Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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996 mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 3 (996-1)maaroo mehlaa 4 ghar 3 Maaroo, Fourth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (996-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir hir nwmu inDwnu lY gurmiq hir piq pwie ] (996-2)har har naam niDhaan lai gurmat har pat paa-ay. Take the treasure of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. Follow the Guru's Teachings, and the Lord shall bless you with honor. hliq pliq nwil cldw hir AMqy ley Cfwie ] (996-2)halat palat naal chaldaa har antay la-ay chhadaa-ay. Here and hereafter, the Lord goes with you; in the end, He shall deliver you. ijQY AvGt glIAw BIVIAw iqQY hir hir mukiq krwie ]1] (996-3)jithai avghat galee-aa bheerhee-aa tithai har har mukat karaa-ay. ||1|| Where the path is difficult and the street is narrow, there the Lord shall liberate you. ||1|| myry siqgurw mY hir hir nwmu idRVwie ] (996-3)mayray satiguraa mai har har naam drirh-aa-ay. O my True Guru, implant within me the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. myrw mwq ipqw suq bMDpo mY hir ibnu Avru n mwie ]1] rhwau ] (996-4)mayraa maat pitaa sut banDhpo mai har bin avar na maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord is my mother, father, child and relative; I have none other than the Lord, O my mother. ||1||Pause|| mY hir ibrhI hir nwmu hY koeI Awix imlwvY mwie ] (996-4)mai har birhee har naam hai ko-ee aan milaavai maa-ay. I feel the pains of love and yearning for the Lord, and the Name of the Lord. If only someone would come and unite me with Him, O my mother. iqsu AwgY mY jodVI myrw pRIqmu dyie imlwie ] (996-5)tis aagai mai jod-rhee mayraa pareetam day-ay milaa-ay. I bow in humble devotion to one who inspires me to meet with my Beloved. siqguru purKu dieAwl pRBu hir myly iFl n pwie ]2] (996-5)satgur purakh da-i-aal parabh har maylay dhil na paa-ay. ||2|| The almighty and merciful True Guru unites me with the Lord God instantaneously. ||2|| ijn hir hir nwmu n cyiqE sy BwghIx mir jwie ] (996-6)jin har har naam na chayti-o say bhaagheen mar jaa-ay. Those who do not remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are most unfortunate, and are slaughtered. Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih mir jMmih AwvY jwie ] (996-7)o-ay fir fir jon bhavaa-ee-ah mar jameh aavai jaa-ay. They wander in reincarnation, again and again; they die, and are re-born, and continue coming and going. Eie jm dir bDy mwrIAih hir drgh imlY sjwie ]3] (996-7)o-ay jam dar baDhay maaree-ah har dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||3|| Bound and gagged at Death's Door, they are cruelly beaten, and punished in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| qU pRBu hm srxwgqI mo kau myil lYhu hir rwie ] (996-8)too parabh ham sarnaagatee mo ka-o mayl laihu har raa-ay. O God, I seek Your Sanctuary; O my Sovereign Lord King, please unite me with Yourself. hir Dwir ik®pw jgjIvnw gur siqgur kI srxwie ] (996-8)har Dhaar kirpaa jagjeevanaa gur satgur kee sarnaa-ay. O Lord, Life of the World, please shower me with Your Mercy; grant me the Sanctuary of the Guru, the True Guru. hir jIau Awip dieAwlu hoie jn nwnk hir mylwie ]4]1]3] (996-9)har jee-o aap da-i-aal ho-ay jan naanak har maylaa-ay. ||4||1||3|| The Dear Lord, becoming merciful, has blended servant Nanak with Himself. ||4||1||3|| mwrU mhlw 4 ] (996-10)maaroo mehlaa 4. Maaroo, Fourth Mehl: hau pUMjI nwmu dswiedw ko dsy hir Dnu rwis ] (996-10)ha-o poonjee naam dasaa-idaa ko dasay har Dhan raas. I inquire about the commodity of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Is there anyone who can show me the wealth, the capital of the Lord? hau iqsu ivthu Kn KMnIAY mY myly hir pRB pwis ] (996-10)ha-o tis vitahu khan khannee-ai mai maylay har parabh paas. I cut myself into pieces, and make myself a sacrifice to that one who leads me to meet my Lord God. mY AMqir pRymu iprMm kw ikau sjxu imlY imlwis ]1] (996-11)mai antar paraym piramm kaa ki-o sajan milai milaas. ||1|| I am filled with the Love of my Beloved; how can I meet my Friend, and merge with Him? ||1|| mn ipAwirAw imqRw mY hir hir nwmu Dnu rwis ] (996-11)man pi-aari-aa mitraa mai har har naam Dhan raas. O my beloved friend, my mind, I take the wealth, the capital of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. guir pUrY nwmu idRVwieAw hir DIrk hir swbwis ]1] rhwau ] (996-12)gur poorai naam drirh-aa-i-aa har Dheerak har saabaas. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Perfect Guru has implanted the Naam within me; the Lord is my support - I celebrate the Lord. ||1||Pause|| hir hir Awip imlwie guru mY dsy hir Dnu rwis ] (996-12)har har aap milaa-ay gur mai dasay har Dhan raas. O my Guru, please unite me with the Lord, Har, Har; show me the wealth, the capital of the Lord. ibnu gur pRymu n lBeI jn vyKhu min inrjwis ] (996-13)bin gur paraym na labh-ee jan vaykhhu man nirjaas. Without the Guru, love does not well up; see this, and know it in your mind. hir gur ivic Awpu riKAw hir myly gur swbwis ]2] (996-14)har gur vich aap rakhi-aa har maylay gur saabaas. ||2|| The Lord has installed Himself within the Guru; so praise the Guru, who unites us with the Lord. ||2|| swgr Bgiq BMfwr hir pUry siqgur pwis ] (996-14)saagar bhagat bhandaar har pooray satgur paas. The ocean, the treasure of devotional worship of the Lord, rests with the Perfect True Guru. siqguru quTw Koil dyie muiK gurmuiK hir prgwis ] (996-15)satgur tuthaa khol day-ay mukh gurmukh har pargaas. When it pleases the True Guru, He opens the treasure, and and the Gurmukhs are illuminated by the Lord's Light. mnmuiK Bwg ivhUixAw iqK mueIAw kMDI pwis ]3] (996-15)manmukh bhaag vihooni-aa tikh mu-ee-aa kanDhee paas. ||3|| The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs die of thirst, on the very bank of the river. ||3|| guru dwqw dwqwru hY hau mwgau dwnu gur pwis ] (996-16)gur daataa daataar hai ha-o maaga-o daan gur paas. The Guru is the Great Giver; I beg for this gift from the Guru, icrI ivCuMnw myil pRB mY min qin vfVI Aws ] (996-16)chiree vichhunnaa mayl parabh mai man tan vadrhee aas. that He may unite me with God, from whom I was separated for so long! This is the great hope of my mind and body. gur BwvY suix bynqI jn nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]2]4] (996-17)gur bhaavai sun bayntee jan naanak kee ardaas. ||4||2||4|| If it pleases You, O my Guru, please listen to my prayer; this is servant Nanak's prayer. ||4||2||4|| mwrU mhlw 4 ] (996-17)maaroo mehlaa 4. Maaroo, Fourth Mehl: hir hir kQw suxwie pRB gurmiq hir irdY smwxI ] (996-17)har har kathaa sunaa-ay parabh gurmat har ridai samaanee. O Lord God, please preach Your sermon to me. Through the Guru's Teachings, the Lord is merged into my heart. jip hir hir kQw vfBwgIAw hir auqm pdu inrbwxI ] (996-18)jap har har kathaa vadbhaagee-aa har utam pad nirbaanee. Meditate on the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, O very fortunate ones; the Lord shall bless you with the most sublime status of Nirvaanaa. |
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