Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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998 suK swgru AMimRqu hir nwau ] (998-1)sukh saagar amrit har naa-o. The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the ocean of peace. mMgq jnu jwcY hir dyhu pswau ] (998-2)mangat jan jaachai har dayh pasaa-o. The beggar begs for it; O Lord, please bless him, in Your kindness. hir siq siq sdw hir siq hir siq myrY min BwvY jIau ]2] (998-2)har sat sat sadaa har sat har sat mayrai man bhaavai jee-o. ||2|| True, True is the Lord; the Lord is forever True; the True Lord is pleasing to my mind. ||2|| nvy iCdR sRvih ApivqRw ] (998-3)navay chhidar sarveh apvitraa. The nine holes pour out filth. boil hir nwm pivqR siB ikqw ] (998-3)bol har naam pavitar sabh kitaa. Chanting the Lord's Name, they are all purified and sanctified. jy hir supRsMnu hovY myrw suAwmI hir ismrq mlu lih jwvY jIau ]3] (998-3)jay har suparsan hovai mayraa su-aamee har simrat mal leh jaavai jee-o. ||3|| When my Lord and Master is totally pleased, He leads the mortal to meditate in remembrance on the Lord, and then his filth is taken away. ||3|| mwieAw mohu ibKmu hY BwrI ] (998-4)maa-i-aa moh bikham hai bhaaree. Attachment to Maya is terribly treacherous. ikau qrIAY duqru sMswrI ] (998-4)ki-o taree-ai dutar sansaaree. How can one cross over the difficult world-ocean? siqguru boihQu dyie pRBu swcw jip hir hir pwir lµGwvY jIau ]4] (998-4)satgur bohith day-ay parabh saachaa jap har har paar langhaavai jee-o. ||4|| The True Lord bestows the boat of the True Guru; meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, one is carried across. ||4|| qU srbqR qyrw sBu koeI ] (998-5)too sarbatar tayraa sabh ko-ee. You are everywhere; all are Yours. jo qU krih soeI pRB hoeI ] (998-5)jo too karahi so-ee parabh ho-ee. Whatever You do, God, that alone comes to pass. jnu nwnku gux gwvY bycwrw hir BwvY hir Qwie pwvY jIau ]5]1]7] (998-6)jan naanak gun gaavai baychaaraa har bhaavai har thaa-ay paavai jee-o. ||5||1||7|| Poor servant Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; as it pleases the Lord, He bestows His approval. ||5||1||7|| mwrU mhlw 4 ] (998-7)maaroo mehlaa 4. Maaroo, Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwmu jphu mn myry ] (998-7)har har naam japahu man mayray. Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind. siB iklivK kwtY hir qyry ] (998-7)sabh kilvikh kaatai har tayray. The Lord shall eradicate all your sins. hir Dnu rwKhu hir Dnu sMchu hir clidAw nwil sKweI jIau ]1] (998-7)har Dhan raakho har Dhan sanchahu har chaldi-aa naal sakhaa-ee jee-o. ||1|| Treasure the Lord's wealth, and gather in the Lord's wealth; when you depart in the end, the Lord shall go along with you as your only friend and companion. ||1|| ijs no ik®pw kry so iDAwvY ] (998-8)jis no kirpaa karay so Dhi-aavai. He alone meditates on the Lord, unto whom He grants His Grace. inq hir jpu jwpY jip hir suKu pwvY ] (998-8)nit har jap jaapai jap har sukh paavai. He continually chants the Lord's Chant; meditating on the Lord, one finds peace. gur prswdI hir rsu AwvY jip hir hir pwir lµGweI jIau ]1] rhwau ] (998-9)gur parsaadee har ras aavai jap har har paar langhaa-ee jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Guru's Grace, the sublime essence of the Lord is obtained. Meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, one is carried across. ||1||Pause|| inrBau inrMkwru siq nwmu ] (998-10)nirbha-o nirankaar sat naam. The fearless, formless Lord - the Name is Truth. jg mih sRystu aUqm kwmu ] (998-10)jag meh saraysat ootam kaam. To chant it is the most sublime and exalted activity in this world. dusmn dUq jmkwlu Tyh mwrau hir syvk nyiV n jweI jIau ]2] (998-10)dusman doot jamkaal thayh maara-o har sayvak nayrh na jaa-ee jee-o. ||2|| Doing so, the Messenger of Death, the evil enemy, is killed. Death does not even approach the Lord's servant. ||2|| ijsu aupir hir kw mnu mwinAw ] (998-11)jis upar har kaa man maani-aa. One whose mind is satisfied with the Lord so syvku chu jug chu kuMt jwinAw ] (998-11)so sayvak chahu jug chahu kunt jaani-aa. - that servant is known throughout the four ages, in all four directions. jy aus kw burw khY koeI pwpI iqsu jmkMkru KweI jIau ]3] (998-12)jay us kaa buraa kahai ko-ee paapee tis jamkankar khaa-ee jee-o. ||3|| If some sinner speaks evil of him, the Messenger of Death chews him up. ||3|| sB mih eyku inrMjn krqw ] (998-12)sabh meh ayk niranjan kartaa. The One Pure Creator Lord is in all. siB kir kir vyKY Apxy clqw ] (998-13)sabh kar kar vaykhai apnay chaltaa. He stages all His wondrous plays, and watches them. ijsu hir rwKY iqsu kauxu mwrY ijsu krqw Awip CfweI jIau ]4] (998-13)jis har raakhai tis ka-un maarai jis kartaa aap chhadaa-ee jee-o. ||4|| Who can kill that person, whom the Lord has saved? The Creator Lord Himself delivers him. ||4|| hau Anidnu nwmu leI krqwry ] (998-14)ha-o an-din naam la-ee kartaaray. I chant the Name of the Creator Lord, night and day. ijin syvk Bgq sBy insqwry ] (998-14)jin sayvak bhagat sabhay nistaaray. He saves all His servants and devotees. ds AT cwir vyd siB pUChu jn nwnk nwmu CfweI jIau ]5]2]8] (998-14)das ath chaar vayd sabh poochhahu jan naanak naam chhadaa-ee jee-o. ||5||2||8|| Consult the eighteen Puraanas and the four Vedas; O servant Nanak, only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, will deliver you. ||5||2||8|| mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 2 (998-16)maaroo mehlaa 5 ghar 2 Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (998-16)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: frpY Driq Akwsu nK´qRw isr aUpir Amru krwrw ] (998-17)darpai Dharat akaas nakh-yataraa sir oopar amar karaaraa. The earth, the Akaashic ethers and the stars abide in the Fear of God. The almighty Order of the Lord is over the heads of all. pauxu pwxI bYsMqru frpY frpY ieMdRü ibcwrw ]1] (998-17)pa-un paanee baisantar darpai darpai indar bichaaraa. ||1|| Wind, water and fire abide in the Fear of God; poor Indra abides in the Fear of God as well. ||1|| eykw inrBau bwq sunI ] (998-18)aykaa nirbha-o baat sunee. I have heard one thing, that the One Lord alone is fearless. so suKIAw so sdw suhylw jo gur imil gwie gunI ]1] rhwau ] (998-18)so sukhee-aa so sadaa suhaylaa jo gur mil gaa-ay gunee. ||1|| rahaa-o. He alone is at peace, and he alone is embellished forever, who meets with the Guru, and sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| dyhDwr Aru dyvw frpih isD swiDk fir muieAw ] (998-19)dayhDhaar ar dayvaa darpahi siDh saaDhik dar mu-i-aa. The embodied and the divine beings abide in the Fear of God. The Siddhas and seekers die in the Fear of God. lK caurwsIh mir mir jnmy iPir iPir jonI joieAw ]2] (998-19)lakh cha-oraaseeh mar mar janmay fir fir jonee jo-i-aa. ||2|| The 8.4 millions species of beings die, and die again, and are born over and over again. They are consigned to reincarnation. ||2|| |
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