Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Kuly BRm BIiq imly gopwlw hIrY byDy hIr ] (979-1)
khulay bharam bheet milay gopaalaa heerai bayDhay heer.
The doors of doubt are thrown open, and I have met the Lord of the World; God's diamond has pierced the diamond of my mind.

ibsm Bey nwnk jsu gwvq Twkur gunI ghIr ]2]2]3] (979-1)
bisam bha-ay naanak jas gaavat thaakur gunee gaheer. ||2||2||3||
Nanak blossoms forth in ecstasy, singing the Lord's Praises; my Lord and Master is the ocean of virtue. ||2||2||3||

nt mhlw 5 ] (979-2)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

Apnw jnu Awpih Awip auDwirE ] (979-2)
apnaa jan aapeh aap uDhaari-o.
He Himself saves His humble servant.

AwT phr jn kY sMig bisE mn qy nwih ibswirE ]1] rhwau ] (979-2)
aath pahar jan kai sang basi-o man tay naahi bisaari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, He dwells with His humble servant; He never forgets him from His Mind. ||1||Pause||

brnu ichnu nwhI ikCu pyiKE dws kw kulu n ibcwirE ] (979-3)
baran chihan naahee kichh paykhi-o daas kaa kul na bichaari-o.
The Lord does not look at his color or form; He does not consider the ancestry of His slave.

kir ikrpw nwmu hir dIE shij suBwie svwirE ]1] (979-4)
kar kirpaa naam har dee-o sahj subhaa-ay savaari-o. ||1||
Granting His Grace, the Lord blesses him with His Name, and embellishes him with intuitive ease. ||1||

mhw ibKmu Agin kw swgru iqs qy pwir auqwirE ] (979-4)
mahaa bikham agan kaa saagar tis tay paar utaari-o.
The ocean of fire is treacherous and difficult, but he is carried across.

pyiK pyiK nwnk ibgswno punh punh bilhwirE ]2]3]4] (979-5)
paykh paykh naanak bigsaano punah punah balihaari-o. ||2||3||4||
Seeing, seeing Him, Nanak blossoms forth, over and over again, a sacrifice to Him. ||2||3||4||

nt mhlw 5 ] (979-6)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

hir hir mn mih nwmu kihE ] (979-6)
har har man meh naam kahi-o.
One who chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within his mind

koit ApRwD imtih iKn BIqir qw kw duKu n rihE ]1] rhwau ] (979-6)
kot apraaDh miteh khin bheetar taa kaa dukh na rahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- millions of sins are erased in an instant, and pain is relieved. ||1||Pause||

Kojq Kojq BieE bYrwgI swDU sMig lihE ] (979-7)
khojat khojat bha-i-o bairaagee saaDhoo sang lahi-o.
Seeking and searching, I have become detached; I have found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

sgl iqAwig eyk ilv lwgI hir hir crn gihE ]1] (979-7)
sagal ti-aag ayk liv laagee har har charan gahi-o. ||1||
Renouncing everything, I am lovingly focused on the One Lord. I grab hold of the feet of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

khq mukq sunqy insqwry jo jo srin pieE ] (979-8)
kahat mukat suntay nistaaray jo jo saran pa-i-o.
Whoever chants His Name is liberated; whoever listens to it is saved, as is anyone who seeks His Sanctuary.

ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apunw khu nwnk Andu BieE ]2]4]5] (979-8)
simar simar su-aamee parabh apunaa kaho naanak anad bha-i-o. ||2||4||5||
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on God the Lord and Master, says Nanak, I am in ecstasy! ||2||4||5||

nt mhlw 5 ] (979-9)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

crn kml sMig lwgI forI ] (979-9)
charan kamal sang laagee doree.
I am in love with Your Lotus Feet.

suK swgr kir prm giq morI ]1] rhwau ] (979-10)
sukh saagar kar param gat moree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, ocean of peace, please bless me with the supreme status. ||1||Pause||

AMclw ghwieE jn Apuny kau mnu bIDo pRym kI KorI ] (979-10)
anchlaa gahaa-i-o jan apunay ka-o man beeDho paraym kee khoree.
He has inspired His humble servant to grasp the hem of His robe; his mind is pierced through with the intoxication of divine love.

jsu gwvq Bgiq rsu aupijE mwieAw kI jwlI qorI ]1] (979-11)
jas gaavat bhagat ras upji-o maa-i-aa kee jaalee toree. ||1||
Singing His Praises, love wells up within the devotee, and the trap of Maya is broken. ||1||

pUrn pUir rhy ikrpw iniD Awn n pyKau horI ] (979-11)
pooran poor rahay kirpaa niDh aan na paykha-o horee.
The Lord, the ocean of mercy, is all-pervading, permeating everywhere; I do not see any other at all.

nwnk myil lIE dwsu Apunw pRIiq n kbhU QorI ]2]5]6] (979-12)
naanak mayl lee-o daas apunaa pareet na kabhoo thoree. ||2||5||6||
He has united slave Nanak with Himself; His Love never diminishes. ||2||5||6||

nt mhlw 5 ] (979-12)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

myry mn jpu jip hir nwrwiex ] (979-13)
mayray man jap jap har naaraa-in.
O my mind, chant, and meditate on the Lord.

kbhU n ibsrhu mn myry qy AwT phr gun gwiex ]1] rhwau ] (979-13)
kabhoo na bisrahu man mayray tay aath pahar gun gaa-in. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I shall never forget Him from my mind; twenty-four hours a day, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||

swDU DUir krau inq mjnu sB iklibK pwp gvwiex ] (979-14)
saaDhoo Dhoor kara-o nit majan sabh kilbikh paap gavaa-in.
I take my daily cleansing bath in the dust of the feet of the Holy, and I am rid of all my sins.

pUrn pUir rhy ikrpw iniD Git Git idsit smwiexu ]1] (979-14)
pooran poor rahay kirpaa niDh ghat ghat disat samaa-in. ||1||
The Lord, the ocean of mercy, is all-pervading, permeating everywhere; He is seen to be contained in each and every heart. ||1||

jwp qwp koit lK pUjw hir ismrx quil n lwiex ] (979-15)
jaap taap kot lakh poojaa har simran tul na laa-in.
Hundreds of thousands and millions of meditations, austerities and worships are not equal to remembering the Lord in meditation.

duie kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY qyry dwsin dws dswiexu ]2]6]7] (979-15)
du-ay kar jorh naanak daan maaNgai tayray daasan daas dasaa-in. ||2||6||7||
With his palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing, that he may become the slave of the slaves of Your slaves. ||2||6||7||

nt mhlw 5 ] (979-16)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

myrY srbsu nwmu inDwnu ] (979-16)
mayrai sarbas naam niDhaan.
The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is everything for me.

kir ikrpw swDU sMig imilE siqguir dIno dwnu ]1] rhwau ] (979-17)
kar kirpaa saaDhoo sang mili-o satgur deeno daan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Granting His Grace, He has led me to join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; the True Guru has granted this gift. ||1||Pause||

suKdwqw duK BMjnhwrw gwau kIrqnu pUrn igAwnu ] (979-17)
sukh-daata dukh bhanjanhaaraa gaa-o keertan pooran gi-aan.
Sing the Kirtan, the Praises of the Lord, the Giver of peace, the Destroyer of pain; He shall bless you with perfect spiritual wisdom.

kwmu k®oDu loBu KMf KMf kIn@y ibnisE mUV AiBmwnu ]1] (979-18)
kaam kroDh lobh khand khand keenHay binsi-o moorh abhimaan. ||1||
Sexual desire, anger and greed shall be shattered and destroyed, and your foolish ego will be dispelled. ||1||

ikAw gux qyry AwiK vKwxw pRB AMqrjwmI jwnu ] (979-18)
ki-aa gun tayray aakh vakhaanaa parabh antarjaamee jaan.
What Glorious Virtues of Yours should I chant? O God, You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

crn kml srin suK swgr nwnku sd kurbwnu ]2]7]8] (979-19)
charan kamal saran sukh saagar naanak sad kurbaan. ||2||7||8||
I seek the Sanctuary of Your Lotus Feet, O Lord, ocean of peace; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||2||7||8||