Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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982 lig lig pRIiq bhu pRIiq lgweI lig swDU sMig svwry ] (982-1)lag lag pareet baho pareet lagaa-ee lag saaDhoo sang savaaray. Fall in love, fall deeply in love with the Lord; clinging to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you will be exalted and embellished. gur ky bcn siq siq kir mwny myry Twkur bhuqu ipAwry ]6] (982-1)gur kay bachan sat sat kar maanay mayray thaakur bahut pi-aaray. ||6|| Those who accept the Word of the Guru as True, totally True, are very dear to my Lord and Master. ||6|| pUrib jnim prcUn kmwey hir hir hir nwim ipAwry ] (982-2)poorab janam parchoon kamaa-ay har har har naam pi-aaray. Because of actions committed in past lives, one comes to love the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. gur pRswid AMimRq rsu pwieAw rsu gwvY rsu vIcwry ]7] (982-3)gur parsaad amrit ras paa-i-aa ras gaavai ras veechaaray. ||7|| By Guru's Grace, you shall obtain the ambrosial essence; sing of this essence, and reflect upon this essence. ||7|| hir hir rUp rMig siB qyry myry lwln lwl gulwry ] (982-3)har har roop rang sabh tayray mayray laalan laal gulaaray. O Lord, Har, Har, all forms and colors are Yours; O my Beloved, my deep crimson ruby. jYsw rMgu dyih so hovY ikAw nwnk jMq ivcwry ]8]3] (982-4)jaisaa rang deh so hovai ki-aa naanak jant vichaaray. ||8||3|| Only that color which You impart, Lord, exists; O Nanak, what can the poor wretched being do? ||8||3|| nt mhlw 4 ] (982-4)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: rwm gur srin pRBU rKvwry ] (982-4)raam gur saran parabhoo rakhvaaray. In the Sanctuary of the Guru, the Lord God saves and protects us, ijau kuMcru qdUAY pkir clwieE kir aUpru kiF insqwry ]1] rhwau ] (982-5)ji-o kunchar tadoo-ai pakar chalaa-i-o kar oopar kadh nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. as He protected the elephant, when the crocodile seized it and pulled it into the water; He lifted him up and pulled him out. ||1||Pause|| pRB ky syvk bhuqu Aiq nIky min srDw kir hir Dwry ] (982-6)parabh kay sayvak bahut at neekay man sarDhaa kar har Dhaaray. God's servants are sublime and exalted; they enshrine faith for Him in their minds. myry pRiB srDw Bgiq min BwvY jn kI pYj svwry ]1] (982-6)mayray parabh sarDhaa bhagat man bhaavai jan kee paij savaaray. ||1|| Faith and devotion are pleasing to my God's Mind; He saves the honor of His humble servants. ||1|| hir hir syvku syvw lwgY sBu dyKY bRhm pswry ] (982-7)har har sayvak sayvaa laagai sabh daykhai barahm pasaaray. The servant of the Lord, Har, Har, is committed to His service; He sees God pervading the entire expanse of the universe. eyku purKu ieku ndrI AwvY sB eykw ndir inhwry ]2] (982-7)ayk purakh ik nadree aavai sabh aykaa nadar nihaaray. ||2|| He sees the One and only Primal Lord God, who blesses all with His Glance of Grace. ||2|| hir pRBu Twkuru rivAw sB TweI sBu cyrI jgqu smwry ] (982-8)har parabh thaakur ravi-aa sabh thaa-ee sabh chayree jagat samaaray. God, our Lord and Master, is permeating and pervading all places; He takes care of the whole world as His slave. Awip dieAwlu dieAw dwnu dyvY ivic pwQr kIry kwry ]3] (982-8)aap da-i-aal da-i-aa daan dayvai vich paathar keeray kaaray. ||3|| The Merciful Lord Himself mercifully gives His gifts, even to worms in stones. ||3|| AMqir vwsu bhuqu muskweI BRim BUlw imrgu isM|Hwry ] (982-9)antar vaas bahut muskaa-ee bharam bhoolaa mirag sinyhaaray. Within the deer is the heavy fragrance of musk, but he is confused and deluded, and he shakes his horns looking for it. bnu bnu FUiF FUiF iPir QwkI guir pUrY Gir insqwry ]4] (982-10)ban ban dhoodh dhoodh fir thaakee gur poorai ghar nistaaray. ||4|| Wandering, rambling and roaming through the forests and woods, I exhausted myself, and then in my own home, the Perfect Guru saved me. ||4|| bwxI gurU gurU hY bwxI ivic bwxI AMimRqu swry ] (982-10)banee guroo guroo hai banee vich banee amrit saaray. The Word, the Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within the Bani, the Ambrosial Nectar is contained. guru bwxI khY syvku jnu mwnY prqiK gurU insqwry ]5] (982-11)gur banee kahai sayvak jan maanai partakh guroo nistaaray. ||5|| If His humble servant believes, and acts according to the Words of the Guru's Bani, then the Guru, in person, emancipates him. ||5|| sBu hY bRhmu bRhmu hY psirAw min bIijAw Kwvwry ] (982-12)sabh hai barahm barahm hai pasri-aa man beeji-aa khaavaaray. All is God, and God is the whole expanse; man eats what he has planted. ijau jn cMdRhWsu duiKAw iDRstbuDI Apunw Gru lUkI jwry ]6] (982-12)ji-o jan chandar-haaNs dukhi-aa DharistbuDhee apunaa ghar lookee jaaray. ||6|| When Dhrishtabudhi tormented the humble devotee Chandrahaans, he only set his own house on fire. ||6|| pRB kau jnu AMqir ird locY pRB jn ky sws inhwry ] (982-13)parabh ka-o jan antar rid lochai parabh jan kay saas nihaaray. God's humble servant longs for Him within his heart; God watches over each breath of His humble servant. ik®pw ik®pw kir Bgiq idRVwey jn pICY jgu insqwry ]7] (982-13)kirpaa kirpaa kar bhagat drirh-aa-ay jan peechhai jag nistaaray. ||7|| Mercifully, mercifully, He implants devotion within his humble servant; for his sake, God saves the whole world. ||7|| Awpn Awip Awip pRBu Twkuru pRBu Awpy isRsit svwry ] (982-14)aapan aap aap parabh thaakur parabh aapay sarisat savaaray. God, our Lord and Master, is Himself by Himself; God Himself embellishes the universe. jn nwnk Awpy Awip sBu vrqY kir ik®pw Awip insqwry ]8]4] (982-15)jan naanak aapay aap sabh vartai kar kirpaa aap nistaaray. ||8||4|| O servant Nanak, He Himself is all-pervading; in His Mercy, He Himself emancipates all. ||8||4|| nt mhlw 4 ] (982-15)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: rwm kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry ] (982-16)raam kar kirpaa layho ubaaray. Grant Your Grace, Lord, and save me, ijau pkir dRopqI dustW AwnI hir hir lwj invwry ]1] rhwau ] (982-16)ji-o pakar daropatee dustaaN aanee har har laaj nivaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. as You saved Dropadi from shame when she was seized and brought before the court by the evil villians. ||1||Pause|| kir ikrpw jwick jn qyry ieku mwgau dwnu ipAwry ] (982-17)kar kirpaa jaachik jan tayray ik maaga-o daan pi-aaray. Bless me with Your Grace - I am just a humble beggar of Yours; I beg for a single blessing, O my Beloved. siqgur kI inq srDw lwgI mo kau hir guru myil svwry ]1] (982-17)satgur kee nit sarDhaa laagee mo ka-o har gur mayl savaaray. ||1|| I long constantly for the True Guru. Lead me to meet the Guru, O Lord, that I may be exalted and embellished. ||1|| swkq krm pwxI ijau mQIAY inq pwxI Jol Julwry ] (982-18)saakat karam paanee ji-o mathee-ai nit paanee jhol jhulaaray. The actions of the faithless cynic are like the churning of water; he churns, constantly churning only water. imil sqsMgiq prm pdu pwieAw kiF mwKn ky gtkwry ]2] (982-18)mil satsangat param pad paa-i-aa kadh maakhan kay gatkaaray. ||2|| Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the supreme status is obtained; the butter is produced, and eaten with delight. ||2|| inq inq kwieAw mjnu kIAw inq mil mil dyh svwry ] (982-19)nit nit kaa-i-aa majan kee-aa nit mal mal dayh savaaray. He may constantly and continually wash his body; he may constantly rub, clean and polish his body. |
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