Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nt mhlw 5 ] (980-1)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

hau vwir vwir jwau gur gopwl ]1] rhwau ] (980-1)
ha-o vaar vaar jaa-o gur gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Guru, the Lord of the World. ||1||Pause||

moih inrgun qum pUrn dwqy dInw nwQ dieAwl ]1] (980-1)
mohi nirgun tum pooran daatay deenaa naath da-i-aal. ||1||
I am unworthy; You are the Perfect Giver. You are the Merciful Master of the meek. ||1||

aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq jIA pRwn Dn mwl ]2] (980-2)
oothat baithat sovat jaagat jee-a paraan Dhan maal. ||2||
While standing up and sitting down, while sleeping and awake, You are my soul, my breath of life, my wealth and property. ||2||

drsn ipAws bhuqu min myrY nwnk drs inhwl ]3]8]9] (980-2)
darsan pi-aas bahut man mayrai naanak daras nihaal. ||3||8||9||
Within my mind there is such a great thirst for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. Nanak is enraptured with Your Glance of Grace. ||3||8||9||

nt pVqwl mhlw 5 (980-4)
nat parh-taal mehlaa 5
Nat Partaal, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (980-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

koaU hY myro swjnu mIqu ] (980-5, nt pVqwl)
ko-oo hai mayro saajan meet.
Is there any friend or companion of mine,

hir nwmu sunwvY nIq ] (980-5, nt pVqwl)
har naam sunaavai neet.
who will constantly share the Lord's Name with me?

ibnsY duKu ibprIiq ] (980-5, nt pVqwl)
binsai dukh bipreet.
Will he rid me of my pains and evil tendencies?

sBu Arpau mnu qnu cIqu ]1] rhwau ] (980-5, nt pVqwl)
sabh arpa-o man tan cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I would surrender my mind, body, consciousness and everything. ||1||Pause||

koeI ivrlw Awpn kIq ] (980-6, nt pVqwl)
ko-ee virlaa aapan keet.
How rare is that one whom the Lord makes His own,

sMig crn kml mnu sIq ] (980-6, nt pVqwl)
sang charan kamal man seet.
and whose mind is sewn into the Lord's Lotus Feet.

kir ikrpw hir jsu dIq ]1] (980-6, nt pVqwl)
kar kirpaa har jas deet. ||1||
Granting His Grace, the Lord blesses him with His Praise. ||1||

hir Bij jnmu pdwrQu jIq ] (980-7, nt pVqwl)
har bhaj janam padaarath jeet.
Vibrating, meditating on the Lord, he is victorious in this precious human life,

koit piqq hoih punIq ] (980-7, nt pVqwl)
kot patit hohi puneet.
and millions of sinners are sanctified.

nwnk dws bil bil kIq ]2]1]10]19] (980-7, nt pVqwl)
naanak daas bal bal keet. ||2||1||10||19||
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him. ||2||1||10||19||

nt AstpdIAw mhlw 4 (980-9)
nat asatpadee-aa mehlaa 4
Nat Ashtapadees, Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (980-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwm myry min qin nwmu ADwry ] (980-10)
raam mayray man tan naam aDhaaray.
O Lord, Your Name is the support of my mind and body.

iKnu plu rih n skau ibnu syvw mY gurmiq nwmu sm@wry ]1] rhwau ] (980-10)
khin pal reh na saka-o bin sayvaa mai gurmat naam samHaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot survive for a moment, even for an instant, without serving You. Following the Guru's Teachings, I dwell upon the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

hir hir hir hir hir min iDAwvhu mY hir hir nwmu ipAwry ] (980-11)
har har har har har man Dhi-aavahu mai har har naam pi-aaray.
Within my mind, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is so dear to me.

dIn dieAwl Bey pRB Twkur gur kY sbid svwry ]1] (980-11)
deen da-i-aal bha-ay parabh thaakur gur kai sabad savaaray. ||1||
When God, my Lord and Master, became merciful to me the meek one, I was exalted by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

mDsUdn jgjIvn mwDo myry Twkur Agm Apwry ] (980-12)
maDhsoodan jagjeevan maaDho mayray thaakur agam apaaray.
Almighty Lord, Slayer of demons, Life of the World, my Lord and Master, inaccessible and infinite:

iek ibnau bynqI krau gur AwgY mY swDU crn pKwry ]2] (980-12)
ik bin-o bayntee kara-o gur aagai mai saaDhoo charan pakhaaray. ||2||
I offer this one prayer to the Guru, to bless me, that I may wash the feet of the Holy. ||2||

shs nyqR nyqR hY pRB kau pRB eyko purKu inrwry ] (980-13)
sahas naytar naytar hai parabh ka-o parabh ayko purakh niraaray.
The thousands of eyes are the eyes of God; the One God, the Primal Being, remains unattached.

shs mUriq eyko pRBu Twkuru pRBu eyko gurmiq qwry ]3] (980-14)
sahas moorat ayko parabh thaakur parabh ayko gurmat taaray. ||3||
The One God, our Lord and Master, has thousands of forms; God alone, through the Guru's Teachings, saves us. ||3||

gurmiq nwmu dmodru pwieAw hir hir nwmu auir Dwry ] (980-14)
gurmat naam damodar paa-i-aa har har naam ur Dhaaray.
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have been blessed with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. I have enshrined within my heart the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir hir kQw bnI Aiq mITI ijau gUMgw gtk sm@wry ]4] (980-15)
har har kathaa banee at meethee ji-o goongaa gatak samHaaray. ||4||
The sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, is so very sweet; like the mute, I taste its sweetness, but I cannot describe it at all. ||4||

rsnw swd cKY Bwie dUjY Aiq PIky loB ibkwry ] (980-15)
rasnaa saad chakhai bhaa-ay doojai at feekay lobh bikaaray.
The tongue savors the bland, insipid taste of the love of duality, greed and corruption.

jo gurmuiK swd cKih rwm nwmw sB An rs swd ibswry ]5] (980-16)
jo gurmukh saad chakheh raam naamaa sabh an ras saad bisaaray. ||5||
The Gurmukh tastes the flavor of the Lord's Name, and all other tastes and flavors are forgotten. ||5||

gurmiq rwm nwmu Dnu pwieAw suix khiqAw pwp invwry ] (980-17)
gurmat raam naam Dhan paa-i-aa sun kehti-aa paap nivaaray.
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have obtained the wealth of the Lord's Name; hearing it, and chanting it, sins are eradicated.

Drm rwie jmu nyiV n AwvY myry Twkur ky jn ipAwry ]6] (980-17)
Dharam raa-ay jam nayrh na aavai mayray thaakur kay jan pi-aaray. ||6||
The Messenger of Death and the Righteous Judge of Dharma do not even approach the beloved servant of my Lord and Master. ||6||

sws sws sws hY jyqy mY gurmiq nwmu sm@wry ] (980-18)
saas saas saas hai jaytay mai gurmat naam samHaaray.
With as many breaths as I have, I chant the Naam, under Guru's Instructions.

swsu swsu jwie nwmY ibnu so ibrQw swsu ibkwry ]7] (980-19)
saas saas jaa-ay naamai bin so birthaa saas bikaaray. ||7||
Each and every breath which escapes me without the Naam - that breath is useless and corrupt. ||7||

ik®pw ik®pw kir dIn pRB srnI mo kau hir jn myil ipAwry ] (980-19)
kirpaa kirpaa kar deen parabh sarnee mo ka-o har jan mayl pi-aaray.
Please grant Your Grace; I am meek; I seek Your Sanctuary, God. Unite me with Your beloved, humble servants.