Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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976 gur prswdI hir nwmu iDAwieE hm siqgur crn pKy ]1] rhwau ] (976-1)gur parsaadee har naam Dhi-aa-i-o ham satgur charan pakhay. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Guru's Grace, I meditate on the Name of the Lord; I wash the Feet of the True Guru. ||1||Pause|| aUqm jgMnwQ jgdIsur hm pwpI srin rKy ] (976-2)ootam jagannaath jagdeesur ham paapee saran rakhay. The Exalted Lord of the World, the Master of the Universe, keeps a sinner like me in His Sanctuary qum vf purK dIn duK BMjn hir dIE nwmu muKy ]1] (976-2)tum vad purakh deen dukh bhanjan har dee-o naam mukhay. ||1|| You are the Greatest Being, Lord, Destroyer of the pains of the meek; You have placed Your Name in my mouth, Lord. ||1|| hir gun aUc nIc hm gwey gur siqgur sMig sKy ] (976-3)har gun ooch neech ham gaa-ay gur satgur sang sakhay. I am lowly, but I sing the Lofty Praises of the Lord, meeting with the Guru, the True Guru, my Friend. ijau cMdn sMig bsY inMmu ibrKw gun cMdn ky bsKy ]2] (976-3)ji-o chandan sang basai nimm birkhaa gun chandan kay baskhay. ||2|| Like the bitter nimm tree, growing near the sandalwood tree, I am permeated with the fragrance of sandalwood. ||2|| hmry Avgn ibiKAw ibKY ky bhu bwr bwr inmKy ] (976-4)hamray avgan bikhi-aa bikhai kay baho baar baar nimkhay. My faults and sins of corruption are countless; over and over again, I commit them. AvginAwry pwQr Bwry hir qwry sMig jnKy ]3] (976-5)avgani-aaray paathar bhaaray har taaray sang jankhay. ||3|| I am unworthy, I am a heavy stone sinking down; but the Lord has carried me across, in association with His humble servants. ||3|| ijn kau qum hir rwKhu suAwmI sB iqn ky pwp ik®Ky ] (976-5)jin ka-o tum har raakho su-aamee sabh tin kay paap karikhay. Those whom You save, Lord - all their sins are destroyed. jn nwnk ky dieAwl pRB suAwmI qum dust qwry hrxKy ]4]3] (976-6)jan naanak kay da-i-aal parabh su-aamee tum dusat taaray harnakhay. ||4||3|| O Merciful God, Lord and Master of servant Nanak, You have carried across even evil villains like Harnaakhash. ||4||3|| nt mhlw 4 ] (976-7)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: myry mn jip hir hir rwm rMgy ] (976-7)mayray man jap har har raam rangay. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, with love. hir hir ik®pw krI jgdIsuir hir iDAwieE jn pig lgy ]1] rhwau ] (976-7)har har kirpaa karee jagdeesur har Dhi-aa-i-o jan pag lagay. ||1|| rahaa-o. When the Lord of the Universe, Har, Har, granted His Grace, then I fell at the feet of the humble, and I meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| jnm jnm ky BUl cUk hm Ab Awey pRB srngy ] (976-8)janam janam kay bhool chook ham ab aa-ay parabh sarangay. Mistaken and confused for so many past lives, I have now come and entered the Sanctuary of God. qum srxwgiq pRiqpwlk suAwmI hm rwKhu vf pwpgy ]1] (976-8)tum sarnaagat partipaalak su-aamee ham raakho vad paapgay. ||1|| O my Lord and Master, You are the Cherisher of those who come to Your Sanctuary. I am such a great sinner - please save me! ||1|| qumrI sMgiq hir ko ko n auDirE pRB kIey piqq pvgy ] (976-9)tumree sangat har ko ko na uDhaari-o parabh kee-ay patit pavgay. Associating with You, Lord, who would not be saved? Only God sanctifies the sinners. gun gwvq CIpw dustwirE pRiB rwKI pYj jngy ]2] (976-10)gun gaavat chheepaa dustaari-o parabh raakhee paij jangay. ||2|| Naam Dayv, the calico printer, was driven out by the evil villains, as he sang Your Glorious Praises; O God, You protected the honor of Your humble servant. ||2|| jo qumry gun gwvih suAwmI hau bil bil bil iqngy ] (976-10)jo tumray gun gaavahi su-aamee ha-o bal bal bal tingay. Those who sing Your Glorious Praises, O my Lord and Master - I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. Bvn Bvn pivqR siB kIey jh DUir prI jn pgy ]3] (976-11)bhavan bhavan pavitar sabh kee-ay jah Dhoor paree jan pagay. ||3|| Those houses and homes are sanctified, upon which the dust of the feet of the humble settles. ||3|| qumry gun pRB kih n skih hm qum vf vf purK vfgy ] (976-12)tumray gun parabh kahi na sakahi ham tum vad vad purakh vadgay. I cannot describe Your Glorious Virtues, God; You are the greatest of the great, O Great Primal Lord God. jn nwnk kau dieAw pRB Dwrhu hm syvh qum jn pgy ]4]4] (976-12)jan naanak ka-o da-i-aa parabh Dhaarahu ham sayvah tum jan pagay. ||4||4|| Please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, God; I serve at the feet of Yor humble servants. ||4||4|| nt mhlw 4 ] (976-13)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: myry mn jip hir hir nwmu mny ] (976-13)mayray man jap har har naam manay. O my mind, believe in and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. jgMnwiQ ikrpw pRiB DwrI miq gurmiq nwm bny ]1] rhwau ] (976-13)jagannaath kirpaa parabh Dhaaree mat gurmat naam banay. ||1|| rahaa-o. God, the Master of the Universe, has showered His Mercy upon me, and through the Guru's Teachings, my intellect has been molded by the Naam. ||1||Pause|| hir jn hir jsu hir hir gwieE aupdyis gurU gur suny ] (976-14)har jan har jas har har gaa-i-o updays guroo gur sunay. The Lord's humble servant sings the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, listening to the Guru's Teachings. iklibK pwp nwm hir kwty ijv Kyq ik®swin luny ]1] (976-15)kilbikh paap naam har kaatay jiv khayt kirsaan lunay. ||1|| The Lord's Name cuts down all sins, like the farmer cutting down his crops. ||1|| qumrI aupmw qum hI pRB jwnhu hm kih n skih hir guny ] (976-15)tumree upmaa tum hee parabh jaanhu ham kahi na sakahi har gunay. You alone know Your Praises, God; I cannot even describe Your Glorious Virtues, Lord. jYsy qum qYsy pRB qum hI gun jwnhu pRB Apuny ]2] (976-16)jaisay tum taisay parabh tum hee gun jaanhu parabh apunay. ||2|| You are what You are, God; You alone know Your Glorious Virtues, God. ||2|| mwieAw Pws bMD bhu bMDy hir jipE Kul Kulny ] (976-17)maa-i-aa faas banDh baho banDhay har japi-o khul khulnay. The mortals are bound by the many bonds of Maya's noose. Meditating on the Lord, the knot is untied, ijau jl kuMcru qdUAY bWiDE hir cyiqE moK muKny ]3] (976-17)ji-o jal kunchar tadoo-ai baaNDhi-o har chayti-o mokh mukhnay. ||3|| like the elephant, which was caught in the water by the crococile; it remembered the Lord, and chanted the Lord's Name, and was released. ||3|| suAwmI pwrbRhm prmysru qum Kojhu jug jugny ] (976-18)su-aamee paarbarahm parmaysar tum khojahu jug jugnay. O my Lord and Master, Supreme Lord God, Transcendent Lord, throughout the ages, mortals search for You. qumrI Qwh pweI nhI pwvY jn nwnk ky pRB vfny ]4]5] (976-18)tumree thaah paa-ee nahee paavai jan naanak kay parabh vadnay. ||4||5|| Your extent cannot be estimated or known, O Great God of servant Nanak. ||4||5|| nt mhlw 4 ] (976-19)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: myry mn kil kIriq hir pRvxy ] (976-19)mayray man kal keerat har parvanay. O my mind, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is worthy and commendable. hir hir dieAwil dieAw pRB DwrI lig siqgur hir jpxy ]1] rhwau ] (976-19)har har da-i-aal da-i-aa parabh Dhaaree lag satgur har japnay. ||1|| rahaa-o. When the Merciful Lord God shows kindness and compassion, then one falls at the feet of the True Guru, and meditates on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| |
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