Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hir ho ho ho myil inhwl ]1] rhwau ] (978-1)
har ho ho ho mayl nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting with the Lord, you be enraptured. ||1||Pause||

hir kw mwrgu gur sMiq bqwieE guir cwl idKweI hir cwl ] (978-1)
har kaa maarag gur sant bataa-i-o gur chaal dikhaa-ee har chaal.
The Guru, the Saint, has shown me the Lord's Path. The Guru has shown me the way to walk on the Lord's Path.

AMqir kptu cukwvhu myry gurisKhu inhkpt kmwvhu hir kI hir Gwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1] (978-2)
antar kapat chukaavahu mayray gursikhahu nihakpat kamaavahu har kee har ghaal nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1||
Cast out deception from within yourself, O my Gursikhs, and without deception, serve the Lord. You shall be enraptured, enraptured, enraptured. ||1||

qy gur ky isK myry hir pRiB Bwey ijnw hir pRBu jwinE myrw nwil ] (978-3)
tay gur kay sikh mayray har parabh bhaa-ay jinaa har parabh jaani-o mayraa naal.
Those Sikhs of the Guru, who realize that my Lord God is with them, are pleasing to my Lord God.

jn nwnk kau miq hir pRiB dInI hir dyiK inkit hdUir inhwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]2]3]9] (978-4)
jan naanak ka-o mat har parabh deenee har daykh nikat hadoor nihaal nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||2||3||9||
The Lord God has blessed servant Nanak with understanding; seeing his Lord hear at hand, his is enraptured, enraptured, enraptured, enraptured. ||2||3||9||

rwgu nt nwrwien mhlw 5 (978-6)
raag nat naaraa-in mehlaa 5
Raag Nat Naaraayan, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (978-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwm hau ikAw jwnw ikAw BwvY ] (978-7)
raam ha-o ki-aa jaanaa ki-aa bhaavai.
O Lord, how can I know what pleases You?

min ipAws bhuqu drswvY ]1] rhwau ] (978-7)
man pi-aas bahut darsaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within my mind is such a great thirst for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

soeI igAwnI soeI jnu qyrw ijsu aUpir ruc AwvY ] (978-7)
so-ee gi-aanee so-ee jan tayraa jis oopar ruch aavai.
He alone is a spiritual teacher, and he alone is Your humble servant, to whom You have given Your approval.

ik®pw krhu ijsu purK ibDwqy so sdw sdw quDu iDAwvY ]1] (978-8)
kirpaa karahu jis purakh biDhaatay so sadaa sadaa tuDh Dhi-aavai. ||1||
He alone meditates on You forever and ever, O Primal Lord, O Architect of Destiny, unto whom You grant Your Grace. ||1||

kvn jog kvn igAwn iDAwnw kvn gunI rIJwvY ] (978-9)
kavan jog kavan gi-aan Dhi-aanaa kavan gunee reejhaavai.
What sort of Yoga, what spiritual wisdom and meditation, and what virtues please You?

soeI jnu soeI inj Bgqw ijsu aUpir rMgu lwvY ]2] (978-9)
so-ee jan so-ee nij bhagtaa jis oopar rang laavai. ||2||
He alone is a humble servant, and he alone is God's own devotee, with whom You are in love. ||2||

sweI miq sweI buiD isAwnp ijqu inmK n pRBu ibsrwvY ] (978-10)
saa-ee mat saa-ee buDh si-aanap jit nimakh na parabh bisraavai.
That alone is intelligence, that alone is wisdom and cleverness, which inspires one to never forget God, even for an instant.

sMqsMig lig eyhu suKu pwieE hir gun sd hI gwvY ]3] (978-10)
satsang lag ayhu sukh paa-i-o har gun sad hee gaavai. ||3||
Joining the Society of the Saints, I have found this peace, singing forever the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||

dyiKE Acrju mhw mMgl rUp ikCu Awn nhI idstwvY ] (978-11)
daykhi-o achraj mahaa mangal roop kichh aan nahee distaavai.
I have seen the Wondrous Lord, the embodiment of supreme bliss, and now, I see nothing else at all.

khu nwnk morcw guir lwihE qh grB join kh AwvY ]4]1] (978-12)
kaho naanak morchaa gur laahi-o tah garabh jon kah aavai. ||4||1||
Says Nanak, the Guru has rubbed sway the rust; now how could I ever enter the womb of reincarnation again? ||4||1||

nt nwrwien mhlw 5 dupdy (978-13)
nat naaraa-in mehlaa 5 dupday
Raag Nat Naaraayan, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (978-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

aulwhno mY kwhU n dIE ] (978-14)
ulaahano mai kaahoo na dee-o.
I don't blame anyone else.

mn mIT quhwro kIE ]1] rhwau ] (978-14)
man meeth tuhaaro kee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever You do is sweet to my mind. ||1||Pause||

AwigAw mwin jwin suKu pwieAw suin suin nwmu quhwro jIE ] (978-14)
aagi-aa maan jaan sukh paa-i-aa sun sun naam tuhaaro jee-o.
Understanding and obeying Your Order, I have found peace; hearing, listening to Your Name, I live.

eIhW aUhw hir qum hI qum hI iehu gur qy mMqRü idRVIE ]1] (978-15)
eehaaN oohaa har tum hee tum hee ih gur tay mantar darirh-ee-o. ||1||
Here and hereafter, O Lord, You, only You. The Guru has implanted this Mantra within me. ||1||

jb qy jwin pweI eyh bwqw qb kusl Kym sB QIE ] (978-15)
jab tay jaan paa-ee ayh baataa tab kusal khaym sabh thee-o.
Since I came to realize this, I have been blessed with total peace and pleasure.

swDsMig nwnk prgwisE Awn nwhI ry bIE ]2]1]2] (978-16)
saaDhsang naanak pargaasi-o aan naahee ray bee-o. ||2||1||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this has been revealed to Nanak, and now, there is no other for him at all. ||2||1||2||

nt mhlw 5 ] (978-17)
nat mehlaa 5.
Nat, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau BeI qumwrI DIr ] (978-17)
jaa ka-o bha-ee tumaaree Dheer.
Whoever has You for support,

jm kI qRws imtI suKu pwieAw inksI haumY pIr ]1] rhwau ] (978-17)
jam kee taraas mitee sukh paa-i-aa niksee ha-umai peer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
has the fear of death removed; peace is found, and the disease of egotism is taken away. ||1||Pause||

qpiq buJwnI AMimRq bwnI iqRpqy ijau bwirk KIr ] (978-18)
tapat bujhaanee amrit baanee tariptai ji-o baarik kheer.
The fire within is quenched, and one is satisfied through the Ambrosial Word of the Guru's Bani, as the baby is satisfied by milk.

mwq ipqw swjn sMq myry sMq shweI bIr ]1] (978-18)
maat pitaa saajan sant mayray sant sahaa-ee beer. ||1||
The Saints are my mother, father and friends. The Saints are my help and support, and my brothers. ||1||