Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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984 (984-1)raag maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 4 Raag Maalee Gauraa, Fourth Mehl: <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (984-2)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: Aink jqn kir rhy hir AMqu nwhI pwieAw ] (984-4)anik jatan kar rahay har ant naahee paa-i-aa. Countless have tried, but none have found the Lord's limit. hir Agm Agm AgwiD boiD Awdysu hir pRB rwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (984-4)har agam agam agaaDh boDh aadays har parabh raa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord is inaccessible, unapproachable and unfathomable; I humbly bow to the Lord God, my King. ||1||Pause|| kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu inq Jgrqy JgrwieAw ] (984-5)kaam kroDh lobh moh nit jhagratay jhagraa-i-aa. Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment bring continual conflict and strife. hm rwKu rwKu dIn qyry hir srin hir pRB AwieAw ]1] (984-5)ham raakh raakh deen tayray har saran har parabh aa-i-aa. ||1|| Save me, save me, I am your humble creature, O Lord; I have come to Your Sanctuary, O my Lord God. ||1|| srxwgqI pRB pwlqy hir Bgiq vClu nwieAw ] (984-6)sarnaagatee parabh paaltay har bhagat vachhal naa-i-aa. You protect and preserve those who take to Your Sanctuary, God; You are called the Lover of Your devotees. pRihlwdu jnu hrnwiK pkirAw hir rwiK lIE qrwieAw ]2] (984-6)par-hilaad jan harnaakh pakri-aa har raakh lee-o taraa-i-aa. ||2|| Prahlaad, Your humble servant, was caught by Harnaakhash; but You saved Him and carried him across, Lord. ||2|| hir cyiq ry mn mhlu pwvx sB dUK BMjnu rwieAw ] (984-7)har chayt ray man mahal paavan sabh dookh bhanjan raa-i-aa. Remember the Lord, O mind, and rise up to the Mansion of His Presence; the Sovereign Lord is the Destroyer of pain. Bau jnm mrn invwir Twkur hir gurmqI pRBu pwieAw ]3] (984-8)bha-o janam maran nivaar thaakur har gurmatee parabh paa-i-aa. ||3|| Our Lord and Master takes away the fear of birth and death; following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord God is found. ||3|| hir piqq pwvn nwmu suAwmI Bau Bgq BMjnu gwieAw ] (984-8)har patit paavan naam su-aamee bha-o bhagat bhanjan gaa-i-aa. The Name of the Lord, our Lord and Master, is the Purifier of sinners; I sing of the Lord, the Destroyer of the fears of His devotees. hir hwru hir auir DwirE jn nwnk nwim smwieAw ]4]1] (984-9)har haar har ur Dhaari-o jan naanak naam samaa-i-aa. ||4||1|| One who wears the necklace of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in his heart, O servant Nanak, merges in the Naam. ||4||1|| mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] (984-10)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 4. Maalee Gauraa, Fourth Mehl: jip mn rwm nwmu suKdwqw ] (984-10)jap man raam naam sukh-daata. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, the Giver of peace. sqsMgiq imil hir swdu AwieAw gurmuiK bRhmu pCwqw ]1] rhwau ] (984-10)satsangat mil har saad aa-i-aa gurmukh barahm pachhaataa. ||1|| rahaa-o. One who joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and enjoys the sublime taste of the Lord, as Gurmukh, comes to realize God. ||1||Pause|| vfBwgI gur drsnu pwieAw guir imilAY hir pRBu jwqw ] (984-11)vadbhaagee gur darsan paa-i-aa gur mili-ai har parabh jaataa. By great good fortune, one obtains the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan; meeting with the Guru, the Lord God is known. durmiq mYlu geI sB nIkir hir AMimRiq hir sir nwqw ]1] (984-12)durmat mail ga-ee sabh neekar har amrit har sar naataa. ||1|| The filth of evil-mindedness is totally washed away, bathing in the Lord's ambrosial pool of nectar. ||1|| Dnu Dnu swDu ijn@I hir pRBu pwieAw iqn@ pUCau hir kI bwqw ] (984-12)Dhan Dhan saaDh jinHee har parabh paa-i-aa tinH poochha-o har kee baataa. Blessed, blessed are the Holy, who have found their Lord God; I ask them to tell me the stories of the Lord. pwie lgau inq krau judrIAw hir mylhu krim ibDwqw ]2] (984-13)paa-ay laga-o nit kara-o judree-aa har maylhu karam biDhaataa. ||2|| I fall at their feet, and always pray to them, to mercifully unite me with my Lord, the Architect of Destiny. ||2|| illwt ilKy pwieAw guru swDU gur bcnI mnu qnu rwqw ] (984-14)lilaat likhay paa-i-aa gur saaDhoo gur bachnee man tan raataa. Through the destiny written on my forehead, I have found the Holy Guru; my mind and body are imbued with the Guru's Word. hir pRB Awie imly suKu pwieAw sB iklivK pwp gvwqw ]3] (984-14)har parabh aa-ay milay sukh paa-i-aa sabh kilvikh paap gavaataa. ||3|| The Lord God has come to meet me; I have found peace, and I am rid of all the sins. ||3|| rwm rswiexu ijn@ gurmiq pwieAw iqn@ kI aUqm bwqw ] (984-15)raam rasaa-in jinH gurmat paa-i-aa tinH kee ootam baataa. Those who follow the Guru's Teachings find the Lord, the source of nectar; their words are sublime and exalted. iqn kI pMk pweIAY vfBwgI jn nwnku crin prwqw ]4]2] (984-16)tin kee pank paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee jan naanak charan paraataa. ||4||2|| By great good fortune, one is blessed with the dust of their feet; servant Nanak falls at their feet. ||4||2|| |
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