Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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981 nwnk dwsin dwsu khqu hY hm dwsn ky pinhwry ]8]1] (981-1)naanak daasan daas kahat hai ham daasan kay panihaaray. ||8||1|| Nanak, the slave of Your slaves, says, I am the water-carrier of Your slaves. ||8||1|| nt mhlw 4 ] (981-1)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: rwm hm pwQr inrgunIAwry ] (981-2)raam ham paathar nirgunee-aaray. O Lord, I am an unworthy stone. ik®pw ik®pw kir gurU imlwey hm pwhn sbid gur qwry ]1] rhwau ] (981-2)kirpaa kirpaa kar guroo milaa-ay ham paahan sabad gur taaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Merciful Lord, in His Mercy, has led me to meet the Guru; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, this stone is carried across. ||1||Pause|| siqgur nwmu idRVwey Aiq mITw mYlwgru mlgwry ] (981-3)satgur naam drirh-aa-ay at meethaa mailaagar malgaaray. The True Guru has implanted within me the exceedingly sweet Naam, the Name of the Lord; it is like the most fragrant sandalwood. nwmY suriq vjI hY dh idis hir muskI musk gMDwry ]1] (981-3)naamai surat vajee hai dah dis har muskee musak ganDhaaray. ||1|| Through the Name, my awareness extends in the ten directions; the fragrance of the fragrant Lord permeates the air. ||1|| qyrI inrgux kQw kQw hY mITI guir nIky bcn smwry ] (981-4)tayree nirgun kathaa kathaa hai meethee gur neekay bachan samaaray. Your unlimited sermon is the most sweet sermon; I contemplate the most Sublime Word of the Guru. gwvq gwvq hir gun gwey gun gwvq guir insqwry ]2] (981-4)gaavat gaavat har gun gaa-ay gun gaavat gur nistaaray. ||2|| Singing, singing, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; singing His Glorious Praises, the Guru saves me. ||2|| ibbyku gurU gurU smdrsI iqsu imlIAY sMk auqwry ] (981-5)bibayk guroo guroo samadrasee tis milee-ai sank utaaray. The Guru is wise and clear; the Guru looks upon all alike. Meeting with Him, doubt and skepticism are removed. siqgur imilAY prm pdu pwieAw hau siqgur kY bilhwry ]3] (981-6)satgur mili-ai param pad paa-i-aa ha-o satgur kai balihaaray. ||3|| Meeting with the True Guru, I have obtained the supreme status. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||3|| pwKMf pwKMf kir kir Brmy loBu pwKMfu jig buirAwry ] (981-6)pakhand pakhand kar kar bharmay lobh pakhand jag buri-aaray. Practicing hypocrisy and deception, people wander around in confusion. Greed and hypocrisy are evils in this world. hliq pliq duKdweI hovih jmkwlu KVw isir mwry ]4] (981-7)halat palat dukh-daa-ee hoveh jamkaal kharhaa sir maaray. ||4|| In this world and the next, they are miserable; the Messenger of Death hovers over their heads, and strikes them down. ||4|| augvY idnsu Awlu jwlu sm@wlY ibKu mwieAw ky ibsQwry ] (981-7)ugvai dinas aal jaal samHaalai bikh maa-i-aa kay bisthaaray. At the break of day, they take care of their affairs, and the poisonous entanglements of Maya. AweI rYin BieAw supnµqru ibKu supnY BI duK swry ]5] (981-8)aa-ee rain bha-i-aa supnantar bikh supnai bhee dukh saaray. ||5|| When night falls, they enter the land of dreams, and even in dreams, they take care of their corruptions and pains. ||5|| klru Kyqu lY kUVu jmwieAw sB kUVY ky Klvwry ] (981-9)kalar khayt lai koorh jamaa-i-aa sabh koorhai kay khalvaaray. Taking a barren field, they plant falsehood; they shall harvest only falsehood. swkq nr siB BUK BuKwny dir TwFy jm jMdwry ]6] (981-9)saakat nar sabh bhookh bhukhaanay dar thaadhay jam jandaaray. ||6|| The materialistic people shall all remain hungry; the brutal Messenger of Death stands waiting at their door. ||6|| mnmuK krju ciVAw ibKu BwrI auqrY sbdu vIcwry ] (981-10)manmukh karaj charhi-aa bikh bhaaree utrai sabad veechaaray. The self-willed manmukh has accumulated a tremendous load of debt in sin; only by contemplating the Word of the Shabad, can this debt be paid off. ijqny krj krj ky mMgIey kir syvk pig lig vwry ]7] (981-10)jitnay karaj karaj kay mangee-ay kar sayvak pag lag vaaray. ||7|| As much debt and as many creditors as there are, the Lord makes them into servants, who fall at his feet. ||7|| jgMnwQ siB jMqR aupwey nik KInI sB nQhwry ] (981-11)jagannaath sabh jantar upaa-ay nak kheenee sabh nathhaaray. All the beings which the Lord of the Universe created - He puts the rings through their noses, and leads them all along. nwnk pRBu iKMcY iqv clIAY ijau BwvY rwm ipAwry ]8]2] (981-12)naanak parabh khinchai tiv chalee-ai ji-o bhaavai raam pi-aaray. ||8||2|| O Nanak, as God drives us on, so do we follow; it is all the Will of the Beloved Lord. ||8||2|| nt mhlw 4 ] (981-12)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: rwm hir AMimRq sir nwvwry ] (981-12)raam har amrit sar naavaaray. The Lord has bathed me in the pool of Ambrosial Nectar. siqguir igAwnu mjnu hY nIko imil klml pwp auqwry ]1] rhwau ] (981-13)satgur gi-aan majan hai neeko mil kalmal paap utaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. The spiritual wisdom of the True Guru is the most excellent cleansing bath; bathing in it, all the filthy sins are washed away. ||1||Pause|| sMgiq kw gunu bhuqu AiDkweI piV sUAw gnk auDwry ] (981-13)sangat kaa gun bahut aDhikaa-ee parh soo-aa ganak uDhaaray. The virtues of the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, are so very great. Even the prostitute was saved, by teaching the parrot to speak the Lord's Name. prs nprs Bey kuibjw kau lY bYkuMiT isDwry ]1] (981-14)paras napras bha-ay kubijaa ka-o lai baikunth siDhaaray. ||1|| Krishna was pleased, and so he touched the hunch-back Kubija, and she was transported to the heavens. ||1|| Ajwml pRIiq puqR pRiq kInI kir nwrwiex bolwry ] (981-15)ajaamal pareet putar parat keenee kar naaraa-in bolaaray. Ajaamal loved his son Naaraayan, and called out his name. myry Twkur kY min Bwie BwvnI jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ]2] (981-15)mayray thaakur kai man bhaa-ay bhaavnee jamkankar maar bidaaray. ||2|| His loving devotion pleased my Lord and Master, who struck down and drove off the Messengers of Death. ||2|| mwnuKu kQY kiQ lok sunwvY jo bolY so n bIcwry ] (981-16)maanukh kathai kath lok sunaavai jo bolai so na beechaaray. The mortal speaks and by speaking, makes the people listen; but he does not reflect upon what he himself says. sqsMgiq imlY q idVqw AwvY hir rwm nwim insqwry ]3] (981-16)satsangat milai ta dirh-taa aavai har raam naam nistaaray. ||3|| But when he joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, he is confirmed in his faith, and he is saved by the Name of the Lord. ||3|| jb lgu jIau ipMfu hY swbqu qb lig ikCu n smwry ] (981-17)jab lag jee-o pind hai saabat tab lag kichh na samaaray. As long as his soul and body are healthy and strong, he does not remember the Lord at all. jb Gr mMdir Awig lgwnI kiF kUpu kFY pinhwry ]4] (981-18)jab ghar mandar aag lagaanee kadh koop kadhai panihaaray. ||4|| But when his home and mansion catch fire, then, he wants to dig the well to draw water. ||4|| swkq isau mn mylu n krIAhu ijin hir hir nwmu ibswry ] (981-18)saakat si-o man mayl na karee-ahu jin har har naam bisaaray. O mind, do not join with the faithless cynic, who has forgotten the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. swkq bcn ibCUAw ijau fsIAY qij swkq prY prwry ]5] (981-19)saakat bachan bichhoo-aa ji-o dasee-ai taj saakat parai paraaray. ||5|| The word of the faithless cynic stings like a scorpion; leave the faithless cynic far, far behind. ||5|| |
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