Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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971 goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ] (971-1)gobind ham aisay apraaDhee. O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner! ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ] (971-1)jin parabh jee-o pind thaa dee-aa tis kee bhaa-o bhagat nahee saaDhee. ||1|| rahaa-o. God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause|| pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ] (971-2)par Dhan par tan par tee nindaa par apbaad na chhootai. Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not given them up. Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2] (971-3)aavaa gavan hot hai fun fun ih parsang na tootai. ||2|| For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and this story never ends. ||2|| ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ] (971-3)jih ghar kathaa hot har santan ik nimakh na keenHo mai fayraa. That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant. lµpt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3] (971-4)lampat chor doot matvaaray tin sang sadaa basayraa. ||3|| Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3|| kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ] (971-4)kaam kroDh maa-i-aa mad matsar ay sampai mo maahee. Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself. dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supnµqir nwhI ]4] (971-5)da-i-aa Dharam ar gur kee sayvaa ay supnantar naahee. ||4|| Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams. ||4|| dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ] (971-5)deen da-i-aal kirpaal damodar bhagat bachhal bhai haaree. He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear. khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8] (971-6)kahat kabeer bheer jan raakho har sayvaa kara-o tumHaaree. ||5||8|| Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8|| ijh ismrin hoie mukiq duAwru ] (971-7)jih simran ho-ay mukat du-aar. Remembering Him in meditation, the door of liberation is found. jwih bYkuMiT nhI sMswir ] (971-7)jaahi baikunth nahee sansaar. You shall go to heaven, and not return to this earth. inrBau kY Gir bjwvih qUr ] (971-7)nirbha-o kai ghar bajaaveh toor. In the home of the Fearless Lord, the celestial trumpets resound. Anhd bjih sdw BrpUr ]1] (971-8)anhad bajeh sadaa bharpoor. ||1|| The unstruck sound current will vibrate and resonate forever. ||1|| AYsw ismrnu kir mn mwih ] (971-8)aisaa simran kar man maahi. Practice such meditative remembrance in your mind. ibnu ismrn mukiq kq nwih ]1] rhwau ] (971-8)bin simran mukat kat naahi. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without this meditative remembrance, liberation will never be found. ||1||Pause|| ijh ismrin nwhI nnkwru ] (971-9)jih simran naahee nankaar. Remembering Him in meditation, you will meet with no obstruction. mukiq krY auqrY bhu Bwru ] (971-9)mukat karai utrai baho bhaar. You will be liberated, and the great load will be taken away. nmskwru kir ihrdY mwih ] (971-9)namaskaar kar hirdai maahi. Bow in humility within your heart, iPir iPir qyrw Awvnu nwih ]2] (971-10)fir fir tayraa aavan naahi. ||2|| and you will not have to be reincarnated over and over again. ||2|| ijh ismrin krih qU kyl ] (971-10)jih simran karahi too kayl. Remember Him in meditation, celebrate and be happy. dIpku bWiD DirE ibnu qyl ] (971-10)deepak baaNDh Dhari-o bin tayl. God has placed His lamp deep within you, which burns without any oil. so dIpku Amrku sMswir ] (971-11)so deepak amrak sansaar. That lamp makes the world immortal; kwm k®oD ibKu kwFIly mwir ]3] (971-11)kaam kroDh bikh kaadheelay maar. ||3|| it conquers and drives out the poisons of sexual desire and anger. ||3|| ijh ismrin qyrI giq hoie ] (971-11)jih simran tayree gat ho-ay. Remembering Him in meditation, you shall obtain salvation. so ismrnu rKu kMiT proie ] (971-12)so simran rakh kanth paro-ay. Wear that meditative remembrance as your necklace. so ismrnu kir nhI rwKu auqwir ] (971-12)so simran kar nahee raakh utaar. Practice that meditative remembrance, and never let it go. gur prswdI auqrih pwir ]4] (971-12)gur parsaadee utreh paar. ||4|| By Guru's Grace, you shall cross over. ||4|| ijh ismrin nwhI quih kwin ] (971-13)jih simran naahee tuhi kaan. Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be obligated to others. mMdir sovih ptMbr qwin ] (971-13)mandar soveh patambar taan. You shall sleep in your mansion, in blankets of silk. syj suKwlI ibgsY jIau ] (971-13)sayj sukhaalee bigsai jee-o. Your soul shall blossom forth in happiness, on this comfortable bed. so ismrnu qU Anidnu pIau ]5] (971-13)so simran too an-din pee-o. ||5|| So drink in this meditative remembrance, night and day. ||5|| ijh ismrin qyrI jwie blwie ] (971-14)jih simran tayree jaa-ay balaa-ay. Remembering Him in meditation, your troubles will depart. ijh ismrin quJu pohY n mwie ] (971-14)jih simran tujh pohai na maa-ay. Remembering Him in meditation, Maya will not bother you. ismir ismir hir hir min gweIAY ] (971-14)simar simar har har man gaa-ee-ai. Meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, and sing His Praises in your mind. iehu ismrnu siqgur qy pweIAY ]6] (971-15)ih simran satgur tay paa-ee-ai. ||6|| This meditative remembrance is obtained from the True Guru. ||6|| sdw sdw ismir idnu rwiq ] (971-15)sadaa sadaa simar din raat. Forever and ever, remember Him, day and night, aUTq bYTq swis igrwis ] (971-16)oothat baithat saas giraas. while standing up and sitting down, with every breath and morsel of food. jwgu soie ismrn rs Bog ] (971-16)jaag so-ay simran ras bhog. While awake and asleep, enjoy the essence of this meditative remembrance. hir ismrnu pweIAY sMjog ]7] (971-16)har simran paa-ee-ai sanjog. ||7|| The Lord's meditative remembrance is obtained by good destiny. ||7|| ijh ismrin nwhI quJu Bwr ] (971-17)jih simran naahee tujh bhaar. Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be loaded down. so ismrnu rwm nwm ADwru ] (971-17)so simran raam naam aDhaar. Make this meditative remembrance of the Lord's Name your Support. kih kbIr jw kw nhI AMqu ] (971-17)kahi kabeer jaa kaa nahee ant. Says Kabeer, He has no limits; iqs ky Awgy qMqu n mMqu ]8]9] (971-17)tis kay aagay tant na mant. ||8||9|| no tantras or mantras can be used against Him. ||8||9|| rwmklI Gru 2 bwxI kbIr jI kI (971-19)raamkalee ghar 2 banee kabeer jee kee Raamkalee, Second House, The Word Of Kabeer Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (971-19)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: bMDic bMDnu pwieAw ] (971-19)banDhach banDhan paa-i-aa. Maya, the Trapper, has sprung her trap. mukqY guir Anlu buJwieAw ] (971-19)muktai gur anal bujhaa-i-aa. The Guru, the Liberated One, has put out the fire. |
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