Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


myrw pRBu vyprvwhu hY nw iqsu iqlu n qmwie ] (995-1)
mayraa parabh vayparvaahu hai naa tis til na tamaa-ay.
My God is independent and self-sufficient; he does not have even an iota of greed.

nwnk iqsu srxweI Bij pau Awpy bKis imlwie ]4]5] (995-1)
naanak tis sarnaa-ee bhaj pa-o aapay bakhas milaa-ay. ||4||5||
O Nanak, run to His Sanctuary; granting His forgiveness, He merges us into Himself. ||4||5||

mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 2 (995-3)
maaroo mehlaa 4 ghar 2
Maaroo, Fourth Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (995-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jipE nwmu suk jnk gur bcnI hir hir srix pry ] (995-4)
japi-o naam suk janak gur bachnee har har saran paray.
Suk-deva and Janak meditated on the Naam; following the Guru's Teachings, they sought the Sanctuary of the Lord, Har, Har.

dwldu BMij sudwmy imilE BgqI Bwie qry ] (995-4)
daalad bhanj sudaamay mili-o bhagtee bhaa-ay taray.
God met Sudama and removed his poverty; through loving devotional worship, he crossed over.

Bgiq vClu hir nwmu ik®qwrQu gurmuiK ik®pw kry ]1] (995-5)
bhagat vachhal har naam kirtaarath gurmukh kirpaa karay. ||1||
God is the Lover of His devotees; the Lord's Name is fufilling; God showers His Mercy on the Gurmukhs. ||1||

myry mn nwmu jpq auDry ] (995-5)
mayray man naam japat uDhray.
O my mind, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you will be saved.

DR¨ pRihlwdu ibdru dwsI suqu gurmuiK nwim qry ]1] rhwau ] (995-5)
Dharoo par-hilaad bidar daasee sut gurmukh naam taray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dhroo, Prahlaad and Bidar the slave-girl's son, became Gurmukh, and through the Naam, crossed over. ||1||Pause||

kljuig nwmu pRDwnu pdwrQu Bgq jnw auDry ] (995-6)
kaljug naam parDhaan padaarath bhagat janaa uDhray.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Naam is the supreme wealth; it saves the humble devotees.

nwmw jYdyau kbIru iqRlocnu siB doK gey cmry ] (995-7)
naamaa jaiday-o kabeer tarilochan sabh dokh ga-ay chamray.
All the faults of Naam Dayv, Jai Dayv, Kabeer, Trilochan and Ravi Daas the leather-worker were covered.

gurmuiK nwim lgy sy auDry siB iklibK pwp try ]2] (995-7)
gurmukh naam lagay say uDhray sabh kilbikh paap taray. ||2||
Those who become Gurmukh, and remain attached to the Naam, are saved; all their sins are washed off. ||2||

jo jo nwmu jpY AprwDI siB iqn ky doK prhry ] (995-8)
jo jo naam japai apraaDhee sabh tin kay dokh parharay.
Whoever chants the Naam, all his sins and mistakes are taken away.

bysuAw rvq Ajwmlu auDirE muiK bolY nwrwiexu nrhry ] (995-8)
baysu-aa ravat ajaamal uDhaari-o mukh bolai naaraa-in narharay.
Ajaamal, who had sex with prostitites, was saved, by chanting the Name of the Lord.

nwmu jpq augRsYix giq pweI qoiV bMDn mukiq kry ]3] (995-9)
naam japat ugarsain gat paa-ee torh banDhan mukat karay. ||3||
Chanting the Naam, Ugar Sain obtained salvation; his bonds were broken, and he was liberated. ||3||

jn kau Awip AnugRhu kIAw hir AMgIkwru kry ] (995-9)
jan ka-o aap anoograhu kee-aa har angeekaar karay.
God Himself takes pity on His humble servants, and makes them His own.

syvk pYj rKY myrw goivdu srix pry auDry ] (995-10)
sayvak paij rakhai mayraa govid saran paray uDhray.
My Lord of the Universe saves the honor of His servants; those who seek His Sanctuary are saved.

jn nwnk hir ikrpw DwrI aur DirE nwmu hry ]4]1] (995-10)
jan naanak har kirpaa Dhaaree ur Dhari-o naam haray. ||4||1||
The Lord has showered servant Nanak with His Mercy; he has enshrined the Lord's Name within his heart. ||4||1||

mwrU mhlw 4 ] (995-11)
maaroo mehlaa 4.
Maaroo, Fourth Mehl:

isD smwiD jipE ilv lweI swiDk muin jipAw ] (995-11)
siDh samaaDh japi-o liv laa-ee saaDhik mun japi-aa.
The Siddhas in Samaadhi meditate on Him; they are lovingly focused on Him. The seekers and the silent sages meditate on Him as well.

jqI sqI sMqoKI iDAwieAw muiK ieMdRwidk rivAw ] (995-12)
jatee satee santokhee Dhi-aa-i-aa mukh indraadik ravi-aa.
The celibates, the true and contented beings meditate on Him; Indra and the other gods chant His Name with their mouths.

srix pry jipE qy Bwey gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1] (995-12)
saran paray japi-o tay bhaa-ay gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||1||
Those who seek His Sanctuary meditate on Him; they become Gurmukh and swim across. ||1||

myry mn nwmu jpq qirAw ] (995-13)
mayray man naam japat tari-aa.
O my mind, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and cross over.

DMnw jtu bwlmIku btvwrw gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1] rhwau ] (995-13)
Dhannaa jat baalmeek batvaaraa gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dhanna the farmer, and Balmik the highway robber, became Gurmukh, and crossed over. ||1||Pause||

suir nr gx gMDrby jipE iriK bpurY hir gwieAw ] (995-14)
sur nar gan ganDharbay japi-o rikh bapurai har gaa-i-aa.
Angels, men, heavenly heralds and celestial singers meditate on Him; even the humble Rishis sing of the Lord.

sMkir bRhmY dyvI jipE muiK hir hir nwmu jipAw ] (995-14)
sankar barahmai dayvee japi-o mukh har har naam japi-aa.
Shiva, Brahma and the goddess Lakhshmi, meditate, and chant with their mouths the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir hir nwim ijnw mnu BInw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]2] (995-15)
har har naam jinaa man bheenaa tay gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||2||
Those whose minds are drenched with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, as Gurmukh, cross over. ||2||

koit koit qyqIs iDAwieE hir jpiqAw AMqu n pwieAw ] (995-16)
kot kot taytees Dhi-aa-i-o har japti-aa ant na paa-i-aa.
Millions and millions, three hundred thirty million gods meditate on Him; there is no end to those who meditate on the Lord.

byd purwx isimRiq hir jipAw muiK pMifq hir gwieAw ] (995-16)
bayd puraan simrit har japi-aa mukh pandit har gaa-i-aa.
The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees meditate on the Lord; the Pandits, the religious scholars, sing the Lord's Praises as well.

nwmu rswlu ijnw min visAw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]3] (995-17)
naam rasaal jinaa man vasi-aa tay gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||3||
Those whose minds are filled with the Naam, the source of nectar - as Gurmukh, they cross over. ||3||

Anq qrMgI nwmu ijn jipAw mY gxq n kir sikAw ] (995-18)
anat tarangee naam jin japi-aa mai ganat na kar saki-aa.
Those who chant the Naam in endless waves - I cannot even count their number.

goibdu ik®pw kry Qwie pwey jo hir pRB min BwieAw ] (995-18)
gobid kirpaa karay thaa-ay paa-ay jo har parabh man bhaa-i-aa.
The Lord of the Universe bestows His Mercy, and those who are pleasing to the Mind of the Lord God, find their place.

guir Dwir ik®pw hir nwmu idRVwieE jn nwnk nwmu lieAw ]4]2] (995-19)
gur Dhaar kirpaa har naam darirh-aa-i-o jan naanak naam la-i-aa. ||4||2||
The Guru, granting His Grace, implants the Lord's Name within; servant Nanak chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||2||