Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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983 myry siqgur ky min bcn n Bwey sB Pokt cwr sIgwry ]3] (983-1)mayray satgur kay man bachan na bhaa-ay sabh fokat chaar seegaaray. ||3|| But if the Word of my True Guru is not pleasing to his mind, then all his preparations and beautiful decorations are useless. ||3|| mtik mtik clu sKI shylI myry Twkur ky gun swry ] (983-1)matak matak chal sakhee sahaylee mayray thaakur kay gun saaray. Walk playfully and carefree, O my friends and companions; cherish the Glorious Virtues of my Lord and Master. gurmuiK syvw myry pRB BweI mY siqgur AlKu lKwry ]4] (983-2)gurmukh sayvaa mayray parabh bhaa-ee mai satgur alakh lakhaaray. ||4|| To serve, as Gurmukh, is pleasing to my God. Through the True Guru, the unknown is known. ||4|| nwrI purKu purKu sB nwrI sBu eyko purKu murwry ] (983-3)naaree purakh purakh sabh naaree sabh ayko purakh muraaray. Women and men, all the men and women, all came from the One Primal Lord God. sMq jnw kI rynu min BweI imil hir jn hir insqwry ]5] (983-3)sant janaa kee rayn man bhaa-ee mil har jan har nistaaray. ||5|| My mind loves the dust of the feet of the humble; the Lord emancipates those who meet with the Lord's humble servants. ||5|| gRwm gRwm ngr sB iPirAw ird AMqir hir jn Bwry ] (983-4)garaam garaam nagar sabh firi-aa rid antar har jan bhaaray. From village to village, throughout all the cities I wandered; and then, inspired by the Lord's humble servants, I found Him deep within the nucleus of my heart. srDw srDw aupwie imlwey mo kau hir gur guir insqwry ]6] (983-4)sarDhaa sarDhaa upaa-ay milaa-ay mo ka-o har gur gur nistaaray. ||6|| Faith and longing have welled up within me, and I have been blended with the Lord; the Guru, the Guru, has saved me. ||6|| pvn sUqu sBu nIkw kirAw siqguir sbdu vIcwry ] (983-5)pavan soot sabh neekaa kari-aa satgur sabad veechaaray. The thread of my breath has been made totally sublime and pure; I contemplate the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru. inj Gir jwie AMimRq rsu pIAw ibnu nYnw jgqu inhwry ]7] (983-6)nij ghar jaa-ay amrit ras pee-aa bin nainaa jagat nihaaray. ||7|| I came back to the home of my own inner self; drinking in the ambrosial essence, I see the world, without my eyes. ||7|| qau gun eIs brin nhI swkau qum mMdr hm ink kIry ] (983-6)ta-o gun ees baran nahee saaka-o tum mandar ham nik keeray. I cannot describe Your Glorious Virtues, Lord; You are the temple, and I am just a tiny worm. nwnk ik®pw krhu gur mylhu mY rwmu jpq mnu DIry ]8]5] (983-7)naanak kirpaa karahu gur maylhu mai raam japat man Dheeray. ||8||5|| Bless Nanak with Your Mercy, and unite him with the Guru; meditating on my Lord, my mind is comforted and consoled. ||8||5|| nt mhlw 4 ] (983-8)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: myry mn Bju Twkur Agm Apwry ] (983-8)mayray man bhaj thaakur agam apaaray. O my mind, vibrate, meditate on the inaccessible and infinite Lord and Master. hm pwpI bhu inrguxIAwry kir ikrpw guir insqwry ]1] rhwau ] (983-8)ham paapee baho nirgunee-aaray kar kirpaa gur nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am such a great sinner; I am so unworthy. And yet the Guru, in His Mercy, has saved me. ||1||Pause|| swDU purK swD jn pwey iek ibnau krau gur ipAwry ] (983-9)saaDhoo purakh saaDh jan paa-ay ik bin-o kara-o gur pi-aaray. I have found the Holy Person, the Holy and humble servant of the Lord; I offer a prayer to Him, my Beloved Guru. rwm nwmu Dnu pUjI dyvhu sBu iqsnw BUK invwry ]1] (983-10)raam naam Dhan poojee dayvhu sabh tisnaa bhookh nivaaray. ||1|| Please, bless me with the wealth, the capital of the Lord's Name, and take away all my hunger and thirst. ||1|| pcY pqMgu imRg iBRMg kuMcr mIn iek ieMdRI pkir sGwry ] (983-10)pachai patang marig bharing kunchar meen ik indree pakar saghaaray. The moth, the deer, the bumble bee, the elephant and the fish are ruined, each by the one passion that controls them. pMc BUq sbl hY dyhI guru siqguru pwp invwry ]2] (983-11)panch bhoot sabal hai dayhee gur satgur paap nivaaray. ||2|| The five powerful demons are in the body; the Guru, the True Guru turns out these sins. ||2|| swsqR byd soiD soiD dyKy muin nwrd bcn pukwry ] (983-12)saastar bayd soDh soDh daykhay mun naarad bachan pukaaray. I searched and searched through the Shaastras and the Vedas; Naarad the silent sage proclaimed these words as well. rwm nwmu pVhu giq pwvhu sqsMgiq guir insqwry ]3] (983-12)raam naam parhahu gat paavhu satsangat gur nistaaray. ||3|| Chanting the Lord's Name, salvation is attained; the Guru saves those in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||3|| pRIqm pRIiq lgI pRB kyrI ijv sUrju kmlu inhwry ] (983-13)pareetam pareet lagee parabh kayree jiv sooraj kamal nihaaray. In love with the Beloved Lord God, one looks at Him as the lotus looks at the sun. myr sumyr moru bhu nwcY jb aunvY Gn Gnhwry ]4] (983-14)mayr sumayr mor baho naachai jab unvai ghan ghanhaaray. ||4|| The peacock dances on the mountain, when the clouds hang low and heavy. ||4|| swkq kau AMimRq bhu isMchu sB fwl PUl ibsukwry ] (983-14)saakat ka-o amrit baho sinchahu sabh daal fool bisukaaray. The faithless cyinc may be totally drenched with ambrosial nectar, but even so, all his branches and flowers are filled with venom. ijau ijau invih swkq nr syqI CyiV CyiV kFY ibKu Kwry ]5] (983-15)ji-o ji-o niveh saakat nar saytee chhayrh chhayrh kadhai bikh khaaray. ||5|| The more one bows down in humility before the faithless cyinc, the more he provokes, and stabs, and spits out his poison. ||5|| sMqn sMq swD imil rhIAY gux bolih praupkwry ] (983-16)santan sant saaDh mil rahee-ai gun boleh par-upkaaray. Remain with the Holy man, the Saint of the Saints, who chants the Lord's Praises for the benefit of all. sMqY sMqu imlY mnu ibgsY ijau jl imil kml svwry ]6] (983-16)santai sant milai man bigsai ji-o jal mil kamal savaaray. ||6|| Meeting the Saint of Saints, the mind blossoms forth, like the lotus, exalted by obtaining the water. ||6|| loB lhir sBu suAwnu hlku hY hlikE sBih ibgwry ] (983-17)lobh lahar sabh su-aan halak hai halki-o sabheh bigaaray. The waves of greed are like mad dogs with rabies. Their madness ruins everything. myry Twkur kY dIbwin Kbir huoeI guir igAwnu KVgu lY mwry ]7] (983-17)mayray thaakur kai deebaan khabar ho-ee gur gi-aan kharhag lai maaray. ||7|| When the news reached the Court of my Lord and Master, the Guru took up the sword of spiritual wisdom, and killed them. ||7|| rwKu rwKu rwKu pRB myry mY rwKhu ikrpw Dwry ] (983-18)raakh raakh raakh parabh mayray mai raakho kirpaa Dhaaray. Save me, save me, save me, O my God; shower me with Your Mercy, and save me! nwnk mY Dr Avr n kweI mY siqguru guru insqwry ]8]6] (983-19)naanak mai Dhar avar na kaa-ee mai satgur gur nistaaray. ||8||6|| O Nanak, I have no other support; the Guru, the True Guru, has saved me. ||8||6|| Ckw 1 ] (983-19)chhakaa 1. First Set of Six Hymns|| |
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