam. My light merges into the Light, and my body-fortress is so beautiful. kwieAw gVu soihAw myrY pRiB moihAw ikau swis igrwis ivswrIAY ] (1114-8)kaa-i-aa garh sohi-aa mayrai parabh mohi-aa ki-o saas giraas visaaree-ai. My body-fortress is so beautiful; I am fascinated by my God. How could I forget Him, for even a breath, or a morsel of food? AidRstu Agocru pkiVAw gur sbdI hau siqgur kY bilhwrIAY ] (1114-9)adrist agochar pakrhi-aa gur sabdee ha-o satgur kai balihaaree-ai. I have seized the Unseen and Unfathomable Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. siqgur AwgY sIsu Byt dyau jy siqgur swcy BwvY ] (1114-10)satgur aagai sees bhayt day-o jay satgur saachay bhaavai. I place my head in offering before the True Guru, if it truly pleases the True Guru. Awpy dieAw krhu pRB dwqy nwnk AMik smwvY ]4]1] (1114-10)aapay da-i-aa karahu parabh daatay naanak ank samaavai. ||4||1|| Take pity on me, O God, Great Giver, that Nanak may merge in Your Being. ||4||1|| quKwrI mhlw 4 ] (1114-11)tukhaaree mehlaa 4. Tukhaari, Fourth Mehl: hir hir Agm AgwiD AprMpr Aprprw ] (1114-11)har har agam agaaDh aprampar aparparaa. The Lord, Har, Har, is Inaccessible, Unfathomable, Infinite, the Farthest of the Far. jo qum iDAwvih jgdIs qy jn Bau ibKmu qrw ] (1114-11)jo tum Dhi-aavahi jagdees tay jan bha-o bikham taraa. Those who meditate on You, O Lord of the Universe - those humble beings cross over the terrifying, treacherous world-ocean. ibKm Bau iqn qirAw suhylw ijn hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ] (1114-12)bikham bha-o tin tari-aa suhaylaa jin har har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. Those who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, easily cross over the terrifying, treacherous world-ocean. gur vwik siqgur jo Bwie cly iqn hir hir Awip imlwieAw ] (1114-13)gur vaak satgur jo bhaa-ay chalay tin har har aap milaa-i-aa. Those who lovingly walk in harmony with the Word of the Guru, the True Guru - the Lord, Har, Har, unites them with Himself. joqI joiq imil joiq smwxI hir ik®pw kir DrxIDrw ] (1114-13)jotee jot mil jot samaanee har kirpaa kar DharneeDharaa. The mortal's light meets the Light of God, and blends with that Divine Light when the Lord, the Support of the Earth, grants His Grace. hir hir Agm AgwiD AprMpr Aprprw ]1] (1114-14)har har agam agaaDh aprampar aparparaa. ||1|| The Lord, Har, Har, is Inaccessible, Unfathomable, Infinite, the Farthest of the Far. ||1|| qum suAwmI Agm AQwh qU Git Git pUir rihAw ] (1114-14)tum su-aamee agam athaah too ghat ghat poor rahi-aa. O my Lord and Master, You are Inaccessible and Unfathomable. You are totally pervading and permeating each and every heart. qU AlK AByau AgMmu gur siqgur bcin lihAw ] (1114-15)too alakh abhay-o agamm gur satgur bachan lahi-aa. You are Unseen, Unknowable and Unfathomable; You are found through the Word of the Guru, the True Guru. Dnu DMnu qy jn purK pUry ijn gur sMqsMgiq imil gux rvy ] (1114-15)Dhan Dhan tay jan purakh pooray jin gur santsangat mil gun ravay. Blessed, blessed are those humble, powerful and perfect people, who join the Guru's Sangat, the Society of the Saints, and chant His Glorious Praises. ibbyk buiD bIcwir gurmuiK gur sbid iKnu iKnu hir inq cvy ] (1114-16)bibayk buDh beechaar gurmukh gur sabad khin khin har nit chavay. With clear and precise understanding, the Gurmukhs contemplate the Guru's Shabad; each and every instant, they continually speak of the Lord. jw bhih gurmuiK hir nwmu bolih jw KVy gurmuiK hir hir kihAw ] (1114-17)jaa baheh gurmukh har naam boleh jaa kharhay gurmukh har har kahi-aa. When the Gurmukh sits down, he chants the Lord's Name. When the Gurmukh stands up, he chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har. qum suAwmI Agm AQwh qU Git Git pUir rihAw ]2] (1114-18)tum su-aamee agam athaah too ghat ghat poor rahi-aa. ||2|| O my Lord and Master, You are Inaccessible and Unfathomable. You are totally pervading and permeating each and every heart. ||2|| syvk jn syvih qy prvwxu ijn syivAw gurmiq hry ] (1114-18)sayvak jan sayveh tay parvaan jin sayvi-aa gurmat haray. Those humble servants who serve are accepted. They serve the Lord, and follow the Guru's Teachings. iqn ky koit siB pwp iKnu prhir hir dUir kry ] (1114-19)tin kay kot sabh paap khin parhar har door karay. All their millions of sins are taken away in an instant; the Lord takes them far away. iqn ky pwp doK siB ibnsy ijn min iciq ieku ArwiDAw ] (1114-19)tin kay paap dokh sabh binsay jin man chit ik araaDhi-aa. All their sin and blame is washed away. They worship and adore the One Lord with their conscious minds. |
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