Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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969 iqRsnw kwmu k®oDu md mqsr kwit kwit ksu dInu ry ]1] (969-1)tarisnaa kaam kroDh mad matsar kaat kaat kas deen ray. ||1|| Cut up desire, sexuality, anger, pride and envy, and let them be the fermenting bark. ||1|| koeI hY ry sMqu shj suK AMqir jw kau jpu qpu dyau dlwlI ry ] (969-1)ko-ee hai ray sant sahj sukh antar jaa ka-o jap tap day-o dalaalee ray. Is there any Saint, with intuitive peace and poise deep within, unto whom I might offer my meditation and austerities as payment? eyk bUMd Bir qnu mnu dyvau jo mdu dyie klwlI ry ]1] rhwau ] (969-2)ayk boond bhar tan man dayva-o jo mad day-ay kalaalee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o. I dedicate my body and mind to whoever gives me even a drop of this wine from such a vat. ||1||Pause|| Bvn cqur ds BwTI kIn@I bRhm Agin qin jwrI ry ] (969-3)bhavan chatur das bhaathee keenHee barahm agan tan jaaree ray. I have made the fourteen worlds the furnace, and I have burnt my body with the fire of God. mudRw mdk shj Duin lwgI suKmn pocnhwrI ry ]2] (969-3)mudraa madak sahj Dhun laagee sukhman pochanhaaree ray. ||2|| My mudra - my hand-gesture, is the pipe; tuning into the celestial sound current within, the Shushmanaa - the central spinal channel, is my cooling pad. ||2|| qIrQ brq nym suic sMjm riv sis ghnY dyau ry ] (969-4)tirath barat naym such sanjam rav sas gahnai day-o ray. Pilgrimages, fasting, vows, purifications, self-discipline, austerities and breath control through the sun and moon channels - all these I pledge. suriq ipAwl suDw rsu AMimRqu eyhu mhw rsu pyau ry ]3] (969-5)surat pi-aal suDhaa ras amrit ayhu mahaa ras pay-o ray. ||3|| My focused consciousness is the cup, and the Ambrosial Nectar is the pure juice. I drink in the supreme, sublime essence of this juice. ||3|| inJr Dwr cuAY Aiq inrml ieh rs mnUAw rwqo ry ] (969-5)nijhar Dhaar chu-ai at nirmal ih ras manoo-aa raato ray. The pure stream constantly trickles forth, and my mind is intoxicated by this sublime essence. kih kbIr sgly md CUCy iehY mhw rsu swco ry ]4]1] (969-6)kahi kabeer saglay mad chhoochhay ihai mahaa ras saacho ray. ||4||1|| Says Kabeer, all other wines are trivial and tasteless; this is the only true, sublime essence. ||4||1|| guVu kir igAwnu iDAwnu kir mhUAw Bau BwTI mn Dwrw ] (969-6)gurh kar gi-aan Dhi-aan kar mahoo-aa bha-o bhaathee man Dhaaraa. Make spiritual wisdom the molasses, meditation the flowers, and the Fear of God the fire enshrined in your mind. suKmn nwrI shj smwnI pIvY pIvnhwrw ]1] (969-7)sukhman naaree sahj samaanee peevai peevanhaaraa. ||1|| The Shushmanaa, the central spinal channel, is intuitively balanced, and the drinker drinks in this wine. ||1|| AauDU myrw mnu mqvwrw ] (969-7)a-oDhoo mayraa man matvaaraa. O hermit Yogi, my mind is intoxicated. aunmd cFw mdn rsu cwiKAw iqRBvn BieAw auijAwrw ]1] rhwau ] (969-8)unmad chadhaa madan ras chaakhi-aa taribhavan bha-i-aa uji-aaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. When that wine rises up, one tastes the sublime essence of this juice, and sees across the three worlds. ||1||Pause|| duie pur joir rsweI BwTI pIau mhw rsu BwrI ] (969-8)du-ay pur jor rasaa-ee bhaathee pee-o mahaa ras bhaaree. Joining the two channels of the breath, I have lit the furnace, and I drink in the supreme, sublime essence. kwmu k®oDu duie kIey jlyqw CUit geI sMswrI ]2] (969-9)kaam kroDh du-ay kee-ay jalaytaa chhoot ga-ee sansaaree. ||2|| I have burnt both sexual desire and anger, and I have been emancipated from the world. ||2|| pRgt pRgws igAwn gur gMimq siqgur qy suiD pweI ] (969-10)pargat pargaas gi-aan gur gammit satgur tay suDh paa-ee. The light of spiritual wisdom enlightens me; meeting with the Guru, the True Guru, I have obtained this understanding. dwsu kbIru qwsu md mwqw aucik n kbhU jweI ]3]2] (969-10)daas kabeer taas mad maataa uchak na kabhoo jaa-ee. ||3||2|| Slave Kabeer is intoxicated with that wine, which never wears off. ||3||2|| qUM myro myru prbqu suAwmI Et ghI mY qyrI ] (969-11)tooN mayro mayr parbat su-aamee ot gahee mai tayree. You are my Sumayr Mountain, O my Lord and Master; I have grasped Your Support. nw qum folhu nw hm igrqy riK lInI hir myrI ]1] (969-11)naa tum dolahu naa ham girtay rakh leenee har mayree. ||1|| You do not shake, and I do not fall. You have preserved my honor. ||1|| Ab qb jb kb quhI quhI ] (969-12)ab tab jab kab tuhee tuhee. Now and then, here and there, You, only You. hm quA prswid suKI sd hI ]1] rhwau ] (969-12)ham tu-a parsaad sukhee sad hee. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Your Grace, I am forever in peace. ||1||Pause|| qory Brosy mghr bisE myry qn kI qpiq buJweI ] (969-13)toray bharosay maghar basi-o mayray tan kee tapat bujhaa-ee. Relying upon You, I can live even in the cursed place of Magahar; You have put out the fire of my body. pihly drsnu mghr pwieE Puin kwsI bsy AweI ]2] (969-13)pahilay darsan maghar paa-i-o fun kaasee basay aa-ee. ||2|| First, I obtained the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan in Magahar; then, I came to dwell at Benares. ||2|| jYsw mghru qYsI kwsI hm eykY kir jwnI ] (969-14)jaisaa maghar taisee kaasee ham aykai kar jaanee. As is Magahar, so is Benares; I see them as one and the same. hm inrDn ijau iehu Dnu pwieAw mrqy PUit gumwnI ]3] (969-14)ham nirDhan ji-o ih Dhan paa-i-aa martay foot gumaanee. ||3|| I am poor, but I have obtained this wealth of the Lord; the proud are bursting with pride, and die. ||3|| krY gumwnu cuBih iqsu sUlw ko kwFn kau nwhI ] (969-15)karai gumaan chubheh tis soolaa ko kaadhan ka-o naahee. One who takes pride in himself is stuck with thorns; no one can pull them out. AjY su coB kau ibll iblwqy nrky Gor pcwhI ]4] (969-15)ajai so chobh ka-o bilal bilaatay narkay ghor pachaahee. ||4|| Here, he cries bitterly, and hereafter, he burns in the most hideous hell. ||4|| kvnu nrku ikAw surgu ibcwrw sMqn doaU rwdy ] (969-16)kavan narak ki-aa surag bichaaraa santan do-oo raaday. What is hell, and what is heaven? The Saints reject them both. hm kwhU kI kwix n kFqy Apny gur prswdy ]5] (969-16)ham kaahoo kee kaan na kadh-tay apnay gur parsaaday. ||5|| I have no obligation to either of them, by the Grace of my Guru. ||5|| Ab qau jwie cFy isMGwsin imly hY swirMgpwnI ] (969-17)ab ta-o jaa-ay chadhay singhaasan milay hai saringpaanee. Now, I have mounted to the throne of the Lord; I have met the Lord, the Sustainer of the World. rwm kbIrw eyk Bey hY koie n skY pCwnI ]6]3] (969-18)raam kabeeraa ayk bha-ay hai ko-ay na sakai pachhaanee. ||6||3|| The Lord and Kabeer have become one. No one can tell them apart. ||6||3|| sMqw mwnau dUqw fwnau ieh kutvwrI myrI ] (969-18)santaa maan-o dootaa daana-o ih kutvaaree mayree. I honor and obey the Saints, and punish the wicked; this is my duty as God's police officer. idvs rYin qyry pwau plosau kys cvr kir PyrI ]1] (969-19)divas rain tayray paa-o palosa-o kays chavar kar fayree. ||1|| Day and night, I wash Your feet, Lord; I wave my hair as the chauree, to brush away the flies. ||1|| hm kUkr qyry drbwir ] (969-19)ham kookar tayray darbaar. I am a dog at Your Court, Lord. Baukih AwgY bdnu pswir ]1] rhwau ] (969-19)bha-ukahi aagai badan pasaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. I open my snout and bark before it. ||1||Pause|| |
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