Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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970 pUrb jnm hm qum@ry syvk Ab qau imitAw n jweI ] (970-1)poorab janam ham tumHray sayvak ab ta-o miti-aa na jaa-ee. In my past life, I was Your servant; now, I cannot leave You. qyry duAwrY Duin shj kI mwQY myry dgweI ]2] (970-1)tayray du-aarai Dhun sahj kee maathai mayray dagaa-ee. ||2|| The celestial sound current resounds at Your Door. Your insignia is stamped upon my forehead. ||2|| dwgy hoih su rn mih jUJih ibnu dwgy Big jweI ] (970-2)daagay hohi so ran meh joojheh bin daagay bhag jaa-ee. Those who are branded with Your brand fight bravely in battle; those without Your brand run away. swDU hoie su Bgiq pCwnY hir ley KjwnY pweI ]3] (970-2)saaDhoo ho-ay so bhagat pachhaanai har la-ay khajaanai paa-ee. ||3|| One who becomes a Holy person, appreciates the value of devotional worship to the Lord. The Lord places him in His treasury. ||3|| koTry mih koTrI prm koTI bIcwir ] (970-3)kothray meh kothree param kothee beechaar. In the fortress is the chamber; by contemplative meditation it becomes the supreme chamber. guir dInI bsqu kbIr kau lyvhu bsqu sm@wir ]4] (970-3)gur deenee basat kabeer ka-o layvhu basat samHaar. ||4|| The Guru has blessed Kabeer with the commodity, saying, "Take this commodity; cherish it and keep it secure."||4|| kbIir dIeI sMswr kau lInI ijsu msqik Bwgu ] (970-4)kabeer dee-ee sansaar ka-o leenee jis mastak bhaag. Kabeer gives it to the world, but he alone receives it, upon whose forehead such destiny is recorded. AMimRq rsu ijin pwieAw iQru qw kw sohwgu ]5]4] (970-5)amrit ras jin paa-i-aa thir taa kaa sohaag. ||5||4|| Permanent is the marriage, of one who receives this ambrosial essence. ||5||4|| ijh muK bydu gwieqRI inksY so ikau bRhmnu ibsru krY ] (970-5)jih mukh bayd gaa-itaree niksai so ki-o barahman bisar karai. O Brahmin, how can you forget the One, from whose mouth the Vedas and the Gayitri prayer issured forth? jw kY pwie jgqu sBu lwgY so ikau pMifqu hir n khY ]1] (970-6)jaa kai paa-ay jagat sabh laagai so ki-o pandit har na kahai. ||1|| The whole world falls at His feet; why don't you chant the Name of that Lord, O Pandit? ||1|| kwhy myry bwm@n hir n khih ] (970-6)kaahay mayray baamHan har na kaheh. Why, O my Brahmin, do you not chant the Lord's Name? rwmu n bolih pwfy dojku Brih ]1] rhwau ] (970-7)raam na boleh paaday dojak bhareh. ||1|| rahaa-o. If you don't chant the Lord's Name, O Pandit, you will only suffer in hell. ||1||Pause|| Awpn aUc nIc Gir Bojnu hTy krm kir audru Brih ] (970-7)aapan ooch neech ghar bhojan hathay karam kar udar bhareh. You think that you are high, but you take food from the houses of the lowly; you fill up your belly by forcibly practicing your rituals. cauds Amwvs ric ric mWgih kr dIpku lY kUip prih ]2] (970-8)cha-udas amaavas rach rach maaNgeh kar deepak lai koop pareh. ||2|| On the fourteenth day, and the night of the new moon, you go out begging; even though you hold the lamp in your hands, still, you fall into the pit. ||2|| qUM bRhmnu mY kwsIk julhw muih qoih brwbrI kYsy kY bnih ] (970-8)tooN barahman mai kaaseek julhaa muhi tohi baraabaree kaisay kai baneh. You are a Brahmin, and I am only a weaver from Benares. How can I compare to you? hmry rwm nwm kih aubry byd Brosy pWfy fUib mrih ]3]5] (970-9)hamray raam naam kahi ubray bayd bharosay paaNday doob mareh. ||3||5|| Chanting the Lord's Name, I have been saved; relying on the Vedas, O Brahmin, you shall drown and die. ||3||5|| qrvru eyku Anµq fwr swKw puhp pqR rs BrIAw ] (970-10)tarvar ayk anant daar saakhaa puhap patar ras bharee-aa. There is a single tree, with countless branches and twigs; its flowers and leaves are filled with its juice. ieh AMimRq kI bwVI hY ry iqin hir pUrY krIAw ]1] (970-10)ih amrit kee baarhee hai ray tin har poorai karee-aa. ||1|| This world is a garden of Ambrosial Nectar. The Perfect Lord created it. ||1|| jwnI jwnI ry rwjw rwm kI khwnI ] (970-11)jaanee jaanee ray raajaa raam kee kahaanee. I have come to know the story of my Sovereign Lord. AMqir joiq rwm prgwsw gurmuiK ibrlY jwnI ]1] rhwau ] (970-11)antar jot raam pargaasaa gurmukh birlai jaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. How rare is that Gurmukh who knows, and whose inner being is illumined by the Lord's Light. ||1||Pause|| Bvru eyku puhp rs bIDw bwrh ly aur DirAw ] (970-12)bhavar ayk puhap ras beeDhaa baarah lay ur Dhari-aa. The bumble bee, addicted to the nectar of the twelve-petalled flowers, enshrines it in the heart. sorh mDy pvnu JkoirAw Awkwsy Pru PirAw ]2] (970-12)sorah maDhay pavan jhakori-aa aakaasay far fari-aa. ||2|| He holds his breath suspended in the sixteen-petalled sky of the Akaashic Ethers, and beats his wings in esctasy. ||2|| shj suMin ieku ibrvw aupijAw DrqI jlhru soiKAw ] (970-13)sahj sunn ik birvaa upji-aa Dhartee jalhar sokhi-aa. In the profound void of intuitive Samaadhi, the one tree rises up; it soaks up the water of desire from the ground. kih kbIr hau qw kw syvku ijin iehu ibrvw dyiKAw ]3]6] (970-14)kahi kabeer ha-o taa kaa sayvak jin ih birvaa daykhi-aa. ||3||6|| Says Kabeer, I am the servant of those who have seen this celestial tree. ||3||6|| muMdRw moin dieAw kir JolI pqR kw krhu bIcwru ry ] (970-14)mundraa mon da-i-aa kar jholee patar kaa karahu beechaar ray. Make silence your ear-rings, and compassion your wallet; let meditation be your begging bowl. iKMQw iehu qnu sIAau Apnw nwmu krau AwDwru ry ]1] (970-15)khinthaa ih tan see-a-o apnaa naam kara-o aaDhaar ray. ||1|| Sew this body as your patched coat, and take the Lord's Name as your support. ||1|| AYsw jogu kmwvhu jogI ] (970-15)aisaa jog kamaavahu jogee. Practice such Yoga, O Yogi. jp qp sMjmu gurmuiK BogI ]1] rhwau ] (970-16)jap tap sanjam gurmukh bhogee. ||1|| rahaa-o. As Gurmukh, enjoy meditation, austerities and self-discipline. ||1||Pause|| buiD ibBUiq cFwvau ApunI isMgI suriq imlweI ] (970-16)buDh bibhoot chadhaava-o apunee singee surat milaa-ee. Apply the ashes of wisdom to your body; let your horn be your focused consciousness. kir bYrwgu iPrau qin ngrI mn kI ikMgurI bjweI ]2] (970-17)kar bairaag fira-o tan nagree man kee kinguree bajaa-ee. ||2|| Become detached, and wander through the city of your body; play the harp of your mind. ||2|| pMc qqu lY ihrdY rwKhu rhY inrwlm qwVI ] (970-17)panch tat lai hirdai raakho rahai niraalam taarhee. Enshrine the five tatvas - the five elements, within your heart; let your deep meditative trance be undisturbed. khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Drmu dieAw kir bwVI ]3]7] (970-18)kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu Dharam da-i-aa kar baarhee. ||3||7|| Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: make righteousness and compassion your garden. ||3||7|| kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ] (970-19)kavan kaaj sirjay jag bheetar janam kavan fal paa-i-aa. For what purpose were you created and brought into the world? What rewards have you received in this life? Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1] (970-19)bhav niDh taran taaran chintaaman ik nimakh na ih man laa-i-aa. ||1|| God is the boat to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean; He is the Fulfiller of the mind's desires. You have not centered your mind on Him, even for an instant. ||1|| |
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