Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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977 hir qum vf Agm Agocr suAwmI siB iDAwvih hir ruVxy ] (977-1)har tum vad agam agochar su-aamee sabh Dhi-aavahi har rurh-nay. O my Lord and Master, You are great, inaccessible and unfathomable; all meditate on You, O Beautiful Lord. ijn kau qum@ry vf ktwK hY qy gurmuiK hir ismrxy ]1] (977-2)jin ka-o tumHray vad kataakh hai tay gurmukh har simarnay. ||1|| Those whom You view with Your Great Eye of Grace, meditate on You, Lord, and become Gurmukh. ||1|| iehu prpMcu kIAw pRB suAwmI sBu jgjIvnu jugxy ] (977-3)ih parpanch kee-aa parabh su-aamee sabh jagjeevan jugnay. The expanse of this creation is Your work, O God, my Lord and Master, Life of the entire universe, united with all. ijau sllY sll auTih bhu lhrI imil sllY sll smxy ]2] (977-3)ji-o sallai salal utheh baho lahree mil sallai salal samnay. ||2|| Countless waves rise up from the water, and then they merge into the water again. ||2|| jo pRB kIAw su qum hI jwnhu hm nh jwxI hir ghxy ] (977-4)jo parabh kee-aa so tum hee jaanhu ham nah jaanee har gahnay. You alone, God, know whatever You do. O Lord, I do not know. hm bwirk kau ird ausqiq Dwrhu hm krh pRBU ismrxy ]3] (977-4)ham baarik ka-o rid ustat Dhaarahu ham karah parabhoo simarnay. ||3|| I am Your child; please enshrine Your Praises within my heart, God, so that I may remember You in meditation. ||3|| qum jl iniD hir mwn srovr jo syvY sB Plxy ] (977-5)tum jal niDh har maan sarovar jo sayvai sabh falnay. You are the treasure of water, O Lord, the Maansarovar Lake. Whoever serves You receives all fruitful rewards. jnu nwnku hir hir hir hir bWCY hir dyvhu kir ik®pxy ]4]6] (977-6)jan naanak har har har har baaNchhai har dayvhu kar kirapnay. ||4||6|| Servant Nanak longs for the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har; bless him, Lord, with Your Mercy. ||4||6|| nt nwrwien mhlw 4 pVqwl (977-7)nat naaraa-in mehlaa 4 parh-taal Nat Naaraayan, Fourth Mehl, Partaal: <> siqgur pRswid ] (977-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: myry mn syv sPl hir Gwl ] (977-8)mayray man sayv safal har ghaal. O my mind, serve the Lord, and receive the fruits of your rewards. ly gur pg ryn rvwl ] (977-8)lay gur pag rayn ravaal. Receive the dust of the Guru's feet. siB dild BMij duK dwl ] (977-8)sabh dalid bhanj dukh daal. All poverty will be eliminated, and your pains will disappear. hir ho ho ho ndir inhwl ]1] rhwau ] (977-8)har ho ho ho nadar nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord shall bless you with His Glance of Grace, and you shall be enraptured. ||1||Pause|| hir kw igRhu hir Awip svwirE hir rMg rMg mhl byAMq lwl lwl hir lwl ] (977-9)har kaa garihu har aap savaari-o har rang rang mahal bay-ant laal laal har laal. The Lord Himself embellishes His household. The Lord's Mansion of Love is studded with countless jewels, the jewels of the Beloved Lord. hir AwpnI ik®pw krI Awip igRih AwieE hm hir kI gur kIeI hY bsITI hm hir dyKy BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1] (977-10)har aapnee kirpaa karee aap garihi aa-i-o ham har kee gur kee-ee hai baseethee ham har daykhay bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1|| The Lord Himself has granted His Grace, and He has come into my home.The Guru is my advocate before the Lord. Gazing upon the Lord, I have become blissful, blissful, blissful. ||1|| hir Awvqy kI Kbir guir pweI min qin Awndo Awnµd Bey hir Awvqy suny myry lwl hir lwl ] (977-11)har aavtay kee khabar gur paa-ee man tan aando aanand bha-ay har aavtay sunay mayray laal har laal. From the Guru, I received news of the Lord's arrival. My mind and body became ecstatic and blissful, hearing of the arrival of the Lord, my Beloved Love, my Lord. jnu nwnku hir hir imly Bey glqwn hwl inhwl inhwl ]2]1]7] (977-12)jan naanak har har milay bha-ay galtaan haal nihaal nihaal. ||2||1||7|| Servant Nanak has met with the Lord, Har, Har; he is intoxicated, enraptured, enraptured. ||2||1||7|| nt mhlw 4 ] (977-13)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: mn imlu sMqsMgiq suBvMqI ] (977-13)man mil santsangat subhvantee. O mind, join the Society of the Saints, and become noble and exalted. suin AkQ kQw suKvMqI ] (977-13)sun akath kathaa sukhvantee. Listen to the Unspoken Speech of the peace-giving Lord. sB iklivK pwp lhMqI ] (977-14)sabh kilvikh paap lahantee. All sins will be washed away. hir ho ho ho ilKqu ilKMqI ]1] rhwau ] (977-14)har ho ho ho likhat likhantee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meet with the Lord, according to your pre-ordained destiny. ||1||Pause|| hir kIriq kljug ivic aUqm miq gurmiq kQw BjMqI ] (977-14)har keerat kaljug vich ootam mat gurmat kathaa bhajantee. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is lofty and exalted. Following the Guru's Teachings, the intellect dwells on the sermon of the Lord. ijin jin suxI mnI hY ijin jin iqsu jn kY hau kurbwnµqI ]1] (977-15)jin jan sunee manee hai jin jan tis jan kai ha-o kurbaanantee. ||1|| I am a sacrifice to that person who listens and believes. ||1|| hir AkQ kQw kw ijin rsu cwiKAw iqsu jn sB BUK lhMqI ] (977-16)har akath kathaa kaa jin ras chaakhi-aa tis jan sabh bhookh lahantee. One who tastes the sublime essence of the Unspoken Speech of the Lord - all his hunger is satisfied. nwnk jn hir kQw suix iqRpqy jip hir hir hir hovMqI ]2]2]8] (977-17)naanak jan har kathaa sun tariptai jap har har har hovantee. ||2||2||8|| Servant Nanak listens to the sermon of the Lord, and is satisfied; chanting the Lord's Name, Har, Har, Har, he has become like the Lord. ||2||2||8|| nt mhlw 4 ] (977-17)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: koeI Awin sunwvY hir kI hir gwl ] (977-18)ko-ee aan sunaavai har kee har gaal. If only someone would come and tell me the Lord's sermon. iqs kau hau bil bil bwl ] (977-18)tis ka-o ha-o bal bal baal. I would be a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to him. so hir jnu hY Bl Bwl ] (977-18)so har jan hai bhal bhaal. That humble servant of the Lord is the best of the best. |
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