Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


rwjsu swqku qwmsu frpih kyqy rUp aupwieAw ] (999-1)
raajas saatak taamas darpahi kaytay roop upaa-i-aa.
Those who embody the energies of sattva-white light, raajas-red passion, and taamas-black darkness, abide in the Fear of God, along with the many created forms.

Cl bpurI ieh kaulw frpY Aiq frpY Drm rwieAw ]3] (999-1)
chhal bapuree ih ka-ulaa darpai at darpai Dharam raa-i-aa. ||3||
This miserable deceiver Maya abides in the Fear of God; the Righteous Judge of Dharma is utterly afraid of Him as well. ||3||

sgl smgRI frih ibAwpI ibnu fr krxYhwrw ] (999-2)
sagal samagree dareh bi-aapee bin dar karnaihaaraa.
The entire expanse of the Universe is in the Fear of God; only the Creator Lord is without this Fear.

khu nwnk Bgqn kw sMgI Bgq sohih drbwrw ]4]1] (999-2)
kaho naanak bhagtan kaa sangee bhagat soheh darbaaraa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak, God is the companion of His devotees; His devotees look beautiful in the Court of the Lord. ||4||1||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (999-3)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

pWc brK ko AnwQu DR¨ bwirku hir ismrq Amr Atwry ] (999-3)
paaNch barakh ko anaath Dharoo baarik har simrat amar ataaray.
The five year old orphan boy Dhroo, by meditating in remembrance on the Lord, became stationary and permanent.

puqR hyiq nwrwiexu kihE jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ]1] (999-4)
putar hayt naaraa-in kahi-o jamkankar maar bidaaray. ||1||
For the sake of his son, Ajaamal called out, "O Lord, Naaraayan", who struck down and killed the Messenger of Death. ||1||

myry Twkur kyqy Agnq auDwry ] (999-4)
mayray thaakur kaytay agnat uDhaaray.
My Lord and Master has saved many, countless beings.

moih dIn Alp miq inrgux pirE srix duAwry ]1] rhwau ] (999-5)
mohi deen alap mat nirgun pari-o saran du-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am meek, with little or no understanding, and unworthy; I seek protection at the Lord's Door. ||1||Pause||

bwlmIku supcwro qirE biDk qry ibcwry ] (999-5)
baalmeek supchaaro tari-o baDhik taray bichaaray.
Baalmeek the outcaste was saved, and the poor hunter was saved as well.

eyk inmK mn mwih ArwiDE gjpiq pwir auqwry ]2] (999-6)
ayk nimakh man maahi araaDhi-o gajpat paar utaaray. ||2||
The elephant remembered the Lord in his mind for an instant, and so was carried across. ||2||

kInI riKAw Bgq pRihlwdY hrnwKs nKih ibdwry ] (999-6)
keenee rakhi-aa bhagat parhilaadai harnaakhas nakheh bidaaray.
He saved His devotee Prahlaad, and tore Harnaakhash with his nails.

ibdru dwsI suqu BieE punIqw sgly kul aujwry ]3] (999-7)
bidar daasee sut bha-i-o puneetaa saglay kul ujaaray. ||3||
Bidar, the son of a slave-girl, was purified, and all his generations were redeemed. ||3||

kvn prwD bqwvau Apuny imiQAw moh mgnwry ] (999-7)
kavan paraaDh bataava-o apunay mithi-aa moh magnaaray.
What sins of mine should I speak of? I am intoxicated with false emotional attachment.

AwieE swm nwnk Et hir kI lIjY Bujw pswry ]4]2] (999-8)
aa-i-o saam naanak ot har kee leejai bhujaa pasaaray. ||4||2||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord; please, reach out and take me into Your embrace. ||4||2||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (999-9)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

ivq nivq BRimE bhu BwqI Aink jqn kir Dwey ] (999-9)
vit navit bharmi-o baho bhaatee anik jatan kar Dhaa-ay.
For the sake of riches, I wandered around in so many ways; I rushed around, making all sorts of efforts.

jo jo krm kIey hau haumY qy qy Bey Ajwey ]1] (999-9)
jo jo karam kee-ay ha-o ha-umai tay tay bha-ay ajaa-ay. ||1||
The deeds I did in egotism and pride, have all been done in vain. ||1||

Avr idn kwhU kwj n lwey ] (999-10)
avar din kaahoo kaaj na laa-ay.
Other days are of no use to me;

so idnu mo kau dIjY pRB jIau jw idn hir jsu gwey ]1] rhwau ] (999-10)
so din mo ka-o deejai parabh jee-o jaa din har jas gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
please bless me with those days, O Dear God, on which I may sing the Lord's Praises. ||1||Pause||

puqR klqR igRh dyiK pswrw ies hI mih aurJwey ] (999-11)
putar kaltar garih daykh pasaaraa is hee meh urjhaa-ay.
Gazing upon children, spouse, household and possessions, one is entangled in these.

mwieAw md cwiK Bey audmwqy hir hir kbhu n gwey ]2] (999-11)
maa-i-aa mad chaakh bha-ay udmaatay har har kabahu na gaa-ay. ||2||
Tasting the wine of Maya, one is intoxicated, and never sings of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||

ieh ibiD KojI bhu prkwrw ibnu sMqn nhI pwey ] (999-12)
ih biDh khojee baho parkaaraa bin santan nahee paa-ay.
In this way, I have examined lots of methods, but without the Saints, it is not found.

qum dwqwr vfy pRB sMmRQ mwgn kau dwnu Awey ]3] (999-13)
tum daataar vaday parabh samrath maagan ka-o daan aa-ay. ||3||
You are the Great Giver, the great and almighty God; I have come to beg a gift from You. ||3||

iqAwigE sglw mwnu mhqw dws ryx srxwey ] (999-13)
ti-aagi-o saglaa maan mahtaa daas rayn sarnaa-ay.
Abandoning all pride and self-importance, I have sought the Sanctuary of the dust of the feet of the Lord's slave.

khu nwnk hir imil Bey eykY mhw Anµd suK pwey ]4]3] (999-14)
kaho naanak har mil bha-ay aykai mahaa anand sukh paa-ay. ||4||3||
Says Nanak, meeting with the Lord, I have become one with Him; I have found supreme bliss and peace. ||4||3||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (999-14)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

kvn Qwn DIirE hY nwmw kvn bsqu AhMkwrw ] (999-14)
kavan thaan Dheeri-o hai naamaa kavan basat ahaNkaaraa.
In what place is the Name established? Where does egotism dwell?

kvn ichn suin aUpir CoihE muK qy suin kir gwrw ]1] (999-15)
kavan chihan sun oopar chhohi-o mukh tay sun kar gaaraa. ||1||
What injury have you suffered, listening to abuse from someone else's mouth? ||1||

sunhu ry qU kaunu khw qy AwieE ] (999-16)
sunhu ray too ka-un kahaa tay aa-i-o.
Listen: who are you, and where did you come from?

eyqI n jwnau kyqIk mudiq clqy Kbir n pwieE ]1] rhwau ] (999-16)
aytee na jaan-o kayteek mudat chaltay khabar na paa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You don't even know how long you will stay here; you have no hint of when you shall leave. ||1||Pause||

shn sIl pvn Aru pwxI bsuDw iKmw inBrwqy ] (999-17)
sahan seel pavan ar paanee basuDhaa khimaa nibhraatay.
Wind and water have patience and tolerance; the earth has compassion and forgiveness, no doubt.

pMc qq imil BieE sMjogw ien mih kvn durwqy ]2] (999-17)
panch tat mil bha-i-o sanjogaa in meh kavan duraatay. ||2||
The union of the five tattvas - the five elements - has brought you into being. Which of these is evil? ||2||

ijin ric ricAw puriK ibDwqY nwly haumY pweI ] (999-18)
jin rach rachi-aa purakh biDhaatai naalay ha-umai paa-ee.
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, formed your form; He also burdened you with egotism.

jnm mrxu aus hI kau hY ry Ehw AwvY jweI ]3] (999-18)
janam maran us hee ka-o hai ray ohaa aavai jaa-ee. ||3||
He alone is born and dies; He alone comes and goes. ||3||

brnu ichnu nwhI ikCu rcnw imiQAw sgl pswrw ] (999-19)
baran chihan naahee kichh rachnaa mithi-aa sagal pasaaraa.
Nothing of the color and the form of the creation shall remain; the entire expanse is transitory.

Bxiq nwnku jb Kylu auJwrY qb eykY eykMkwrw ]4]4] (999-19)
bhanat naanak jab khayl ujhaarai tab aykai aykankaaraa. ||4||4||
Prays Nanak, when He brings His play to its close, then only the One, the One Lord remains. ||4||4||