Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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997 gurmuKw min prqIiq hY guir pUrY nwim smwxI ]1] (997-1)gurmukhaa man parteet hai gur poorai naam samaanee. ||1|| The minds of the Gurmukhs are filled with faith; through the Perfect Guru, they merge in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1|| mn myry mY hir hir kQw min BwxI ] (997-1)man mayray mai har har kathaa man bhaanee. O my mind, the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing to my mind. hir hir kQw inq sdw kir gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ]1] rhwau ] (997-2)har har kathaa nit sadaa kar gurmukh akath kahaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Continually and forever, speak the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har; as Gurmukh, speak the Unspoken Speech. ||1||Pause|| mY mnu qnu Koij FMFoilAw ikau pweIAY AkQ khwxI ] (997-2)mai man tan khoj dhandholi-aa ki-o paa-ee-ai akath kahaanee. I have searched through and through my mind and body; how can I attain this Unspoken Speech? sMq jnw imil pwieAw suix AkQ kQw min BwxI ] (997-3)sant janaa mil paa-i-aa sun akath kathaa man bhaanee. Meeting with the humble Saints, I have found it; listening to the Unspoken Speech, my mind is pleased. myrY min qin nwmu ADwru hir mY myly purKu sujwxI ]2] (997-3)mayrai man tan naam aDhaar har mai maylay purakh sujaanee. ||2|| The Lord's Name is the Support of my mind and body; I am united with the all-knowing Primal Lord God. ||2|| gur purKY purKu imlwie pRB imil surqI suriq smwxI ] (997-4)gur purkhai purakh milaa-ay parabh mil surtee surat samaanee. The Guru, the Primal Being, has united me with the Primal Lord God. My consciousness has merged into the supreme consciousness. vfBwgI guru syivAw hir pwieAw suGV sujwxI ] (997-5)vadbhaagee gur sayvi-aa har paa-i-aa sugharh sujaanee. By great good fortune, I serve the Guru, and I have found my Lord, all-wise and all-knowing. mnmuK Bwg ivhUixAw iqn duKI rYix ivhwxI ]3] (997-5)manmukh bhaag vihooni-aa tin dukhee rain vihaanee. ||3|| The self-willed manmukhs are very unfortunate; they pass their life-night in misery and pain. ||3|| hm jwick dIn pRB qyirAw muiK dIjY AMimRq bwxI ] (997-6)ham jaachik deen parabh tayri-aa mukh deejai amrit banee. I am just a meek beggar at Your Door, God; please, place the Ambrosial Word of Your Bani in my mouth. siqguru myrw imqRü pRB hir mylhu suGV sujwxI ] (997-6)satgur mayraa mitar parabh har maylhu sugharh sujaanee. The True Guru is my friend; He unites me with my all-wise, all-knowing Lord God. jn nwnk srxwgqI kir ikrpw nwim smwxI ]4]3]5] (997-7)jan naanak sarnaagatee kar kirpaa naam samaanee. ||4||3||5|| Servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary; grant Your Grace, and merge me into Your Name. ||4||3||5|| mwrU mhlw 4 ] (997-8)maaroo mehlaa 4. Maaroo, Fourth Mehl: hir Bwau lgw bYrwgIAw vfBwgI hir min rwKu ] (997-8)har bhaa-o lagaa bairaagee-aa vadbhaagee har man raakh. Detached from the world, I am in love with the Lord; by great good fortune, I have enshrined the Lord within my mind. imil sMgiq srDw aUpjY gur sbdI hir rsu cwKu ] (997-8)mil sangat sarDhaa oopjai gur sabdee har ras chaakh. Joining the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, faith has welled up within me; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I taste the sublime essence of the Lord. sBu mnu qnu hirAw hoieAw gurbwxI hir gux BwKu ]1] (997-9)sabh man tan hari-aa ho-i-aa gurbaanee har gun bhaakh. ||1|| My mind and body have totally blossomed forth; through the Word of the Guru's Bani, I chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1|| mn ipAwirAw imqRw hir hir nwm rsu cwKu ] (997-9)man pi-aari-aa mitraa har har naam ras chaakh. O my beloved mind, my friend, taste the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. guir pUrY hir pwieAw hliq pliq piq rwKu ]1] rhwau ] (997-10)gur poorai har paa-i-aa halat palat pat raakh. ||1|| rahaa-o. Through the Perfect Guru, I have found the Lord, who saves my honor, here and hereafter. ||1||Pause|| hir hir nwmu iDAweIAY hir kIriq gurmuiK cwKu ] (997-11)har har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai har keerat gurmukh chaakh. Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; as Gurmukh, taste the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. qnu DrqI hir bIjIAY ivic sMgiq hir pRB rwKu ] (997-11)tan Dhartee har beejee-ai vich sangat har parabh raakh. Plant the seed of the Lord in the body-farm. The Lord God is enshrined within the Sangat, the Holy Congregation. AMimRqu hir hir nwmu hY guir pUrY hir rsu cwKu ]2] (997-12)amrit har har naam hai gur poorai har ras chaakh. ||2|| The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Ambrosial Nectar. Through the Perfect Guru, taste the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2|| mnmuK iqRsnw Bir rhy min Awsw dh ids bhu lwKu ] (997-12)manmukh tarisnaa bhar rahay man aasaa dah dis baho laakh. The self-willed manmukhs are filled with hunger and thirst; their minds run around in the ten directions, hoping for great wealth. ibnu nwvY iDRgu jIvdy ivic ibstw mnmuK rwKu ] (997-13)bin naavai Dharig jeevday vich bistaa manmukh raakh. Without the Name of the Lord, their life is cursed; the manmukhs are stuck in manure. Eie Awvih jwih BvweIAih bhu jonI durgMD BwKu ]3] (997-13)o-ay aavahi jaahi bhavaa-ee-ah baho jonee durganDh bhaakh. ||3|| They come and go, and are consigned to wander through uncounted incarnations, eating stinking rot. ||3|| qRwih qRwih srxwgqI hir dieAw Dwir pRB rwKu ] (997-14)taraahi taraahi sarnaagatee har da-i-aa Dhaar parabh raakh. Begging, imploring, I seek Your Sanctuary; Lord, shower me with Your Mercy, and save me, God. sMqsMgiq mylwpu kir hir nwmu imlY piq swKu ] (997-15)santsangat maylaap kar har naam milai pat saakh. Lead me to join the Society of the Saints, and bless me with the honor and glory of the Lord's Name. hir hir nwmu Dnu pwieAw jn nwnk gurmiq BwKu ]4]4]6] (997-15)har har naam Dhan paa-i-aa jan naanak gurmat bhaakh. ||4||4||6|| I have obtained the wealth of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; servant Nanak chants the Lord's Name, through the Guru's Teachings. ||4||4||6|| mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 5 (997-17)maaroo mehlaa 4 ghar 5 Maaroo, Fourth Mehl, Fifth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (997-17)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir hir Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] (997-18)har har bhagat bharay bhandaaraa. Devotional worship to the Lord, Har, Har, is an overflowing treasure. gurmuiK rwmu kry insqwrw ] (997-18)gurmukh raam karay nistaaraa. The Gurmukh is emancipated by the Lord. ijs no ik®pw kry myrw suAwmI so hir ky gux gwvY jIau ]1] (997-18)jis no kirpaa karay mayraa su-aamee so har kay gun gaavai jee-o. ||1|| One who is blessed by the Mercy of my Lord and Master sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1|| hir hir ik®pw kry bnvwlI ] (997-19)har har kirpaa karay banvaalee. O Lord, Har, Har, take pity on me, hir ihrdY sdw sdw smwlI ] (997-19)har hirdai sadaa sadaa samaalee. that within my heart, I may dwell upon You, Lord, forever and ever. hir hir nwmu jphu myry jIAVy jip hir hir nwmu CfwvY jIau ]1] rhwau ] (997-19)har har naam japahu mayray jee-arhay jap har har naam chhadaavai jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my soul; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, you shall be emancipated. ||1||Pause|| |
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